Academic Writing Guide: By: Egi Evanda Gita Pahdila Metha Fadhila Winda Agustrianti Yosse Firdaus
Academic Writing Guide: By: Egi Evanda Gita Pahdila Metha Fadhila Winda Agustrianti Yosse Firdaus
Academic Writing Guide: By: Egi Evanda Gita Pahdila Metha Fadhila Winda Agustrianti Yosse Firdaus
By :
Egi Evanda
Gita Pahdila
Metha fadhila
Winda Agustrianti
Yosse firdaus
Why Academic Writing ?
1. Clear Purpose.
The goal of your paper is to answer the question you posed as
your topic.Your question gives you a purpose. The most
common purposes in academic writing are to persuade,
analyze/synthesize, and inform.
2. Audience Engagement.
As with all writing, academic writing is directed to a
specific audience in mind.
3. Clear Point of View
Every paragraph (even every sentence) in your paper will support your thesis
statement. There will be no unnecessary, irrelevant, unimportant, or
contradictory information (Your paper will likely include contradictory or
alternative points of view, but you will respond to and critique them to further
strengthen your own point of view).
5. Logical Organization
Each body paragraph will have sufficient and relevant support for the topic
sentence and thesis statement. This support will consist of facts, examples,
description, personal experience, and expert opinions and quotations.
10. Writing Style. Because this is your work, you should use your own
words whenever possible. Do not try to write like a boring, overly formal
scholarly article. Use the natural conversational style that you would use in the
classroom. Your writing should be clear, concise, and easy to read. It is also
very important that there are no grammar, spelling, punctuation, or vocabulary
mistakes in academic writing. Errors convey to the reader that you do not care.
The Writing Process
Choose a topic.
Think (brainstorm).
Discover your thesis.
Plan (outline).
Choosing and Narrowing a Topic
The thesis statement is the most important sentence in your paper. If someone asked you,
“What does your paper say?” your answer would be your thesis statement.
Everything you write will support this statement.
An element of surprise
This means that the thesis is interesting, engaging, and
perhaps not so expected.
It should be understandable after one reading and have
no mistakes.
Planning – Basic Outline
A basic outline is your first attempt to organize the ideas of your paper.
It will help you focus your research and consider the order of your ideas.
To make one:
3. Look at your list and organize the ideas. Some may be combined as one larger idea; some
may just repeat others in different words. You may decide to delete some too.
4. The remaining ideas will be the main points of your paper.
These ideas are the sections of your paper.