Introduction To Climatology & It'S Effect On Shelter: Compiled by
Introduction To Climatology & It'S Effect On Shelter: Compiled by
Introduction To Climatology & It'S Effect On Shelter: Compiled by
Mathi D Vanan
Sahil Singh
What is Climatology?
What is Climatology?
Climatology is described as the scientific study of
climate and the behavior of the atmosphere.
It is compounded of two Greek words,
KLIMA+LOGOS; ‘klima’ – slope of the earth , and
‘logos’ – study.
It is the science that seeks to describe and
explained the nature of climate , How it differs
from place to place.
The term climatology is correctly
applied to study of following five
growing fields
Climatological record.
Theory of climate
Energy and moisture balances of the earth
Study of climate as the environment of living
Study of climate as the direct environment of
Weather and climate
Weather and climate are dynamic features of
our physical environment
They affect a wide range of human activities
to a greater or lesser degree
Weather refers to the state of atmosphere at
any given time denoting the short time
variations of atmosphere
Climate is the accumulation of daily and
seasonal weather events of a given location over
a period of 40-45 years
In summary therefore,weather deals with
specefic while climate deals with the
generalization of weather events
The concept of climate includes :-
I. Weather events
II. Consideration of variabilities,
III. Extreme conditions
IV. Probability of frequencies of occurences of given
weather conditons
Principles and Scope of
• The ultimate aim of climatology is to discuss
various climatic elements as well as factors that
control the distribution of climate over the earth
• As it deals with trend of weather it is closely
related to meteorology (study of atmosphere and
its phenomena)
• Climatology has a wide scope and it can be
subdivided either on the bases of topics
emphasised or n the scale of atmospheric
Sub-divisions of climatology
Ayode (2004) identified the six tropical
subdivision of climatology
1. Regional climatology
2. Synoptic climatology
3. Physical climatology
4. Dynamic climatology
5. Applied climatology
6. Historical climatology
Regional climatology
• It is a description of climates over selected areas
of the earth
• It is also labeled as “Descriptive climatology” for
it is concerned with the identification of
important climatic characterstics
• On the basis of size and extent of the climatic
regions the world is divided into 3 regions :-
1. Micro-climatic regions
2. Macro-climatic regions
3. Meso-climatic regions
Physical climatology
• It involves investigating the bhaviour of the
weather elements or process in the atmosphere
in terms of physical principles.
• It seeks to explain the factors responsible for
bringing about the temporary and spatial
variations in heat exchange,moisture exchange
and air movement
• Observation of climatic elements as
insolations,duration of sunshine, temperature,air
pressure,precipitation,winds and fog
Applied climatology
• It is the application of climatological
knowledge and principles to solving problems
facing mankind
• It is concerned with the application of the
climatological knowledge to specific practical
• The practical application of the discoveries
and the techniques to various types of human
Synoptic climatology:- it is the study of the
weather and climates over san area in relation to
the pattern of the pervading atmospheric
It is thus essentially a new approach to regional
Modern building envelopes are like balloons… very thin but their
performance is therefore even more critical!
Technique vs. Technology
Old stone
buildings relied
on their
massive nature
to withstand
the weather.
New buildings
are comprised
of thinner
layers, that are
individually less
able to
withstand the
High Performance Buildings
Basic understanding of the 4 climate design zones tells us that certain building types
obviously do not belong in certain places...
- Solar avoidance : keep DIRECT SOLAR GAIN out of
the building
- avoid daytime ventilation
- promote nighttime flushing with cool evening air
- achieve daylighting by reflectance and use of LIGHT
non-heat absorbing colours Traditional House in Egypt
- create a cooler MICROCLIMATE by using light /
lightweight materials
- respect the DIURNAL CYCLE
- use heavy mass for walls and DO NOT INSULATE
Bio-climatic Design: HOT-HUMID
Where warm to hot stable conditions predominate
with high humidity throughout the year. Cooling
degrees days greatly exceed heating degree days.
- SOLAR AVOIDANCE : large roofs with overhangs that
shade walls and to allow windows open at all times
- USE LIGHTWEIGHT MATERIALS that do not hold heat
and that will not promote condensation and
dampness (mold/mildew)
- eliminate basements and concrete
- use STACK EFFECT to ventilate through high spaces
House in Seaside, Florida
- use of COURTYARDS and semi-enclosed outside
- use WATER FEATURES for cooling
Bio-climatic Design: TEMPERATE
The summers are hot and humid, and the winters
are cold. In much of the region the topography is
generally flat, allowing cold winter winds to come
in form the northwest and cool summer breezes
to flow in from the southwest. The four seasons
are almost equally long.
- BALANCE strategies between COLD and HOT-
- maximize flexibility in order to be able to modify
the envelope for varying climatic conditions
- understand the natural benefits of SOLAR
IslandWood Residence, Seattle, WA
ANGLES that shade during the warm months and
allow for heating during the cool months
Thank you!!!