The Pax Romana
The Pax Romana
The Pax Romana
● The first ruler during the Pax Romana and who was responsible for its
beginning was Octavian and he was nephew of Julius Caesar.
● At the end of Pax Romana, tribes started to attack the Roman Empire.
The law went through major changes during the Pax Romana.
● Juris Prudentes- special lawyers and legal writers who helped determine
What was the Role of Roman Soldiers during
the Pax Romana?
● The military was used as law enforcements.
The problems that they had It was overcrowded, lots of air pollution, lots of
crime, high taxes, and high unemployment.
Their Roman Housing was Domus- houses for the rich which had marbled
walls, stone floors, stained glass windows, furnace heat and indoor plumbing.