DR Satbir Singh, Sports Medicine Consultant
DR Satbir Singh, Sports Medicine Consultant
DR Satbir Singh, Sports Medicine Consultant
Core muscle act as- bridge between upper
and lower limbs
IAP mechanism can provide supportive effect for the whole lumbar
Researches show that IAP increase before and during weight lifting
activities , Zatsiorski (1994). Science and practice of strength training
(1994;human kinetics.champaign. And also during running
international Journal of Sports Medicine, 1(4), November 2000 thus
suggesting that this mechanism plays crucial role in lumbar stability
Has been shown to be active throughout a full ROM of
lumbar spine and during movements of upper limb and lower
limb (spine.21,2763-2769.)
Relevant anatomy:
large guy wires (outer unit) support the mast of the ship, but its functionality is
dependent upon the support provided by small guy wires (inner unit).
Internal oblique
*internal oblique muscles of the deep
STEP 1 = Isolation of TA
STEP 2 = Strengthen the co-activated core
STEP 3 = Incorporate into other activities
Step 1 – *lie on your back, maintain neutral spine
-lift right foot off the floor keeping knee bent,return and
repeat with other foot.
-lift right foot off the floor,then left foot off the
floor,alternate leg extension,exert with
exhalation,breathe in to rest/hold.
Step 3 –
*It should feel like slow, firm swelling(like balloon filling up)
beneath finger tips.
At the 30 month follow up, the improvement had been maintained As for
the Multifidus, it was found that in patients with back pain, the size of the
muscle was reduced at the segment and on the side of the pain.
The studies found that when the size of the lumbar Multifidus had been
increased through specific exercises, there was a significantly lower
incidence of recurrence of low back pain episodes.
Lying on your back with your knees bent
Ensure your back is in neutral
Place your hands on your hips for biofeedback
Breathe in and relax
Breathe out and, as you do so, perform the
abdominal hollowing
Once you have established some TA tension, slowly
slide your left leg out along the floor until it is straight
and then slide it back
Your back should not have moved, and your pelvis
should not have tilted as you performed this action
If your back or pelvis moved, you did not achieve the
correct stability
Repeat for the other side 10 times each leg
Stand up with good posture, knees soft, lumbar
spine in neutral, head up and shoulders back and
Breathe in and relax
Breathe out and as you do so perform the abdominal
hollowing action
Keeping the tension, slowly lean forward from the
hips 20° and stop, like a waiter's bow, keeping your
back completely straight and long as you lean
Hold the lean position for 10 seconds - you will feel
your TA and MF supporting you if you hold the
correct position
Keeping the tension and the alignment, slowly return
to your start position
Repeat 10 times
Stand with feet hip width apart in front of a mirror
Ensure your lumbar spine is in neutral and your back
is tall with your shoulders back and head up
Lunge forward and bend your knee only halfway
Ensure that your front knee is in line with your toes
and your back has remained upright with your
lumbar spine in neutral and your hips level
Push back up, initiating the movement by pushing
down into the floor with your front foot
The force from your legs should bring you back up
quickly and easily to your start position
Your back should have remained totally still and your
hips level as you performed the push back
Floor stabilization exercises :
A) Lumbo -pelvic functional range exploration
- crook lying with anterior, posterior pelvic tilting
- in supine lying
- in sitting
- in standing
- in quadruped position
- in kneel sitting
- in kneel standing
B) Dead -bug track
-crook lying, one arm raise overhead
-both arms raise
-foot march
-knee to chest
-alternate knee to chest and arm raise
-leg kicks
-dead bug
-add weights
C) Bridge track (gluteals and quadriceps)
-crook lying, raise pelvis then spine to
bridge, maintain post. tilting
-bridge up, alternate heel lifts
-march, shift weight prior to bridging
-bridge up with SLR
-bridge up and dips with SLR
D) prone track (glutealmaximus)
-single arm raise with pillow
-arm and opposite leg raise with pillow
-without pillow
E) quadruped track (gluteus max.,medius)
-all four with one arm raise
-one leg raise
-opposite arm and leg raise
-add weights/therapist resistance
-one arm raise, trunk rotation
-support one arm on board,trunk rotation
F) kneeling track (quads., gluteus max.)
-sitting on heels,raise torso by extending hip
-same position,arms raised
-with weights
-with flexing and extending arms
G) Abdominals
-crunch with passive prepositioning
-crunch with active prepositioning
-trunk curl with knees partially bent
H) Lunge(quadriceps)
-feet shoulder width apart
*check for substitution
-attach pulleys from behind
I) Squats
-perform partial squats
Styrofoam, medicine ball, tubing
stabilization exercises:
Gymnastic ball exercises:
1. seated-ant./post. Tilting
2.single leg raises
3.roll back, support at mid back
4.progress to leg lifts
5.same position, pelvic tilts
6.supine lying, lower legs on ball,brigde and
roll back
7.wall squats with ball
Pulleys and pulldowns:
Dead–bug position
Styrofoam stability exercises: progression by using small bag
Progression of bridge track:
Alternating leg extension
Dead Bug
(advanced abdominal)
Lunge position
Posterior Pelvic Tilt & Bridge-Up
Trunk twists
Gravity assisted pull-downs
Gravity resisted pull-ups
Clinical biomechanics of spine: White
and Panjabi
Rehabilitation of spine: Craig Liebenson
Pathomechanics :Carol A.Oatis
Grays anatomy(diagrams)
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