Application Development Using Heroku: Prepared By: Rupesh Sharma (1505053)
Application Development Using Heroku: Prepared By: Rupesh Sharma (1505053)
Application Development Using Heroku: Prepared By: Rupesh Sharma (1505053)
P r ep ared b y:
Ru p e s h S h a r ma ( 1 5 05053)
Heroku Introduction
• It is an application platform which says you write your apps, we do the rest.
•It provides container based cloud PaaS ,which developers use to deploy , manage and scale the
modern apps.
Heroku has CLI tool for creating and managing Heroku apps.
More specifically Heroku provides developers with a set of APIs for representing the Cloud
application and control their execution.
Job Market Scenario
•Heroku allows servers and desktop PCs to be linked together to form a very powerful computing
•This allows companies to become energy efficient and save money without investing in greater
numbers of computers to run their complex applications.