Overall Types of Enhancements: Function Group Enhancements Class / Interface Enhancements Source Code Plug Ins
Overall Types of Enhancements: Function Group Enhancements Class / Interface Enhancements Source Code Plug Ins
Overall Types of Enhancements: Function Group Enhancements Class / Interface Enhancements Source Code Plug Ins
The enhancement is a concept of adding your own functionality to SAP's standard business applications
without having to modify the original applications. To modify the standard SAP behavior as per customer
The Enhancement Concept allows us to add our own Functionality to SAP’s Standard Business Applications
with having to Modify the core Applications.
SAP Creates Customer Exits for Specific Programs, Screens and Menus.
These Exits act as Hooks. These exits do not contain any Functionality.
Not all of the Standard SAP Programs will have Exits.
(User exits are a type of system enhancement that was originally developed for the R/3 SD module.)
When you register in the Sap market place SAP make a note of it, and any issue
comes in this object SAP would not responsible for it.
2nd Way
1. Go to the user exit and click the spiral icon.
2. Go-to Edit enhancement operation show implicit enhancement option
3. Write click on the area of implementation and go-to enhancement operation
create implementation
4. Follow slides
Click here
This place show the place where we
can start our enhancement .
Go to create
Click on CODE
Fill it
Save and ok
Click ok and then the enhancement area appear , do
the enhancement.