Exercise For Fitness
Exercise For Fitness
Exercise For Fitness
Warm-up Activity:
Rank ‘Em!
Directions: Rank the following physical activities
according to the level of effort you would exert to
accomplish them. Rank first (1st) the physical
activity that requires the most level of effort to
accomplish and 10th the physical activity least
requiring level of effort. Explain your rankings.
____ Competitive badminton for 30 minutes
____ Running uphill for 5 minutes
____ Sprinting for 20 seconds
____ Climbing 1 flight of stairs
____ Leisurely biking
____ Volleyball spiking and blocking drills for
10 minutes
____ 3-on-3 basketball for 30 minutes
____ Swimming 10 laps continuously
____ 3k fun run in 1 hour
____ Walking in the mall
Physiological Indicators
Each time your heart beats, it pumps blood into the arteries of
your body. The surge of blood causes a pulse, which is what you
feel by holding your fingers against an artery. The major arteries
that are easy to locate and frequently used for pulse counts are
the radial artery (just below the base of the thumb) and the
carotid artery (just below the sides of jaw).
To determine your pulse rate:
is basically a subjective 8
Very light
assessment of effort
which ranges from 6 11
Fairly light
Source: Data from Borg from Corbin et al (2008)
»These refer to the rate or
speed of doing physical
activities. This means that
a person can take it slow
when engaged in physical
activities or do them
quickly depending on the
FITT Principle.
Pacing allows you to change
the way you perform or
complete an exercise or
physical activity so that you
can successfully see changes. It
regulates your participation in
physical activities through
gradual and careful
introduction of changes in the
physical activity, whether an
increase in intensity,
frequency or participation.
Depending on the fitness level
of an individual, pacing may be
through frequency, intensity
and time of doing physical
activities. The normal
frequency could be 3 to 4
times a week which can be
increased or decreased
depending on the changes
done in intensity and time. If
intensity is increased,
frequency and time could be
decreased, or vice versa.