Lecture 5 &6: Use Case Modeling
Lecture 5 &6: Use Case Modeling
Lecture 5 &6: Use Case Modeling
– Scenario
– Actors
– System
– Goal
A scenario is a sequence of steps describing an
interaction between a user and a system
It is also called a use case instance, that is a
specific sequence of actions and interactions
between actors and the system under
Keep your focus on “how a bank works, not how a
computer program that simulates a bank, is used “
An external entity (person or machine) that
interacts with or uses the system
Things that the project cannot control
An actor is external to a system, interacts with the
system, may be a human user or another system,
and has goals and responsibilities to satisfy in
interacting with the system. Actors address the
question of who and what interacts with a system.
In the UML, an actor is shown as a "stick figure"
Process Sale
(Accounts Receivable
Tax Agency Device
Kitchen) (Drink
Cash Register
Role Door Lock)
Guest) System
(Accounting Package
Product Inventory
Bar System)
Types of Actors
Primary Actor
– Has user goals, which drive the use
Secondary Actor
– External interfaces or protocols that
provide a service
Offstage Actor
– Has some interest in behavior of the use
– Everything that the project has control over
System Boundary
– System boundary can be a computer system,
organization boundary, or department
boundary. The system functions and actor
may change depending on the system
boundary location.
• Understand the System
• Understand the limitations of the system
• Identify the relation of the actor with the system
– Systems are built to meet certain stakeholder needs or
goals; these define what the system is supposed to do
– While identifying or capturing Goals focus should be on
Elementary Business Processes.
Elementary Business Process (EBP)
– A task performed by one person in one place at one time,
in response to a business event, which adds
measurable business value and leaves the data in a
consistent state
Use case and goals
– EBP level use case is called a user goal level user case
as it emphasize to fulfill a goal of a user (Actor) of the
Finding Primary Actors, Goals,
and Use cases
Choose system boundary
Identify primary actors
Identify user goals
Define use case that satisfy each
use case
Step 1: System Boundary
Organization Perspective:
– Understand the organization structure, behavior, business
processes and rules.
– Identify elementary business processes
System Perspective:
– Try to focus on what is in the scope of the system or what is
outside the scope of system
– Identify external and supporting actors
Business Processes
Customer External
Software/ Engineer
Employee Manager
Business Supplier
Step 2&3: Find primary actors and
Identify who has direct intervention with the
system and drives the system
Ask who need there goals to be fulfilled
from our system
Primary Actors and Goals depend upon
system boundary
The actor goal list
Actor <<Type>> Goal<<Type>>
Step 4: Define Use cases
Identify one EBP-level Use case for
each user goal.
Name the use case similar to the goal
Try name to be start with a verb
Collapse CRUD separate goals into
one use case
Decide of use case description level
or type of use case
Types of Use case
Use cases are written in different formats
depending on the need. Such as
– Use case in function context
• Primary
• Secondary
– Use case in Detail level context
• High level/Black box use cases
• Expanded/White box use cases
– Use case in Description level context
• Essential
• Concrete/ Real
– Use case in Formality context
• Brief
• Casual
• Fully dressed
– One column
– Two column
Use case in function context
– Primary - These functions are required
and are common main processes.
– Secondary - These functions are
secondary to the system or rarely occur.
Don't need these functions in this
iteration. This type of use case is rarely
Use case in Detail level context
1. Each floor , except the first floor and the top floor,
has two buttons, one to request an up elevator and
one to request a down elevator. These illuminates
when pressed. The illumination is cancelled when an
elevator visits the floor and then moves in the desired
2. Each elevator has a set of m buttons, one for each
floor. These illuminates when pressed and cause the
elevator to visit the corresponding floor. The
illumination is cancelled when corresponding floor is
visited by the elevator
3. There is a display window that shows the current
floor being visited by the elevator
4. When an elevator has no request, it remains at its
current floor with its door closed
Problem customization
Visitor have to pass through a
security system, in which he has to
enter a card to get authenticate
before entering the elevator
There is only one elevator in the
There are 8 floor in the building
Identify Actor, Goals, Use cases
•He get
Get authenticate authentication and
pass the security
•He visits the
Start elevator elevator and wants
to move to the
destination floor
Visitor without interruption
Visit Floor
Fully Dressed Example
– Use case name
• Use case UC1: Start Elevator
– Primary Actor
• Who calls on system services to fulfill a goal
– user: visitor
– Stakeholders and Interests
• Interacting with system, and have specific
interests in the system operation
– Visitor: he visits the elevator and wants to get in side
without interruption
– Elevator boy: he helps people in navigation and
elevator operation when asked
– Electrician: he solve elevator functionality related
– Preconditions
• What must always be true before
beginning of a scenario, they are not
tested in use case but are considered
true before hand
– Visitor is authenticated and is identified
– Success Guaranties (Post condition)
• What must be true on success
completion of the use case
– Visitor presses the button and get inside
the elevator and elevator door close's
– Main success Scenario
• Describes typical success path, it stores three
– interaction between actors
– A validation
– A state change
1. Visitor A authenticate himself
2. Visitor A presses the Up floor button at
floor 3 to request an elevator, he wishes to
go to floor 7
3. The up floor button turned on
4. An elevator arrives at floor 3
5. The up floor button turn off
6. The elevator doors open
7. The timer starts
8. Visitor A enters the elevator
9. The elevators door close after the time out
– Extensions (Alternative Flow)
• They indicates all the other scenarios or
branches, both success and failures
• An extension has two parts; the condition and
the handling
• At the end of the extension handling the
scenario merges back with the main scenario
– 1a. Unauthorized Visitor
• System indicates error message
– Special requirements
• Any non functional requirement specific to use
case under consideration
– Language internationalization on the text
– Technology and Data Variations list
• Technology constraints of customer
– Visitor identification by card system
– Open Issues
• Any other relevant information
– Department laws
Class Assignment
Identify major requirements
Identify actor, goals and use cases
Case study: Rent a car
In order to rent a car first of all customer provides the start
date and finish date for the rental and his personal details
(name, address and credit card number) as well. All rentals
are paid via cash.
Company also provides a facility that if a car is stolen proper
assistance and help should be provided to the customer; in
this regard they issue a notice that a car is stolen. A clerk
may alert the system that a car is now considered to be
Each week, the clerk will provide a list of the rentals, which
have been initiated the previous week, as report to the
manager who monitors the over all system flows.
Clerks can also add cars to the system when new cars are
purchased by the Company. Store Managers are allowed to
delete cars from the system as well. A car is deleted from the
system when sold or destroyed in an accident
Use case Diagram
Super Market Example
Use case Diagram
A pictorial representation of actors, use cases
and the system boundary
– UML allows various rendering of items
– Draw a simple diagram but in conjunction
with the actor goal list
Captures system functionality as seen by users
Built in early stages of development
– Specify the context of a system
– Capture the requirements of a system
– Validate a system’s architecture
– Drive implementation and generate test
Developed by analysts and domain experts
Packaging Use Cases
Packages can be used to organise use
–Package can represent one business area
–Packages contain packages and/or use cases
–Each use case belongs to one package
Buying Returning
Saver Card
Withdraw Cash
Admin Request Change
Saver Card Saver Card
Complain Eat in Cafeteria Saver Card
Use case diagram views
Supermarket System
<<include>> <<include>>
Buy Goods
Returns Goods
Saver Card
Customer Return
Saver Card
“The most important characteristic of a
good use case is that the stake
holders understand it.
Diagramming suggestions
Select Items
Buy Goods
<<Role>> <<extend>>
Buy Goods with Store Card
Show computer system actors with
an alternate notation than a stick
Put primary actor on left and
supporting actors on right
Class Assignment