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Flow Routing Q

 Procedure to
determine the flow
hydrograph at a t
point on a Q
watershed from a
known hydrograph
upstream t
 As the hydrograph Q
travels, it
 attenuates t
 gets delayed
Why route flows?

 Account for changes in flow hydrograph as a flood wave

passes downstream
 This helps in
 Calculate for storages
 Studying the attenuation of flood peaks
Types of flow routing
 Lumped/hydrologic
 Flow is calculated as a function of time alone
at a particular location
 Governed by continuity equation and
flow/storage relationship
 Distributed/hydraulic
 Flow is calculated as a function of space and
time throughout the system
 Governed by continuity and momentum
Lumped flow routing
 Three types
1. Level pool method (Modified Puls)
 Storage is nonlinear function of Q
2. Muskingum method
 Storage is linear function of I and Q
3. Series of reservoir models
 Storage is linear function of Q and its time
S and Q relationships
Level pool routing
 Procedure for calculating outflow
hydrograph Q(t) from a reservoir with
horizontal water surface, given its
inflow hydrograph I(t) and storage-
outflow relationship
Wedge and
Prism Storage

• Positive wedge I>Q

• Maximum S when I = Q
• Negative wedge I<Q
Hydrologic River Flood
Basic Equation

t I O
dt t t
Hydrologic river routing
(Muskingum Method)
Wedge storage in
reach Advancing
S Prism  KQ Wave Q
S Wedge  KX ( I  Q)
I Q
K = travel time of peak through the reach
X = weight on inflow versus outflow (0 ≤ X ≤ 0.5) Q Q
X = 0  Reservoir, storage depends on outflow,
no wedge
X = 0.0 - 0.3  Natural stream
Flood I Q
S  KQ  KX ( I  Q) Wave

S  K [ XI  (1  X )Q] QI

Continuity Equation in
Difference Form
 Referring to figure, the continuity
equation in difference form can be
expressed as DS  S2  S1  _I  O_  (I1  I2 )  (O1  O2 )
Dt t t 2 2
2 1
Derivation of Muskingum Routing Equation
• By Muskingum Model,
at t = t2, S2 = K [X I2 + (1 - X)O2]
at t = t1, S1 = K [X I1 + (1 - X)O1]
• Substituting S1, S2 into the continuity equation and after some
algebraic manipulations, one has
O2 = Co I2 + C1 I1 + C2 O1
• Replacing subscript 2 by t +1 and 1 by t, the Muskingum routing
equation is
Ot+1 = Co It+1 + C1 It + C2 Ot, for t = 1, 2, …

  D KX  0.5Dt
where C  KX 0.5 t ; C  ; C2 = 1 – Co – C1
o K  KX  0.5Dt 1 K  KX  0.5Dt

Note: K and Dt must have the same unit.

Muskingum Routing
Q2  C0 I 2  C1 I1  C2Q1
Qt 1  C0 I t 1  C1 I t  C2Qt

where C’s are functions of x, K, Dt and sum to 1.0

Muskingum Equations

C0 = (– Kx + 0.5Dt) / D

C1 = (Kx + 0.5Dt) / D

C2 = (K – Kx – 0.5Dt) / D

D = (K – Kx + 0.5Dt)

Repeat for Q3, Q4, Q5 and so on.

Estimating Muskingum
Parameters, K and x

Graphical Method:
 Referring to the Muskingum Model, find X
such that the plot of XIt+ (1-X)Ot (m3/s) vs
St (m3/s.h) behaves almost nearly as a single
value curve. The assume value of x lies
between 0 and 0.3.
 The corresponding slope is K.
Example 8.4: Estimating the
value of x and K.
 Try and error to get the nearly straight
line graph.
Muskingum Routing
 Given (knowns): O1; I1, I2, …; Dt; K; X
 Find (unknowns): O2, O3, O4, …

(a) Calculate Co, C1, and C2
(b) Apply Ot+1 = Co It+1 + C1 It + C2 Ot
starting from t=1, 2, … recursively.
Example 8.5
 Given K and x.
 Initial outflow, Q also given.

Calculate Co, C1, and C2
C0 = (– Kx + 0.5Dt)/ D
C1 = (Kx + 0.5Dt)/ D
C2 = (K – Kx – 0.5Dt)/ D
D = (K – Kx + 0.5Dt)
 Route the following flood hydrograph through
a river reach for which K=12.0hr and X=0.20.
At the start of the inflow flood, the outflow
flood, the outflow discharge is 10 m3/s.

Time 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54
Inflow 10 20 50 60 55 45 35 27 20 15
Reservoir Routing

• Reservoir acts to store water

and release through control
structure later.
• Inflow hydrograph
Max Storage • Outflow hydrograph
• S - Q Relationship
• Outflow peaks are reduced
• Outflow timing is delayed
Inflow and Outflow

I Q
Inflow and Outflow
I1 + I2 – Q1 + Q2 S2 – S1
2 2 Dt
Inflow & Outflow Day 3
= change in storage / time
S3  S2
I 2  I 3 / 2  Q2  Q3 / 2  dt
Repeat for each day in progression
Determining Storage
• Evaluate surface area at several different depths
• Use available topographic maps or GIS based DEM
sources (digital elevation map)
• Outflow Q can be computed as function of depth for
either pipes, orifices, or weirs or combinations

Q  CA 2gH for orifice flow

Q  CLH for weir flow
Typical Storage -Outflow
• Plot of Storage in vs. Outflow in Storage is
largely a function of topography
• Outflows can be computed as function of
elevation for either pipes or weirs


River vs.

Level pool reservoir

River Reach
Flood Control
 Structural Measures
 Non-structural Methods
Structural Measures
 Storage and detention reservoir
 Flood ways (new channel)
 Levees (flood embankment)
 Channel Improvement
 Reservoirs reduce flooding by temporarily
storing flood waters behind dams or in
storage or detention basins.
 Reservoirs lower flood heights by holding
back, or detaining, runoff before it can flow
 Flood waters are detained until the flood has
subsided, then the water in the reservoir or
detention basin is released or pumped out
slowly at a rate that the river can
accommodate downstream.
Timah Tasoh Dam
 Flood control reservoirs are most commonly
built for one of two purposes. Large
reservoirs are constructed to protect property
from existing flood problems.
 Smaller reservoirs, or detention basins are
built to protect property from the impacts of
new development (i.e., more runoff).

Many dams have a function for flood

management, but in some cases dams
actually make floods worse!
Flood way diversion
 A diversion is a new channel that sends floodwaters
to a different location, thereby reducing flooding
along an existing watercourse.
 Diversions can be surface channels, overflow weirs,
or tunnels.
 During normal flows, the water stays in the old
 During flood flows, the floodwaters spill over to the
diversion channel or tunnel, which carries the excess
water to a receiving lake or river.
Flood levees
 Also known as dikes or flood embankments.
 Probably the best known flood control
measure is a barrier of earth (levee) or
concrete (floodwall) erected between the
watercourse and the property to be protected.
 Levees and floodwalls confine water to the
stream channel by raising its banks.
 They must be well designed to account for
large floods, underground seepage, pumping
of internal drainage, and erosion and scour.
Flood levees
 There are three types of drainage
improvements that are usually pursued to
reduce storm water flooding:
 Channelization- straightening, deepening and/or
widening a ditch or drainage way to remedy local
drainage or flooding problems.
 removing obstructions caused by stream crossings,
such as culverts and bridges with small openings -
constricts flows and causes localized backwater
 Drainage system maintenance to clean out blockages
caused by debris, sediment or vegetation and repair
stream bank erosion
Clearing the drainage/channel
Non-structural measures
 Flood plain zoning
 Normal level, alert level and danger level
 Flood forecast/warning
 Flood forecasting system by DID and MMD, Malaysia.
 Flood warning is meaningful if given in sufficient time.
 Evacuation and relocation
 Evacuation of communities along their livestocks and other
valuables in the flood affected areas and relocate them to
the safer locations.
 Flood insurance
 Provide a mechanism for spreading the loss over large
numbers of individuals and modifies the impact of loss
Flood control in Malaysia.
 In 5 month interval, 2 flood event
happen at Perlis. From your opinion,
how to control the flood from happen
 Write your proposal.
 Submit next week

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