6M. Reading As A Skill Autosaved
6M. Reading As A Skill Autosaved
6M. Reading As A Skill Autosaved
Reading as a SKILL
16. Reading from the internet
15. Exposure to reading from mass media
14. Starting your private library collection
13. Borrowing library books for research and enjoyment
12. Using the encyclopedias and other reference books
11. Using the dictionary
10. Using parts of the book
9. Classifying and organizing facts
8. Interfering meanings, drawing conclusions
7. Finding the supporting details
6. Finding the main idea
5.Vocabulary building
4. Using contextual clues
3. Using structural analysis
2. Using phonetic analysis
1. Basic sight words
ACTIVITY 1: Research about 16 steps of the reading skills
ladder. Write it in your notebook for reference and
ACTIVITY 2: From the reading skills ladder, share your
opinion on the following questions by giving reasons
for your answer. (one whole sheet of yellow paper: 5-10
sentences only per number)
1. Do reading skills come at a flash or at a single
moment? Why?
2. Are sound of words (phonetics) important to reading?
How is this so? [clue: what young learners do]
3. How early or late does analytical activity come in skills
4. Is the use of the dictionary really a later phase of
reading skills development? (how early did you use
5. How does underlining, highlighting or pencil notes
help in reading comprehension?
6.ordinarily, do we bother about title page, indexes, other
parts of the book? How are these useful?
7. How does the encyclopedia help you? How about
encyclopedia software/s?
8. Most libraries use computers. Share your experience
on the availing of libraries which have computerized
9. How can you make buying your own books cheaper?
(have you experienced buying second-hand books?)
10. How early are we exposed to mass media?
(newspapers, magazines, etc.)
11. What is your experience with reading on the internet?
12. Share your experience on sending and reading mobile
phone text messages.