The Commercial Exchange
Seller Buyer
in exchange
Marketing activities are those actions an organization can take for the
purpose of facilitating commercial exchanges.
There are four categories of marketing activities- Marketing Mix.
Product: Designing, naming and packaging goods and/or service to satisfy
customer needs
Place: Efforts to make product available at the times and places that
customer want
Promotion: Communicating about the product
Price: Determining what must be provided by customer in return for the
Create Value
Economics of Spatial
Static Pricing
Miscellaneous PRICE
Impacting Profits- Power of 1 Percent
• Profit
Profit = Quantity X (Price – Variable Costs) – Fixed Costs
π = Q (P – V) – F
Impacting Profits- Power of 1 Percent
Changing Pricing Environment
In earliest commercial exchanges, goods or services were exchanged for other goods or
Barter makes exchanges difficult.
Because of inefficiencies of barter, overtime it became clear that best medium of exchange
is one that is finely divisible, such as the metals of various weights used in coins.
This use of coins and notes to represent them led to national systems of money (Dollar,
It is prices expressed in such monetary terms.
Three Categories of Pricing Issues
As the use of pricing in monetary terms proliferated among human societies, various issues
began to arise: These fall in to three categories:
1. Buyer-seller interactivity
2. Price Segmentation
3. Price Format
Buyer Seller Interactivity:
Throughout most of the history, prices were not fixed amounts that are displayed/advertised as
Rather prices were negotiated during an interaction between the buyer and seller.
Mutual consensus on reservation price/asking price-Interactive price
Bad customer experience
Concept of fixed price evolved.
Price Segmentation
Buyer seller negotiation allowed seller to charge different prices to different buyers.
This practice of charging different customers different prices for the same item is known as
price segmentation.
In order to accomplish price segmentation with fixed prices, it is necessary to have more
than one price for a single product.
How to effectively develop price segmentation remains challenge.
Price Format
The third category of pricing issues involves how price is expressed when it is
communicated to potential customers.
This form of expression of price is known as price format.
Setting the Price
Setting the
P= $50 + [(150/100)*$50]
P= $50 + (1.5*$50)
P=$50 +$75
Cost-Based Pricing
Manufacturer ($5)
$5- Cost to acquire
+ $1- Mark-up (20%)
$6- Cost to acquire
+ $6- Mark-up (100%)
Advantages/Disadvantages of Cost
based Pricing
1. Simplicity
2. Economical
1. Not useful in realizing total profits
Competition based pricing
When the setting of an items initial price begins with the examination of competitors
prices, the process is known as competition based pricing.
When the sellers intent is to match the levels of competitors prices, the method is often
referred to as parity pricing.
Seller may also choose to set the prices lower or higher than competitors
Value (Customer) based pricing
Identify the price of the competing product that customer views as the best substitute. This
is the reference value
Identify all the factors that differentiate your product from this competing product. These
are the differentiating factors.
Determine the monetary value to customer of each of these differentiating factors. These
are the positive and negative differentiation values.
Sum the reference value and the differentiation values to determine the total value to the
customer (VTC or EVE), the maximum that someone fully informed of the products
benefits would be willing to ay for the product.
Cost based vs. Value based Pricing