CO-4 Evolutionary Computing: Prepared by Shaik Aslam
CO-4 Evolutionary Computing: Prepared by Shaik Aslam
CO-4 Evolutionary Computing: Prepared by Shaik Aslam
Evolutionary Computing
Prepared By
Shaik Aslam
Overview of Evolutionary computing
Genetic Programming and Genetic Algorithms
Genetic algorithms - optimization
Evolutionary Computing-Outlines
Overview of evolutionary computing
1. Evolutionary programming
2.Evolutionary strategies
3.Genetic programming
4.Genetic algorithms
Genetic algorithms and optimization
1. Genotype
2.Fitness function
The schema theorem: the fundamental theorem of genetic algorithms
Genetic algorithm operators
Evolutionary Computing-Outlines
• This means they can be represented by a single bit. However, some genes
may have several alleles and are represented using characters. In genetic
algorithms, the number of genes in the genotypes for a particular problem
is usually fixed. There have been some applications which employ
variable-length genotypes but these will not be addressed here. Since the
genotype is intended to express a solution to a specific problem, the genes
and alleles must be designed for that problem and must express the
various components of a potential solution.
• The design of the genotype structure for a particular application is one of
the two most difficult and important parts of using genetic algorithms.
Unfortunately, there are no straightforward, general-purpose approaches.
The task is highly dependent on the problem and, in many cases, on the
• particular kind of genetic algorithm one wishes to employ.
• In a number of cases, the choice of objective function is quite obvious. In
the equation minimization problem described earlier, the genotype is a set
of parameters for the function, and the objective function is simply the
value of
• the equation being minimized, given the genotype.
• In this case, a lower result from the objective function represents a better
solution to the problem. In many cases, however, a good objective
function is more difficult to construct and heuristic approaches must be
Fitness function
• If one considers the manufacturing process, for instance, a genotype could consist of a set of values
for various control parameters of the process, but the objective function is more difficult to
quantify. One possibility is to measure the yield from the process (the more
To use genetic algorithms, it is necessary to provide a means for evaluating the value or goodness of a
particular solution. In nature, this is frequently
• thought to be the fitness of a creature (as in the popular concept of survival
• of the fittest), referring to its relative ability to survive in its environment.
• A fit creature must be able to find food and shelter, must be able to endure the local temperature
and weather, and detect and evade predators. If one creature is able to do this better than another,
we say that it is “fitter.”
• This leads us to the concept of a fitness function, which measures the fitness of a particular
• In genetic algorithms, fitness functions are also called objective functions. An objective function
takes a genotype as its parameter and typically gives a real-valued result that represents the fitness
or goodness of the solution. Generally speaking, this fitness is comparative rather than absolute,
and serves to differentiate among many solutions rather than to discover the ideal solution. The
ability to compare solutions is, in most cases, essential to the operation of a genetic algorithm.
3.The schema theorem: the fundamental theorem of
genetic algorithms
4.Genetic algorithm operators
5.Integration of genetic algorithms with neural networks
6.Integration of genetic algorithms with fuzzy logic
7.Known issues in GAs
8.Population-based incremental learning
9. Evolutionary strategies
10.ES applications