Ra 9275
Ra 9275
Ra 9275
Improper Wastewater Management:
Health Impacts
WHO estimates that every dollar invested for sanitation services
generates $3 to $34 economic benefits
Sources of Pollution
• Point Sources -any identifiable
source of pollution with
specific point of discharge into
a particular water body
Permitting System
Check the
Significant Effluent
Parameters for Industry Category: Hospital
your Industry
Determine your
General Effluent
Standard from
Table 9 of DAO
Receiving Body of Water: Class SB
Significant Effluent General Effluent Significant Effluent General Effluent
Parameter for Standard for Class SB Parameter for Hospitals, Standard
Hospitals, Clinics, Water Clinics, Nursing Homes
Nursing Homes and and other human health
other human health and residential care
and residential care activities
Color 100 TCU Nitrate 20 mg/L
Temperature 30 change Phosphate 1 mg/L
pH 6.5-9.0 Oil and Grease 5 mg/L
BOD 30 mg/L Surfactants (MBAS) 3 mg/L
Total Suspended 70 mg/L
Fecal Coliform 200 MPN/ 100ml
Ammonia 0.5 mg/L
Sec. 10 – Grace Period
Sec. 11- Prohibitions
Sec. 11- Prohibitions
Water quality monitoring procedures consists of
two (2) volumes
Volume 1 – Ambient Water Quality Monitoring
Volume 2 – Effluent Water Quality Monitoring
Types of Effluent Sample
Sample Containers
For microbiological analysis, strong, thick-walled glass sample bottles with a
minimum capacity of 120 ml are recommended.
The bottles should have screw caps of a type that will maintain an effective seal
even after having been autoclaved many times.
Kinds of Samples
1. Effluent samples are routinely collected by EMB personnel or PCO
the facility owner for monitoring and permitting purposes
Effluent from the septic tanks is difficult to collect. Sampling station can either
be from the outfall or from the ditches (beforen discharge to drainage).
If septic tank effluent has no accessible sampling point or has no outfall (such as
pipe is located underground), sample is collected at the effluent filter of the last
If the septic tank has submersible pump, sample is collected during discharge.
Always observe safety precautions, when collecting effluent samples from septic
• Chlorinated Effluents