The Organization of Society
The Organization of Society
The Organization of Society
The Organization of Society
A society may be small or large in
size, but regardless of the size, the
most important aspect of a society is
the reason why they grouped together.
There are several reasons why
people grouped together to form one
society and most important of all is
Gregariousness is the desire or
tendency of people to want to be
with other people with their own
kind. This also known as
“consciousness of kind”.
Every person needs the approval
and acceptance of people around
If he/she accepted in a group
where he/she belongs ,
understanding, sympathy, protection,
warmth and caring will surely follow.
Concept of Groups
A group is composed of two or more
persons interacting with each other , guided
by set
of norms.
The members of the group are held
together and set apart from others by virtue
of their interaction.
The members of the group exist
through their coordinated and
consistent action which is directed
towards the achievement of some
common objectives , the achievement
of which will bring about justification of
some kind to all the participants.
1. The group as transmitter of culture.
All our lives we grow and develop by
means of the stimulating interchange,inter-
relation involved in being a member of a social
group, the individual learned the socially
approved ways of behaving, of thinking, of
doing things, habits and capabilities are
related to others. In so doing, the group acts
as the agent of the culture.
2. The group as means of social control.
The basic primary group. Initial
habits, values, knowledge and
behaviour are acquired in the
Kinds of Primary Groups
Neighborhood Group
Next to the family of importance in the educative
processes is the neighborhood group.
The neighborhood influence is the early step in
educating the habits, attitudes and values of the
child by either reinforcing or strengthening those
which learned in the home or by producing some
confusion and conflicts in the mind of the child.
Kinds of Primary Groups
School Group
The primary group exerts direct influence
on the development of the personality of
the child.
The school as the social system
operates on certain formal structure and
learning becomes purposive and direct.
b. Secondary Groups
1.Primary Kinship
Primary kinship refers to direct
relations. People who are directly related to
each other are known as primary kin. There
are 8 primary kins- wife, father, son, father
daughter/ mother son, wife; brother sister; and
younger brother/sister and older brother/sister
Primary kinship is of two kinds:
a.Primary consanguineal kinship are those kin,
who are directly related to each other by birth. The
relationship between parents and children and
between siblings form this kind of primary kinship.