Lipid Metabolism: Hirowati Ali
Lipid Metabolism: Hirowati Ali
Lipid Metabolism: Hirowati Ali
Hirowati Ali
• Most of the lipids in our body are categorized as :
– Fatty acids which were stored as triacylglycerols
– Glycerophospholipids and sphingolipids (contain esterified
fatty acids found in membranes and in blood lipoproteins)
– Eicosanoids (consists of polyunsaturated fatty acids contai
ning 20 carbons which regulate many cellular processes)
– Cholesterol (adds stability to the phospholipid bilayer of m
embranes and serves as the precursor of bile salts, deterge
nt like compounds that function in the process of lipid dige
stion and absorption; steroid hormones which act for the r
egulation of metabolism, growth, and reproduction).
– Bile salts
– Steroid hormones
– Fat-soluble vitamins (lipids that are involved in var
ied function as vision, growth, and differentiation (
vitamin A), blood clotting (vitamin K), prevention o
f oxidative damage (vitamin E), and calcium metab
olism (vitamin D)
• Numerous functions of lipid :
– Thermal insulation
– Energy storage (triacylglycerol)
– Metabolic fuels
– Membrane components (phospholipids and chole
– Hormones (steroids and vitamin D metabolites)
– Precursors of prostaniods and leukotrienes
– Emulsifying agents in the digestion and absorption
of lipids (bile acids)
– Surfactant in alveolar membrane (phosphatidylch
• Fatty acids contain no carbon-carbon double b
onds - saturated fatty acid
• Fatty acids contain carbon-carbon double bon
ds unsaturated fatty acid
• Most abundant saturated fatty acids : palmitic
and stearic acids
Oxidation of fatty acids
• Overall process : mitochondria
• Acyl-Co-A synthase : the major activating enzyme; occurs
on the outer mitochondrial membrane surface and in end
oplasmic reticulum.
• At least, 3 acyl Co-A synthases :
– Acetyl Co-A acts on acetate and other low-molecular-w
eight carboxylic acids
– Medium chain acyl Co-A synthase (with 4-11 carbon at
– Acyl Co-A synthase on fatty acids with 6 – 20 carbon at
• Acetyl Co-A synthase in muscle is restricted to
the mitochondrial matrix
• Medium chain acyl Co-A synthase occurs only i
n liver mitochondria where medium chain fatt
y acids obtained from digestion of dietary tricy
lglycerols and transported by the portal blood
are metabolized
• In human, carnitine production : liver and kidney, the
n transported to skeletal and cardiac muscle, where i
t can not be synthesized
• Transport of acyl Co-A to mitochondrial matrix is acc
omplished by CARNITINE (L-β-hydroxy-γ-trimethylam
monium butyrate) which is required in catalytic amo
unts for the oxidation of fatty acids.
• Carnitine also participates in the transport of acetyl C
o-A for cytosolic fatty acids synthesis.
• There are 2 types of carnitine acyl transferase
for Acyl Co-A transport:
– Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT I) : located o
n outer surface of inner mithochondria membrane
– Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II (CPT II) : located o
n inner surface
• As major pathway for fatty acid oxidation
Sudden infant
death syndro
HELLP (hemolysis,elevate
d liver enzyme levels and l
ow platelet countt) Syndro
Other pathways of fatty acid oxidation
• Peroxisomal oxidation abundant in liver and ki
dney. Acyl CoA derivatives transported across the
membran without involvement of carnitine. Pero
xisomal oxidation does not yield ATP but appears
as heat.
• Propionyl-CoA oxidation. Propionyl CoA is small in
diet and yields from catabolism of isoleucine, vali
ne, methionine, and threonine.
• α-oxidation, is important in the catabolism of bra
nched chain fatty acids.
Long-chain saturated fatty acids
• Synthesis takes place in the cytosol (whereas f
atty acid oxidation occurs in mitochondria)
• All carbon atoms are derived from acetyl-CoA
(obtained from carbohydrate and amino acid)
and palmitate (C16)
• The comitted step is the biotin-dependent enz
yme carboxylation of acetyl-CoA by acetyl-CoA
Fatty acid synthesis
• Fatty acids are synthesized whenever an excess of
calories is ingested.
• The major source for fatty acid synthesis is dietar
y carbohydrate.
• An excess of dietary protein can also result in an i
ncreased fatty acid synthesis.
• When an excess of dietary carbohydrate is consu
med, glucose is converted to acetyl Co-A which pr
ovides 2 carbon units that in condense in a series
of reaction on the fatty acids synthase complex, l
ocated in cytosol.
• From acetyl Co-A, an enzyme acetyl CoA carbo
xylase produces Malonyl Co-A
• The growing fatty acid chain, attached to fatty
acid synthase complex, it produces palmitate.
• After activation to a Co-A derivative, palmitate
can be elongated and desaturated to produce
a series of fatty acids.
• Fatty acids produced in cells or obtained from
diet, are used by various tissues for the synthe
sis of triacylglycerols, glycerophospholipids an
d sphingolipids (the major components of cell
• Triacylglycerol, the major dietary lipids, are digest
ed in the lumen of intestine
• The initial digestive products, free fatty acid and 2
-monoacyl glycerol, are reconverted into triacylgl
yecrols in intestine epithelial cells, packaged in lip
oproteins known as chylomicrons, so can safely e
nter the circulation,and secreted into the lymph,
enter the blood, serving as one of the major lipop
• Very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), is produc
ed in the liver, mainly from dietary carbohydra
• Lipogenesis : an insulin stimulated process thr
ough which glucose is converted to fatty acids,
esterified to glycerol to form triacylglycerol th
at are packaged in VLDL and secreted from the
• Thus, chylomicrons primarily transport dietary lipids, a
nd VLDL transport endogenously synthesized lipids.