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Lecture # 1

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Lecture # 1

5/10/2019 1
 Information and communication
technologies (ICT ) is the discipline which
considers modern methods and means of
communication of people in a normal and
professional activities with the help of
information technologies to search ,
collection, storage , processing and
dissemination of information.

5/10/2019 2
Thematic plan
№ Titles of lectures
1 Main directions of ICT development . ICT Standardization
2 Operation systems
3 Text processors and editors
4 Electronic tables
5 Database management systems
6 Local area network
7 Global networks
8 Social networks
9 Privacy and information security in ICT
10 Introduction to Web-technology
11 Tools for graphical representation of the information
12 Human-machine interaction
13 Multimedia technologies
14 SMART-тtechnologies
15 Е-technologies and the prospects of the ICT development
 Information technology is the technology
that uses computing with high speed
communication links to spread information
from one place to another.
 Computer is a very important component of
information technology
 The world has become “global village” due to
advancement in IT.

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 An electronic device that is programmed to
accept data, process data into useful
information and store it for later use
 Computer consists of hardware and software
 Software is a set of instructions that tells a
computer what to do
 Hardware is the physical part of a computer
E.g. CPU, RAM, HDD.etc
 Relationship between hardware and software
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Hardware Software

CPU Memory I/O Etc. Application System

Software Software

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 Analog computers
 Digital computers

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 An analog computer recognizes
data as a continuous
measurement of a physical
 It has no state
 Its output is usually displayed on
a meter or graphs.
 Examples are Analog clock,
speed of a car, thermometer etc

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 It works with numbers
 They breaks all types of information into tiny
units and use numbers to represent those
pieces of information.
 Everything is described in two states i.e.
either ON (1) or OFF (0).
 They are very fast and have big memory

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The six generations of computers are:
 Mechanical era(1623-1900)
 First generation electronic computers(1937-
 Second generation (1954-1962)
 Third generation (1963-1972)
 Forth generation (1972-1984)
 Fifth generation (1984-1990)
 Sixth generation (1990 - present)
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 Abacus (3000 BC)
It was used to perform addition, subtraction,
division and multiplication. It consists of
wooden beads and calculation were
performed by moving these beads properly.

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 Napier’s bone (17th century)
It was a cupboard multiplication calculator
invented by john Napier.
It was used to perform difficult
multiplication operations to simple addition
of entries in a table

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 Pascaline (17th century)
It was invented by Blaise Pascal.
It was first mechanical adding machine
It had a series of wheels with teeth which could
be turned using hands.

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 Difference Engine and Analytical Engine(1823
and 1833)
It was designed by Charles Babbage who
was English mathematician, engineer,
philosopher and inventor.
He originated the concept of the
programmable computer.
A general purpose computer controlled by a
list of instructions
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 Punched cards (1890)
They were able to read information that
which have been punched into the cards

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 First generation computers were used
during 1942-1955 .
 They were based on Vacuum Tube which
was a glass (tube) that controlled and
amplified the electronic signals
 Consume more power with limited
 High cost
 Uses assembly language – to prepare
programs. These were translated into
machine level language for execution.

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 Fixed point arithmetic was used
 100 to 1000 fold increase in speed relative to the
earlier mechanical and relay based
electromechanical technology
 Punched cards and paper tape were invented to
feed programs and data and to get results.
 Magnetic tape / magnetic drum were used as
secondary memory
 Mainly used for scientific computations.
 See page # 6, Table 1A.2
 Examples are: UNIVAC, Havard Mark 1, ENIAC

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 Bell Lab invented the transistor – function
vacuum tubes but smaller, lower power
consumption, more reliable.
 Transistor is a small device that transfer
electronic signals across a resister
 Lower cost
 Magnetic core memories were used as
main memory which is a random-access
nonvolatile memory
 Magnetic tapes and magnetic disks were
used as secondary memory
 Hardware for floating point arithmetic
operations was developed.
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 Index registers were introduced which increased
flexibility of programming.
 High level languages such as FORTRAN, COBOL etc
were used - Compilers were developed to translate
the high-level program into corresponding assembly
language program which was then translated into
machine language.
 Separate input-output processors were developed
that could operate in parallel with CPU.
 Punched cards continued during this period also.
 1000 fold increase in speed.
 See Page# 6 , Table 1A.3
 Examples are: TRADIC, IBM 704, LARC etc

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 Jack Kilby developed Integrated Circuit (IC)
 An IC combined several electronic computers
on a small silicon chip
 IBM introduced
System/360 – a highly configurable,
highly backward compatible,
mainframe computer system.
 Small Scale Integration and Medium Scale
Integration technology were implemented in
CPU, I/O processors etc.
 Smaller & better performance
 Comparatively lesser cost
 Faster processors
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 In the beginning magnetic core memories
were used. Later they were replaced by
semiconductor memories (RAM & ROM)
 Introduced microprogramming
 Microprogramming, parallel processing
(pipelining, multiprocessor system etc),
multiprogramming, multi-user system (time
shared system) etc were introduced.
 Operating system software were introduced
 Cache and virtual memories were introduced

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 High level languages were standardized by ANSI
 Database management, multi-user application,
online systems like closed loop process control,
airline reservation, interactive query systems,
automatic industrial control etc emerged during
this period.
 See page # 7, Table 1A.4
 Examples are: INTEL 4004, IBM SYSTEM/360

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 Microprocessors were introduced as CPU–
Complete processors and large section of main
memory could be implemented in a single chip
 Tens of thousands of transistors can be placed in
a single chip (VLSI design implemented)
 CRT screen, laser & ink jet printers, scanners etc
were developed.
 Semiconductor memory chips were used as the
main memory.
 Secondary memory was composed of hard disks
– Floppy disks & magnetic tapes were used for
backup memory
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 Parallelism, pipelining cache memory and virtual
memory were applied in a better way
 LAN and WANS were developed (where desktop
work stations interconnected)
 Introduced C language and Unix OS
 Introduced Graphical User Interface
 Less power consumption
 High performance, lower cost and very compact
 Much increase in the speed of operation
 Examples are Apple Macintosh and IBM PC
 See Page # 7, Table 1A.5

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 Computers based on artificial intelligence are available
 Computers use extensive parallel processing, multiple pipelines,
multiple processors etc
 Massive parallel machines and extensively distributed system
connected by communication networks fall in this category.
 Introduced ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology –
Intel’s Pentium 4 microprocessor contains 55 million transistors
millions of components on a single IC chip.
 Superscalar processors, Vector processors, SIMD processors, 32 bit
micro controllers and embedded processors, Digital Signal
Processors (DSP) etc have been developed.
 Memory chips up to 1 GB, hard disk drives up to 180 GB and optical
disks up to 27 GB are available (still the capacity is increasing)
 Object oriented language like JAVA suitable for internet
programming has been developed.

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 Portable note book computers introduced
 Storage technology advanced – large main
memory and disk storage available
 Introduced World Wide Web. (and other
existing applications like e-mail, e Commerce,
Virtual libraries/Classrooms, multimedia
applications etc.)
 New operating systems developed –
Windows 95/98/XP/…, LINUX, etc.

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 Got hot pluggable features – which enable a
failed component to be replaced with a new
one without the need to shutdown the
system, allowing the uptime of the system to
be very high.
 The recent development in the application of
internet is the Grid technology which is still in
its upcoming stage.
 See Page # 8, Table 1A.6
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 Some inventions of the time are WWW,
HTML, HTTP, Web TV, java, DVD, iPod,
Youtube etc
 See Page # 8 , Table 1A.7
 Examples are: iMac , Sun ultra workstation

5/10/2019 34
 Input Devices
 Output devices
 System Unit
 Storage devices
 Communication devices

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 The devices that are used to enter data and
instructions into the computers
 Most commonly used input devices are
Keyboard and Mouse

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 Output devices are used to
display processed data to
the user
 Most commonly used
output devices are Monitor,
Printer and speakers
 Hard Copy is paper copy –
 Soft copy is intangible

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 Its a box that contains different
components of a computer system.
 All electronic components in the system
unit are connected to motherboard
 Important components of system units
Central processing Unit(Processor)

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 These are used to store data permanently
even when the computer is turned off
 It is non volatile memory
 Examples:
Floppy Disk, Hard disk, CD ROM

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 A communication device is a hardware
component that enables a computer to send
and receive data, instructions and
information to and from one or more
 A widely used communication device is
 Wired media
 Wireless media
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 Modulation
Conversion from Digital signals to Analog
 Demodulation
Conversion from Analog signals to Digital

5/10/2019 42
 Home
 Education
 Small business
 Industry
 Government
 Health care
 Banking
 Communication
 Police Department
 Retail

5/10/2019 43
 Data
A collection of raw facts and figures is called
data. It may consist of numbers, characters,
symbols or pictures etc
 Information
Processed data is called information. It is
more meaningful than data.

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 Data is collected and given to the computer for
 Computer process data to the required
 The information is given to the user as output
 Information is stored in the computer for
further use

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Speed Reliability Consistency

Storage Communications

5/10/2019 46
Violation of
Public Safety

Impact on Impact on
Health Risks
Labor Force Environment

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Main Literature:

•June J. Parsons, New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 18th Edition—

Comprehensive, Thomson Course Technology, a division of Thomson
Learning, Inc Cambridge, MA, COPYRIGHT © 2016; ISBN-10: 1-4239-
0610-1, ISBN-13: 978-1-4239-0610-0.
•Reema Thareja Fundamentals of Computers. – Oxford University press:
Oxford, 2014. - 288p
•George Beekman. Computer Confluence: Exploring Tomorrow's
Technology. ISBN 0130661880, 9780130661883. Prentice Hall, 2003
•Симонович С.В. и др. Информатика. Базовый курс: учебное пособие
для высших технических учебных заведений. – СПб.: Питер, 2011. –
639 с.
Additional literature:
•Thomas M. Connolly, et al. Database Systems: A practical approach to Design, Implementation,
and Management. 4th Edition ISBN: 0321210255 Addison-Wesley, 2004
•H. L. Capron. Computers: Tools for an Information Age. Addison-Wesley, 1998.
•Roqers Y., H. Sharp, J. Preece. Interaction design beyond human - computer interaction - Third
Edition.- Italy: WILEY & Sons Ltd, 2011.- 585 р.
•Ducket, J. Beginning Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS: 2th ed. / Jon Ducket.-
U.S.A: Wiley Publishing. Inc, 2008.- 739с. ISBN 978-1-0-470-25931-3.
•Stephen P Borgatti, Martin G. Everett, Jeffrey C. Johnson Analyzing Social Networks Paperback,
•Уша Рани Вьясулу Редди. Серия учебников по ИКТР для молодежи. Учебник 1: Введение в
ИКТ для развития. UN-APCICT/ESCAP 2011
•Дейтел Х. М., Дейтел П. Дж., Чофнес Д. Р. Операционные системы. Часть 1. Основы и
принципы. – М.: Бином-Пресс, 2011. – 677 c.
•Ярочкин В.И. Информационная безопасность: Учебник для вузов. – М.: Акад. Проект, 2008.
– 544 c.
•Голицына О.Л. Базы данных: Учебное пособие. – М.: Форум, 2012. – 400 c.
•Keith Worden, W.A. Bullough, J. Haywood. Smart Technologies. World Scientific Pub Co Inc
(April 14, 2003)

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