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Prof. Aris Ananta, M.SC., Ph.D.

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Green Economy and Business


Aris Ananta
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Main Messages
Message 1:
Green Economy as a Development Paradigm Shift
(narrow definition)

 green economy measured by green GDP

Green GDP =

Conventional (Brown) GDP minus

(environmental cost + depletion of natural resources)

Economic growth is measured using the green GDP.

Should be published widely so that people know the difference between the
conventional and green GDPs;

and what has made the difference

Message 1:
Green Economy as a Development Paradigm Shift
(wider definition)

 Promotion of Quality of Environment and Wise

Management of Natural Resources, not simply green

 Economic growth is only a means to achieve objectives of


 Economic growth is only one of the many means to

promote the quality of environment and manage natural
Limited Financial Sector

Objectives of
Development Environmentally
(Ananta Development


Economic growth is
only one means, though
it is an important
People Centred
means. Development

We do not need to
dream to be a global
economic powerhouse
Economic Growth and Other Macroeconomic Variables

Aris Ananta “A Search for A World Development Paradigm”. In Indonesian Economy: Entering a New Era. Edited by Aris Ananta et al. Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies, 2012.
People Centred Development

• Health
• Education
• Freedom to move
• Freedom from Fear

Old Paradigm New Paradigm

Economic Growth and Other Macro Economic Variables

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013

* Corruption Eradication
* Democracy
* Good Governance

Old Paradigm
New Paradigm

Economic Growth and Other Macro Economic Variables

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013
Environmentally Friendly Development/
Green Economy
*Reduction in greenhouse gas emission
• Availability of sustainable energy
• Availability of affordable healthy food
• Availability of fertile land for plantation
• Availability of clean, safe, and affordable water
• Availability of clean, safe, and affordable air

Old Paradigm New Paradigm

Economic Growth and Other Macro Economic Variables

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013
We Need Capitalists with HEART

Three Objectives of Development

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013
Green Business

 Making profit
 Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
 Produce sustainable energy
 Use energy efficiently
 Produce affordable healthy food
 Consume food wisely
 Produce fertile land for plantation
 Produce clean, safe, and affordable water
 Consume water wisely
 Produce clean, safe, and affordable air

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013.
Message 2:
Green Business as an Emerging Lucrative Business

 Potential demand is great

 With innovation, green products and services can be
 With creative marketing, the potential demand can
be changed into real demand.
 Creative economy should be focused to green
business, to ensure that the creative economy is also
a sustainable economy
4 Types of Marketing

 Captive market. Products and services exist. Demand

exist. It is very easy
 Products and services do not exist. Demand exist.
Just produce the products and services
 Products and services exist. No demand. We need to
create the demand through marketing
 Products and services do not exist. Demand does not
exist. We need innovation and creative marketing. It
is more promising. Green business is often in this
stage, very promising.

Green Business
Needs Creativity

Small and
Passion and Love

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University,. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013.
Green Business

People Centred
Green Economy Justice

Economic Growth

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2015
Message 3:
Intensive Campaign for Green Behaviour

 We should do something like we did with family

planning in 1970s and 1980o. To change the
behaviour of couple from having many children to
“two is enough” .

 Now, how to make people change their behavior into

green behaviour.

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013
Green Behaviour

 Minimizes or reduces Greenhouse gas emissions

 Minimizes or reduce air pollution
 Minimizes or reduce water pollution
 Minimizes or reduce land degradation
 Uses energy efficiently
 Consumes food efficiently
 Consumes more grains, fruits, and vegetables

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013
Message 4:
Examples of Green Government Policies

 Green infrastructure. The building of infrastructure

should reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce
pollution on air, water, and land; help people
consuming food and energy efficiently.

 Green budgeting. Do not subsidize environmentally

harmful consumption, such as use of gasoline. Tax
the environmentally unfriendly consumption.
Subsidy the economically friendly consumption

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013
Some Examples
Example 1:
Bicycle and Pedestrian Friendly




If Walking and Riding Bicycles Become a New Norm:

1. Use of energy (gas and oil) will be lower
2. Air pollution will be lower
3. People will be healthier.
4. Obesity rate will decline
5. Transportation cost will be lower

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta . Yogyakarta: Ahmad Dahlan University, 23 March 2013

Yes, in 1950s until 1970s

Now, a city of motor-cycles and cars

the Yogyakarta has tried to revive its trademark of city of bicycles

Sepeda Kanggo Sekolah Lan Nyambut Gawe
(bicyles for school and work)

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta. Yogyakarta: Ahmad Dahlan University, 23 March 2013
Bicycles with Roof, Curtain, and Fan

 To protect from sun and rain, we can provide “roof”

and “curtain” to bicycles
 We may also put “fan” in the bicycles.
 We need to innovate so that people are motivated to
ride bicycles and walk

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013
Business from Bicycles

 Selling various kinds of bicycles

 Renting parking places for bicycles
 Selling accessories for riding bicycles
 Opening repair station for bicycles

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta, 23 Mach 2013
A City of Pedestrians





Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013
Promote the Culture of Walking

 Walking should not be seen as “inferior good”, that

of poor people
 Walking is free, healthy, and modern.
 Government and business should create more
pedestrian ways.
 Put roof on walkways so that it protects pedestrians
from rain and sun.
 Make pedestrian ways beautiful, with more

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013
Start from our own communities

 We can start from our own campus.

Create bicycle and pedestrian friendly campuses.

 Real estates and housing settlement should lure the

customers for their facilities to ride bicycles and/ or
walk, especially to go to their vicinities, especially
shops for daily needs.

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013
Example 2:
Environmentally Friendly Energy Security

 Do no use export of energy as main sources of

economic growth.
 Prioritize for the domestic use: current and future
 Focus on using renewable resources
 Minimize pollution on land, water, and air, from
extracting and selling the resources.
 Consume energy efficiently

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 December 2013
Raise the Temperature
in Seminar and Hotel Rooms

 In Southeast Asia, we are often “frozen” when we

attend seminars/ workshops/ conferences. The
temperature in the hotel is also too cold. But, we live
in tropical countries. Outside is hot.
 If we can raise the temperature to 26 degree Celcius,
we will be healthier and reduce the use of energy.
 Cheaper, and good for the environment.

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013
Reduce the Use of Air Condition

 Staying too long in air-conditioned room is not

healthy. Making the skin wrinkled, and getting older
 Do not sleep in air conditioned room.
 It will reduce the pressure to the environment. It will
also make us healthier.
 When constructing a building, think to design such
that it uses less air condition.

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013
Reduce the Use of Electricity

 Turn off electricity when not used.

 Unplug electrical appliance when not used
 Do not charge your electrical appliance the whole
night when you are sleeping.
 Turn off the light when you are sleeping (it will also
increase the quality of sleep)

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013
Invest in Affordable Public Transportation

 Public transportation is an important means to bring

comfort for population mobility and reduce pollution
 Success in public transportation will also reduce the use
of energy, and reduce the subsidy the government
should provide.
 The sales of motor-cycles and cars should no longer be
used as indicators of economic development.
 Rather, an increase in the sales of motor cycles and cars
may indicate the government failure in creating
affordable and comfortable public transportation.

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta, 23 March 2013
Example 3:
Environmentally Friendly Food Sufficiency
Organic Foods

 Campaign for consumption of organic food, good for

environment and healthier.
 Rising demand for organic food will allow for a large
scale of production of organic food. The price will be
 Give tax incentive for those who are producing and
selling organic food
 This is an emerging lucrative industry in the world,
and also in Indonesia.

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013
Less Meat and Diary Products

 Livestock industry absorbs a lot of land and water

 Livestock produce a lot of CH4 (methane) and CO2
greenhouse gas emission
 Campaign for reduction of consumption of meat and
diary product, and more consumption of grains,
fruits, and vegetables
 Reducing the consumption of meat and diary
products will reduce the number of livestock
industry, and release more land and water for other
healthier and more environmentally friendly
industris, including grain, fruits, and vegetables.

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013
More Efficient Food Consumption

 Meeting, seminar, conference organizers should

charge customers who do not finish their food
 Campaign for the healthiest way to eat. For example,
do not eat too fast. Eat fruit before rice/ main food.
Drink 30 minutes before or after main food.

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta: 23

March 2013
Beef Sufficiency

 How much beef should we consume?

 Beef consumption increases the probability of getting
stroke, high blood pressure, and many other
degenerative (non communicable) diseases
 If we can campaign on the unhealthy effect of beef
consumption, the demand for beef can be reduced.
 This will help solving the issue of lack of beef.

Powerpoint presented at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013

Example 4:
Protecting and Improving Water Sufficiency

 Management of garbage, not throwing into rivers,

drains, lakes
 Do not do business which pollute the water
 Wise consumption of water
 Prioritize use of water for drinking, not for
industries, including livestock industries
 Find creative use of rivers – means of transportation,
tourism attraction?

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013
Example 5:
Fresh Air Availability

 Industries/ business which pollute air should be

terminated or heavily taxed

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University, 23 March 2013

No-Smoking City

 Smoking pollutes the air

 Smoking results in deterioration of health, reducing
the welfare of the people
 Smoking should be eliminated, regardless of
whether it reduces the profit of the cigarette
industries, government revenue and (conventional)
economic growth.

Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta, 23 March 2013
Concluding Remarks
Government Business Individual
policies communities behaviour

Large Green Economy Small and medium

enterprises and Green Business

Innovation Creativity Passion and


Powerpoint presented by Aris Ananta at Ahmad Dahlan University. Yogyakarta: 23 March 2013
Thank You


Matur Nuwun

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