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4 BAA3513 Shear Strength (Part 1)

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Shear Strength of Soil

Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah
Faculty of Civil Engineering ad Earth Resources
Chapter description

• Aims
– This chapter provides further discussion and explanation related to
shear strength of soil.

• Expected Outcomes
– Understand the concept of Mohr Coulomb shear strength.

• References
– Das, B.M., “Principles of Geotechnical Engineering,
5th edition”, Thomson Learning (2002).
– Coduto, D.P., “Geotechnical Engineering Principles
and Practices”, Prentice Hall (1998).
– Liu, C. & Evett, J.B., “Soils and Foundations, 7th
edition”, Prentice Hall (2008).
– Whitlow, R., “Basic Soil Mechanics”, Prentice Hall
Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

• Introduction
• Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion
• Laboratory test to determine shear strength parameters ;
Direct shear test
• Conclusion

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah


• The shear strength of a soil mass is the internal

resistance per unit area that the soil mass can offer to
resist failure and sliding along any plane inside it.

• The capability of the following comes from the soil

shear strength :
 Support loading from structure
 Support its own overburden
 Sustain slope in equilibrium

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

Soil derives its shear strength from two sources:

 Cohesion between particles (stress independent

component) - c
 Cementation between particle grains.
 Electrostatic attraction between clay particles.
 Predominant in clayey soils.

 Frictional resistance between particles (stress

dependent component) - 
 Strength gained from internal frictional resistance
(interlocking action among soil particles).
 Predominant in granular soils.

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah


Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah


Shear strength is not a unique property of a soil but depends

on many factors.
Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah
• Failure happens if the shear stress along the failure
surface reaches the soil’s shear strength.
• Soil generally fail in shear.

failure surface mobilised shear


Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

• At failure, shear stress along the failure surface ()
reaches the shear strength (f).

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

Mohr Coulomb failure criterion

• Mohr presented in 1900 a

theory of rupture of
materials, that was the
result of a combination of
Charles Mohr both normal and shear
stresses. The shear stress at
failure is thus,

Charles Coulomb Coduto (1998)

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah


The limiting shear stress (soil strength) is given by :

 = c +  tan 
c = cohesion
 = angle of internal friction

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

Shear Stress, 
Gradient of the line

 = 

Interception of y-axis

Normal Stress,  = 

f is the maximum shear stress the soil can take without failure, under
normal stress of .

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

Y Soil elements at different locations 

X ~ failure

Y ~ stable

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

The soil element does not fail if
the Mohr circle is contained
within the envelope.


 c
c c+
Initially, Mohr circle is 
Y c a point
As loading progresses, Mohr
circle becomes larger…

.. and finally failure occurs when

Mohr circle touches the
envelope. c
Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah
Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah
Failure plane
oriented at 45 + /2
Y to horizontal
45 + /2
45 + /2
c 
Y c 90+

c c+

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah


• If the soil is at failure the effective stress failure criterion will

always be satisfied.

 c'  tan '

c’ and ’ are known as the effective (or drained) strength parameters.

• Soil behavior is controlled by effective stresses, and the

effective strength parameters are the fundamental strength
parameters. But they are not necessarily soil constants.

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah


• If the soil is taken to failure at constant volume (undrained) then

the failure criterion can be written in terms of total stress as

  c u   n tan  u
cu and u are known as the undrained strength parameters.

• These parameters are not soil constants, they depend strongly

on the moisture content of the soil.

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

Laboratory test to determine
shear strength parameters

Direct Shear Test

Triaxial Test

Vane Shear Test

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

Normal load
Top platen

Load cell to measure

Motor drive shear force

Porous plates


Measure relative horizontal displacement, dx and vertical displacement of top platen, dy

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

• Soil specimen (round or square) is placed in a relatively flat
box and subjected to a vertical load.
• The box consists 2 parts (upper and lower).
• If 1 part of the box held while another one being pushed, the
specimen will experience shear failure along the horizontal
• Vertical load and shear force that induced the failure of the
specimen is recorded.
• The failed sample is discarded and another sample is placed
in the box.
• Experiment is repeated several times.

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

Shear Load (F)

Normal load

Horizontal displacement (dx)

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

• In dense sand, the
resisting shear
stress increases
with shear
displacement until
it reaches a failure
stress f.
• f is called the
peak shear

• After failure, stress is attained, the resisting shear stress gradually

decreases as shear displacement increases until it finally reaches a
constant value called the ultimate shear strength.

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

1. Draw suitable axes (x and y) on a graph paper. The same scale
should be used for both axes.
2. Using the axes, plot normal stress vs shear stress.
3. Draw a best fit line connecting all the points plotted.
4. Based on the plot, the following parameters obtained :
Cohesion, c – interception at y-axis.
Angle of internal friction,  = gradient of the straight line.

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah
• Most easiest and quickest test. • The shear failure is forced
• Large samples may be tested in to occur along or across a
large shear boxes. Small predetermined plane which
samples may give misleading is not necessarily the weakest
results due to imperfections plane of the soil specimen
(fractures and fissures) or the tested
lack of them. • Non-uniform deformations
• Samples may be sheared and stresses in the specimen.
along predetermined planes. The stress-strain behavior
This is useful when the shear cannot be determined. The
strengths along fissures or estimated stresses may not be
other selected planes are those acting on the shear
required. plane.

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

• In practice shear box tests are used to get quick and crude
estimates of failure parameters.
• Since development of the much better triaxial test, the used of
the direct shear test has decreased.

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

A direct shear test conducted on a soil sample yielded the
following results:

Normal Stress,  (psi) Max. Shear Stress, S (psi)

10.0 6.5
25.0 11.0
40.0 17.5

Determine shear strength parameters of the soil.

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah


Max. Shear Stress (psi) 15


0 10 20 30 40 50
Normal Stress (psi)

c  2.5 psi
(20  2.5)
tan     0.365
   tan 1 (0.365)  20

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

• Conclusion #1
– Shear strength of soil is govern by two parameters which are the
cohesion and the angle of internal friction.

• Conclusion #2
– Cohesion value can be obtained at the interception of shear
stress axis while angle of internal friction is depends on the
gradient of the Mohr Coulomb failure envelope.

• Conclusion #3
– There are several tests that can be use to determine shear
strength parameters of soil (direct shear test, triaxial test,
unconfined compression test and vane shear test).

Shear Strength of Soil by Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah

Author Information
Dr. Amizatulhani Abdullah
Dr. Mohd Yuhyi Mohd Tadza
Dr. Youventharan Duraisamy
Dr. Muzamir Hasan
Ir. Azhani Zukri

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