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• Algorithms
• Importance of Algorithms
• Algorithms as a Technology
• Asymptotic Growth
• An algorithm is a computational procedure that
– Finiteness
– Definiteness
– may take some value (or set of values) as input and
– produces some value (or set of values) as output.
– Effectiveness
• Use the techniques of design, analysis and
• Design: create algorithms
• Analysis: examine algorithms and problems
– “Algorithm A1 is more efficient than Algorithm A2"
– “Problem P1 is not solvable; problem P2 is solvable"
– “Problem P3 is solvable but intractable" (i.e., requires
too much time/resources to be of practical value)
• Experimentation: implement systems and study
the resulting behavior
Describing Algorithms
• Format
– Title
– Input
– Output
– Body
• Write in pseudocode or actual code
• Use of indentation
• Keywords: If-then-else, while, return
• Special symbols (next page)
Describing Algorithms
• Special symbols:
– “” (assignment) vs “=“ (checking for equality)
– “[ ]” (array indexing, normally starting at 1)
– “” or “//” (comments)
– “” or “{ }” (empty set)
– “” (there exists; for some) , “” (for all)
– “ ” (floor function), “ ” (ceiling function), “ ” (absolute value, or set cardinality)
– Other math symbols:  , ,  , , , 
Describing Algorithms
ALGORITHM MaxArrayElement
INPUT: Array A of n integers
OUTPUT: Integer k such that A[i]=k i  {1, 2,…,n}
and A[j]  k j  {1, 2,…,n}

max  A[1]
For i  2 to n
If A[i] > max then
max  A[i]
Return max
Try This!
• Write an algorithm that returns the third
maximum element of an array

INPUT: Array A of n distinct integers
OUTPUT: // How do we state this?
// code here…
Importance of Algorithms
• The Human Genome Project
involves sophisticated
algorithms, enabling it to
• identify all the
(approx.100,000) genes in
human DNA
• determine the sequences of
(approx. 3 billion) chemical
base pairs that make up the
human DNA
• store all of the derived
information in databases
• develop tools for data analysis
Importance of Algorithms

• Internet enables people all around the world to quickly

access and retrieve (even large amount) information
• Finding good routes from the source host to the destination
host uses a clever algorithm
• Search engines that quickly find pages about a particular
information, and rank the retrieved results, make use of well-
studied algorithms
Importance of Algorithms
• Market Forecasting
• Weather Prediction
• Logistics Set-up
• Fraud Detection
• Encryption
• Cancer Detection
• Games
• A lot of real-world applications!
Algorithms as a Technology
• Computer-related technology is normally
associated with hardware
– Processor speed
– Memory size
• Suppose computers are extremely fast and with
extremely large memory. Would a study of
algorithms still be important? YES!
– Show an algorithm is correct
– Make an algorithm more efficient
Algorithms as a Technology
• Making an algorithm more efficient is important:
– Illustration 1: Suppose a complicated algorithm for n
objects requires n2 operations
• If each op requires 1 sec, how long will the algorithm run
when n = 1000?
– n = 1000  n2 = 1 000 000
– Run-time = 1 000 000 ops * (1 sec / op) = 1 000 000 sec
– Approx. 11 ½ days!
• If a (twice-as-) fast processor is developed so that each
operation requires 0.5 second only, how long will the
algorithm run?
• A “faster” algorithm requiring only 3n operations will finish in
how much time?
– n = 1000  3n = 3000
– Run-time = 3000 ops * (1 sec / op) = 3000 sec or 50 min only!
Algorithms as a Technology
• Making an algorithm more efficient is important:
– Illustration 2: Suppose you have 30 days (e.g., last
month of thesis) to run your n2 algorithm. What is the
largest n that you can study / solve?
• 30 days = 2 592 000 sec
• Find n such that n2 ops * (1 sec / op)  2 592 000 sec
• n2  2 592 000
• n = 1609
– What if you use a twice-as-fast processor? Will it
• n2  2 592 000 / 0.5  n = 2276
– What if you, instead, develop a 3n algorithm?
• 3n  2 592 000  n = 864 000 (Cool!)
Algorithm Design Goals
• Proving Correctness
– Counter-example (if incorrect)
– Proof by Contradiction
– Proof by Induction
• Efficiency
– Best-case, Worst-case, Average-case
– O(f (n)), Ω(f (n)), ϴ(f (n))
– o(f (n)), ω(f (n))
Algorithm Efficiency
• For a correct algorithm, the efficiency is a major design
– Space utilization
– Time efficiency
– Execution time is the amount of time spent in executing
instructions of a given algorithm.
• Analyzing an algorithm has come to mean predicting the
resources, especially computational time, that the
algorithm requires.
– Benchmarking
– Counting primitive operations
– Analyzing growth relative to input size
• Actually run algorithms and get elapsed
(running) time.
• Pitfalls:
– Requires implementation of algorithm
• Presence of bugs
• Inefficient implementation
– Requires exactly the same machine set-up
– Interruption from software features
– Results are valid only for the test cases used
Counting Primitive Operations
• Define which operations are primitive, then
count the number of primitive ops the algorithm
will perform.
• Pitfalls:
– Selecting primitive operations
• assignment, comparison, addition, multiplication, etc
• A[i] is 1 op or 2 ops?
• Dependent on instruction set of the machine
– Actual execution path
• Worst case
• Best case
• Average case
Analyzing Growth
• Observe how running time (or number of
operations) increase relative to the input size.

http://www.artima.com/cppsource/images/first-impl.png http://www.artima.com/cppsource/images/second-impl.png
Example: Bubble Sort
• Bubble Sort requires (n2 – n) / 2 “steps”
• Suppose the actual number of instructions on different CPUs are
– Pentium III CPU: 62 * (n2 – n) / 2
– Pentium IV CPU: 56 * (n2 – n) / 2
– Motorola CPU: 84 * (n2 – n) / 2
• Some Observations
– As n increases, the values of other terms become insignificant
• Pentium III CPU: 31n2
• Pentium IV CPU: 28n2
• Motorola CPU: 42n2
– As processors change, the coefficients change but not the exponent of n
• We say Bubble Sort runs in O(n2)-time
• How about if we measure speed?
Big Oh Notation
• Asymptotic Efficiency
• f (n) is O(g(n))
– if there exists constants c > 0 and n0  1
– such that f (n)  c  g(n)
– for all n  n0.

Big Oh Notation
• Prove that:
– 5n + 3 is O(n)
– 3n2 + 2n + 35 is O(n2)
– 4 + 6 log n is O(log n)
• Goal: find a pair (c; n0) such that f (n)  c  g(n)
for all n  n0.
Big Oh Notation
• Some rules of thumb can applied to determine
the running time of some algorithms
– Straightforward (Pseudo) Code
– Loops
– If-Else Statements
– Recursive Functions
Big Oh Notation
• O(n):
For i  1 to n
sum  sum + i
• O(n2):
For i  1 to n
For j  i to n
sum  sum + j
• O(1):
return n * (n + 1) / 2
• O(log n):
While n > 1
count  count + 1
Asymptotic Notation
• Big-Oh Notation
– O(g(n)) is actually a class of functions.
– O(g(n)) = { f(n) |  c, n0 such that 0  f(n)  cg(n) n  n0}
• O(n2) = {1.3n2 + 35, 4007n2 +11.74,…}
– By its definition, BigOh describes a function that is an
• 3n + 5 is O(n2)
• 3n + 5 is O(n2010)
• Big-Omega Notation: (a “lowerbound” notation)
– Ω(g(n)) = { f(n) |  c, n0 such that 0  cg(n)  f(n) n  n0}
• 5n4 + 99 is Ω(n4)
• 5n4 + 99 is Ω(n)
• 5n4 + 99 is NOT Ω(n5)
Asymptotic Notation
• Big-Theta Notation
– f(n) is ϴ(g(n)) if and only if f(n) is both O(g(n)) and
– 3n + 5 is ϴ(n)
– 3n + 5 is NOT ϴ(n2)
– 3n + 5 is NOT ϴ(1)
Asymptotic Notation
• Small Oh (upperbound that is not tight)
– o(g(n)) = { f(n) |  c > 0 ,  n0 such that 0  f(n) <
cg(n) n  n0}
– 3n + 5 is o(n2)
– 3n + 5 is NOT o(n)
• Small Omega
– f(n) is ω (g(n)) if and only if g(n) is o(f(n))
– 3n + 5 is NOT ω(n2)
– 3n + 5 is NOT ω(n)
– 3n + 5 IS ω(1)
• How about Small Theta???
Final Remarks
• Big Oh is most often used among the 5 asymptotic
– Easier to prove than Big Theta
– Info on upperbound of required resources is often more
important than a lowerbound
• Common BigOh classes:
– O(1)  O(log n)  O(n0.5)  O(n)  O(n log n)  O(n2)
– O(nc)  O(2n)  O(n!)  O(nn)
• Although BigOh describes an upperbound, it is ok to say
– This algorithm has a worst-case run-time of O(nc).
– This algorithm has a best-case run-time of O(nc).
– This algorithm has an average run-time of O(nc).
• Cormen, Thomas, et al Introduction to
Algorithms (2nd edition), The MIT Press, 2001.
• Zelle, John M., Python Programming: An
Introduction to Computer Science, Franklin,
Beedle & Associates, 2004.

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