CSC103: Database Management Systems
CSC103: Database Management Systems
CSC103: Database Management Systems
Management Systems
About Course
• (Credits: Theory-04, Practicals-02)
• Theory : 60 Lectures
• Practicals : 60 Lectures
Course Objectives
• Provide a strong foundation in database
concepts, technology, and practice.
• Practice SQL programming through a variety of
database problems.
• Understand the use of concurrency and
transactions in database
• Introduction to Data Base Systems: File Systems versus a
DBMS, The Relational Model, Levels of abstraction in a
DBMS, Data independence, Queries in DBMS,
Concurrent Access and Crash Recovery, Structure of
DBMS, Advantage of DBMS, People who deal with
• Conceptual design and Entity Relationship model:
Overview of Data Base Design, The ER model-features,
Key Constraints, Participation Constraints, weak Entities,
Class Hierarchies, Aggregation, Entity versus attribute,
Entity versus relationship, Binary versus ternary
relationship, aggregation versus ternary relationships.
• The Relational Model: Attributes and domains, Relations,
Integrity Constraints, Key Constraints, Foreign Key
Constraints, General Constraints, Enforcing Integrity
• Logical Database design ER to relational : Entity sets to
tables, Relationship sets (without constraints) to tables,
translating relationship sets with key constraints,
translating relationship sets with participation
constraints, translating weak entity sets, translating class
hierarchies, translating ER diagrams with aggregation.
• Schema Refinement and Normal forms: Introduction,
Why Schema Refinement? Functional Dependencies,
Normal Forms: BCNF, Third Normal Form, Normalisation-
Decomposition up to BCNF
• Relational Algebra: Relational algebra operations- select,
project, join, natural join, equijoin and their implementation.
• SQL: The Form of Basic SQL query, Condition specification,
SQL Joins, Outer joins, Union, Intersect, Except, Nested
queries, Aggregate Operators, Null values.
• SQL: Embedded SQL, Cursors, Dynamic SQL, Triggers and
active databases
• Transaction management : The concept and properties of
transaction, transaction and schedule, Notion of consistency,
Serializability, Isolation levels, Lock based concurrency
control, concurrency control without locking, deadlocks
• Crash Recovery: Introduction to crash recovery, Recovery and
atomicity, Log based recovery, Shadow paging.
Text Book :
• Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan,
“Database System Concepts”, McGraw Hill Education,
6th Edition.
Reference Books :
• Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, “Fundamentals
of Database Systems”, Pearson Education, 7th Edition
• Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, “Database
Management Systems”, McGraw Hill Education, 3rd
Introduction to Data Base Systems
• DBMS contains information about a particular enterprise
– Collection of interrelated data
– Set of programs to access the data
– An environment that is both convenient and efficient to use
• Database Applications:
– Banking: all transactions
– Airlines: reservations, schedules
– Universities: registration, grades
– Sales: customers, products, purchases
– Online retailers: order tracking, customized recommendations
– Manufacturing: production, inventory, orders, supply chain
– Human resources: employee records, salaries, tax deductions
• Databases touch all aspects of our lives
File System v/s DBMS
• In the early days, database applications were built directly
on top of file systems
• Drawbacks of using file systems to store data:
– Data redundancy and inconsistency
• Multiple file formats, duplication of information in different files
– Difficulty in accessing data
• Need to write a new program to carry out each new task
– Data isolation — multiple files and formats
– Integrity problems
• Integrity constraints (e.g. account balance > 0) become “buried” in
program code rather than being stated explicitly
• Hard to add new constraints or change existing ones
• Drawbacks of using file systems (cont.)
– Atomicity of updates
• Failures may leave database in an inconsistent state with partial
updates carried out
• Example: Transfer of funds from one account to another should
either complete or not happen at all
– Concurrent access by multiple users
• Concurrent accessed needed for performance
• Uncontrolled concurrent accesses can lead to inconsistencies
– Example: Two people reading a balance and updating it at the same
– Security problems
• Hard to provide user access to some, but not all, data
• Database systems offer solutions to all the above
Levels of Abstraction
• Physical level: describes how a record (e.g., customer) is stored.
• Logical level: describes data stored in database, and the
relationships among the data.
type customer = record
customer_id : string;
customer_name : string;
customer_street : string;
customer_city : string;