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Principles of Administration and Supervision

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Some of the key principles discussed for effective school administration and supervision include being democratic, cooperative, scientific, and data-driven in decision making. Democratic leadership recognizes individual differences and maximizes individual potential while cooperative leadership harnesses combined efforts for progress.

The text mentions that effective school administration and supervision should be based on accepted educational philosophy, be creative, have results evaluated, be preventive and constructive, be centered on child growth and development, and be flexible.

According to the text, democratic leadership realizes potential in problem solving, utilizes input from others, and delegates duties, while autocratic leadership relies only on itself, does not utilize others' experience, and micromanages tasks.


EdDELM Student
 I. Definition of Principle
 II. Principles of Administration and Supervision
 A. Administrator and Supervisor must be
 1. Differences of Autocratic and Democratic.

 B. Administrator and Supervisor must be

 C. Administrator and Supervisor to be
effective, it must be SCIENTIFIC.
Definition of Principle
 Accepted as a “Fundamental Truth”.
 Considered as a LAW, a DOCTRINE, a
which governs the conduct of various types
of human activities.
 For administrator and supervisor, it is
very important to have a good principles,
because these will serve as his/her guide
in his/her reflective thinking and in
his/her choice of program of activities.
 Proposition that serves as the foundation
for a system of belief or behavior or for a
chain of reasoning.
 An accepted or professed rule of action or
 A fundamental, primary, or general law or
truth from which others are derived.
 SYNONYMS: truth, proposition, concept,
idea, theory, assumption, fundamental,
essential, ground rule
School Administrator and
Supervisor must be Democratic
 Recognizes individual differences, respect
one’s personality and extend consideration
to all.
 Aimed to give the fullest measure of
freedom to the individual to develop his
maximum capacities.
 There is a cooperative interaction so that the
best minds among members will EMERGE.
Autocratic vs. Democratic
according to: Koopman, Mial, and Minser


 1. Thinks he can sit by  1. Realizes the potential

himself. power in all angles of
 2. Does not know how to problems.
use the experience of  2. Knows how to utilize
others. that power.
 3. Cannot bear to let any  3. Knows how to
of the strings of delegate duties.
management slip duties
from his fingers.
Autocratic vs. Democratic
according to: Koopman, Mial, and Minser


 4. Is so tied to routine details  4. Free himself from routine

that he order to run his details in seldom tackles his
energy to creative leadership. target job.
 5. Is jealous of ideas; reacts in  5. Is quick to recognize and
one of makes a proposal. praise an idea that several
ways when someone comes
from someone else or others.
 6. Refers to the group all
 6. Makes decisions that
matters that concern been
should have the group.
made by the group.
School Administration and
Supervision must be Cooperative
“Group Action”
There is strength on cooperation
and progress results from
combined efforts of all.
(administrator, supervisor,
teachers, parents, and pupils).
School Administration and
Supervision to be Effective, it must
be Scientific
 emphasizes that the use of the scientific
principle and that the solution of problems
should be based on facts. The effort is to
discover rather than to prove. The best way
to determine whether a thing is present or
not, is to “look and see” but sometimes we
see only those things we look for, so being
an administrator and supervisor we must be
 https://www.slideshare.net/.../functions-and-
 https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/d/dwig
 https://www.scribd.com/doc/79006540/Fundamental-
Principles-of-Administration-And-Supervision -
Uploaded by Marievic Suarez Ramirez
School Administration and
Supervision must be based on
accepted educational philosophy
School administration and
Supervision must be Creative
Administration and Supervision
must be evaluated in the lights of
their results
School Administration and
Supervision must be preventive
and constructive.
School Administration and
Supervision must be centered on
Child growth and development.
School Administration and
Supervision must be flexible.

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