The Drainage System of A House
The Drainage System of A House
The Drainage System of A House
4. Vent System
The piping system that receives a flow or air to or
from drainage system or to provide a circulation of air
within such system to protect trap seals from siphon age
or back pressures.
Reporters :
Paul Jorick Crisostomo
Patrick Sison
Ralph Alex Velasco
The Drainage Installation three components
3. Vent Pipe
What is a Waste Pipe?
The waste pipe is any pipe in a drainage
installation which receives the discharge of any
fixture except the same to the soil branch, soil pipe
or house drain.
Soil and Waste Pipe
The pipe is called stack being installed vertically
and the word soil is affixed because it receives human
waste from soil branch, otherwise, it will again be
classified as waste stack.
1. The right choice of materials
The character of the waste to be drained and the service for
which it is intended for dictates the kind of materials to be used. For
instance, any waste line that conveys large quantities of acid must
specify acid resistant materials.
Pipe installations that fail or break too soon may have been due to any
of the ff. causes:
• The use of many fittings
• The use of wrong type of fittings in a particular location.
a. Do not use fittings of short radius on
vertical to horizontal directions or
horizontal to horizontal changes. Long Sweep
Y Fitting
3. Right location of cleanout
Clean out is a receptacle of the
plumbing system which should be
accessible to the floor, walls or ceiling. It
is intended to be opened in case of pipe
line trouble. It is equipped with a plug or
flush plate so designed as not to impair
the aesthetic view of the room. It is also
sized equal to the diameter of the waste
pipe line where it is to be connected to
avoid interference in the rodding or
For instance, who can foretell how often one is going to use a
plumbing fixture in a given time interval? Likewise. It would be more
difficult for a plumber to ascertain how often and what time a plumbing
fixture might be used. And to determine the size of the soil pipe on the
basis of maximum discharge of all the fixtures connected to it in a minute
or an hour interval would be nobody’s guess.
DFU Values
* No water closet will discharge into a pipe smaller than 3
** No more than 2 water closet will discharge into any 3-inch,
horizontal-branch house drain or house sewer.
Change of House Drain Direction
Changes of house drain direction are also governed by the
following conditions:
1. All changes in directions from horizontal to horizontal, or
vertical to horizontal flow, should be done with long radius
fittings. Short tees, ¼ bends and short turn L fittings, should not
be permitted.
2. Soil branch should be run Right Angle to the main.
3. Fixture connection must run at Right Angle to the branch.
House Drain Cleanout
On House Drain Cleanout, the National Plumbing code provides that:
5. The cleanout shall be equipped with threaded screw cover provided with a
raised head that could be moved easily with a wrench.
6. A cleanout extended above the flow shall not be utilized as a floor drain.
7. The trap of a floor drain shall be placed not more than 50 centimetres below
the finished floor line, to facilitate cleaning in case of line trouble.
8. A cleanout shall be installed at every 20 meters interval distance, and also at
the base of all soil and waste stack.
House Drain Appliances
House Drain appliances include the following:
1. House Trap
• House trap assembly
• Back flow valves
• Balanced valve
• Unbalance valve
2. Area Drain
3. Floor Drain
1. Yard Catch Basin
2. Garage Catch Basin
Garage Catch Basins includes:
• Drain tile receptor
• Sewage ejector
• Automatic water siphon
• Sump pit
• Grease basins
Reporter :
Dave Inaldo
-is defined as, that proportion of the horizontal drainage system,
which start from the outer face of the building and terminate at the main
sewer in the street or septic tank.
Main Sewer
-it is financed and maintained by the government. Those houses
along the street with main sewer line are required to connect their house
sewers to the public.
The house sewer is connected to the main sewer by boring a small
hole through the concrete pipe, using a sharpened steel chisel or electric
drill. The hole is gradually enlarged to receive the sleeve. Extra care
should be exercise not to break the inside wall of the main sewer. The
house sewer pipe is connected to the main sewer entering at 45 degrees
angle or directly from the top.
There are general conditions in installing sewer pipes to be discussed on
the powerpoint.