Atmospheric Muons
Atmospheric Muons
Atmospheric Muons
Sayan Das
IISER Kolkata (1st Year- 17MS147)
Supervisor- Prof. Nayana Majumdar
What is MUONs?
Origin of MUONs: Understanding cosmic radiation and Muon production
Basic properties of MUONs: Mass, Lifetime and Size
The 2 MUON sources
Fundamental interactions of MUONS: Electromagnetic and Weak
Energy and Angular Distribution of MUONs
Atmospheric MUON flux measurements: Muon Intensity, Momentum
Spectra and Charge Ratio
Polarization of MUONs
What are Muons?
• Cosmic Rays
Cosmic rays are high-energy radiation, mainly originating outside the Solar
System and even from distant galaxies. Composed primarily of high-energy
protons and atomic nuclei, they are of uncertain origin. Data from the Fermi
Space Telescope (2013) have been interpreted as evidence that a significant
fraction of primary cosmic rays originates from the supernova explosions of
stars. Active galactic nuclei are also theorized to produce cosmic rays. Even
the Big Bang is theorized to be a source.
Upon impact with the Earth's
atmosphere, cosmic rays can
produce showers of secondary
particles that sometimes reach
the surface.
The interaction of the primary cosmic ray particles leads to the production of
secondary cosmic ray particles or secondary cosmic radiation. For example,
a primary proton can interact with a nucleus in the Earth’s atmosphere to
produce pions,
p + nucleus → π+ + π− + π0 + anything
π+ → µ+ + νµ
π− → µ− + νµ’
π0 → γ + γ
µ+ → e+ + νe + νµ’
µ− → e− + νe’ + νµ
Such cosmic ray muons follow closely the direction of the incident protons and
constitute the bulk of the down-going cosmic ray muons.
In some cases, energetic primary neutrinos can interact with the (primary)
protons or neutrons to produce the so-called neutrino-induced cosmic ray
νµ + n → µ− + p
νµ’ + p → µ+ + n
where (dNpπ±)/dx is the pion production spectrum (x = Eπ/Ep and γ is the differential
primary spectral index). A similar expression can be obtained for kaons.
a) Eµ >> ε(π,K), where επ = 115 GeV and εK = 850 GeV are the critical energy beyond
which meson reinteractions cannot be neglected. This is the typical muon energy
range studied by underground detectors or by ground based experiments looking at
high inclined directions. In this case, the meson production spectrum have the same
power law dependence of the primary cosmic rays, but the rate of their decay has
an extra E-1 dependence with respect to the primary and meson spectrum (a
consequence of the Lorentz time dilatation). The muon (and hence neutrino) flux
takes the form: dN/dEµ = E-(γ+1) µ , and a zenith dependence dN/dcosθ ∝ (cosθ)−1.
b) ε(µ) < ∼ Eµ < ∼ ε(π,K), where εµ = 1 GeV. In this energy range, almost all the mesons
decay, and the muon flux has a power law dependence with the same spectral index
of the parent mesons (and hence of the primary cosmic ray, in the assumption of
complete Feynman scaling validity) and is almost independent on the zenith angle. A
compact form which expresses the low and high energy regions is :
c) Eµ < ∼ ε(µ) . In this case, muon decays and the energy losses in the atmosphere
cannot be neglected. Moreover, geomagnetic latitude and solar modulation now
play an important role being the primary cosmic ray energy Ep < 20 GeV.
Basic Properties of Muons
• Mass
Muons have an unusual mass intermediate between the proton mass and the electron mass (1/9 mp, 207 me); this result is
achieved with comparison to the electron mass, which is known to be precise to 10 p.p.b [10^(-8)].
The life time of µ− must be measured in vacuum since that of bound µ− in the 1s orbit of a muonic atom is significantly
shortened by nuclear capture processes. An alternative method is to measure the lifetime of µ− in flight compared to that
of µ+.
The size of the µ+ and µ− can be measured in high-energy collision experiments using e+ - e− colliders; the reaction
e++e− → µ++µ−, assuming quantum electrodynamics (QED) and with point-like e+ and e−, confirms that µ+ and µ−, too,
are point-like, with rµ ≤ 10−16cm (Martyn, 1990).
The size of µ+ and µ− can also be estimated from high-precision measurements of muon properties such as the
anomalous gyromagnetic ratio of muon, (g−2)µ, or from the upper limit upon flavour non conserving decays such as
µ+ → e+ + γ. These measurements also place a stringent upper limit on the existence of possible internal structure or
excited states in the muon. These limits, with the aid of theoretical models, can be converted to give an upper limit on
the size of the muon: rµ ≤10−17 cm (Brodsky and Drell, 1980).
A variety of interesting scientific research has been initiated focusing on these two types of muon
The accelerator-producing muons, after stopping in mm–cm-thick target material, are used to
conduct condensed-matter studies by the muon spin rotation/relaxation/resonance method, muon
catalyzed fusion studies, and nondestructive elemental analysis studies for, e.g., biomedical
applications. As a result of development of the ultraslow positive muon technique, sub-µm-thick
material can now be an objective of µSR studies.
On the other hand, the cosmic-ray muon is now known to be used to measure the density and
length of gigantic geophysical substances such as a volcano to learn its inner structure.
There is a clear difference between scientific research with accelerator-producing muons and that
with cosmic-ray muons; the former mostly concerns experimental studies after stopping the muons
inside the objective substance, while the latter is about experimental studies by penetration or
Fundamental Interactions of the Muon
The µ+ and µ−are subject to electromagnetic and weak interactions. These two interactions are now unified into an
electroweak interaction within the framework of the standard model. Understanding these is important as on one
hand the measurement of muon interactions represents a test of quantum electrodynamics and on the other hand the
high energies available in cosmic rays would possibly lead to the measurement of new processes or the detection of
new particles.
Electromagnetic Interactions
Both charge types of the muon interact with other charged particles via the Coulomb interaction in which the potential
energy is given by –(e^2)*Z/r, where Z is the charge of the other particle (the charge on the muon being ±1). Several
important atomic bound states are formed, including: muonium (µ+e−), muonic hydrogen (µ−p), and muonic Z-atoms
The magnetic moments of µ+ and µ− (µµ) interact with magnetic fields either intrinsic to the atoms themselves or
externally applied. The hyperfine splittings in the atomic bound states and the spin precession frequencies around the
external field(Hext) are thus determined by the relevant parameters:
ΔEhfs( Mu,1s )= µµ ×µe <1/r3>, fµ = γ Mu (= µµ/2π) Hext
Tests of the validity of the fundamental theory of QED have been carried out through high precision spectroscopy
making use of µ+ and µ− -containing atoms. These experiments also yield values for the fundamental constants of the
muon itself, such as the mass of the muon mµ and the magnetic moment of the muon µµ.
Weak Interactions
The weak interaction of the muon is the phenomenon underlying both the decay of µ+ and µ− and the nuclear
capture of µ− in muonic atoms 1s. The fundamental law of flavor conservation has been confirmed through
observations setting an upper limit on flavor conservation-violating processes such as µ+ →e+ + γ or µ− +Z →e− +Z.
In addition to lepton number conservation, another important weak-interaction experiment involving muon, muonium
and muonic atom is to search for a conversion of muonium (Mu, µ+e−) to antimuonium (Mu, µ-e+). This is related to the
mixing of lepton numbers, including multiplicative or additive schemes; the standard model in particle physics
assumes an additive scheme.
At the same time, the detailed properties of the normal decay process of the µ+ yielding an e+ and two neutrinos have
been studied to a high degree of precision.
Energy and angular distribution of atmospheric muons
Muons are produced at about 10-15 km height in the atmosphere and lose about 2 GeV of energy before reaching the
ground. Their energy and angular distribution at ground reflect a convolution of production spectrum, energy loss in the
atmosphere and the decay. The energy spectrum of muons is almost flat below 1 GeV and then steepens to reflect the
primary energy spectrum in the10-100 GeV range. It steepens further above 100 GeV since the pions above this energy
would interact in the atmosphere before decaying to muons. Above 1 TeV, the energy spectrum of the muons is one power
steeper than the primary spectrum. The energy distribution of primary cosmic rays follow power law E−n. The pion and
the muon distributions also follow the same power law which is modified in the low energy region. The vertical flux as a
function of energy can be described by :
where I0 is the vertical (θ = 0) muon flux integrated over energy, which gives the normalization N = (n−1)E0 . Here, we
have added a parameter E0 which accounts for energy loss due to both the hadronic as well as electromagnetic
interactions with air molecules. We can introduce one more parameter ϵ which modifies the power in the high energy part
and that should account for the finite life time of pions and kaons,
Both the Eqs. 1 and 2 assume that the energy loss (E0) is independent of particle energy, an assumption which is good for
minimum ionizing particles. At low energies, the energy loss varies as 1/E thus a more appropriate distribution would come
with an additional parameter E1 as
The muon flux measured on the Earth’s surface has a weak dependence on the azimuthal angle but depends strongly
on Zenith angle which is defined as the angle made by the incident ray with the vertical direction at that point.
The zenith angle (θ) dependence of the cosmic muon intensity at sea level has been investigated for different zenith angle
ranges as well. For θ ≤75◦, it is given by the expression
where I(0◦) is the intensity at 0◦ and n is a function of the muon momentum. The value of n around 1GeV is 1.85±0.10
The ratio of the energy loss from inclined to the vertical direction is given by the ratio of the pathlengths (same as the ratio
of thicknesses) D(θ) in the respective directions and thus, the zenith angle distribution of energy integrated flux in terms
of I0 = Φ(θ = 0) is obtained as
Where the ratio of pathlengths of a muon from inclined direction to that of a muon from the vertical
direction is obtained as
where ∆T is the total lifetime of the experiment, Ni is the number of detected events with multiplicity mi in the angular bin
∆Ωj, Aj and Σj are, respectively, the geometrical and intrinsic acceptance of the detector. The relation between the
measured IV µ (h) and the sea-level muon spectrum can be expressed as:
where P(E,h) is the muon survival probability function determined via Monte Carlo.
Charge ratio
In the primary cosmic rays there is an excess of positively charged particles (protons) with respect to the total number of
nucleons. This excess is transmitted via nuclear interactions to pions and further to muons. By assuming that the primary
composition is constant in the energy range considered, this ratio will remain constant with the exception of high energies,
where the contribution from kaons starts to become sizeable. The muon charge ratio is expected to increase also with zenith
angle as the depth is increasing and likewise the energy of the primaries that produce muons of a given momentum at
ground. This quantity is important to study nucleon-nucleon interactions, composition and kaon contribution. Magnetic
spectrographs are used for determining this ratio.
Polarization of Muons
Most cosmic-ray µ mesons which come to rest in a thin absorber at sea level arise from the decay of π mesons. These µ mesons
arrive with energies in a narrow range, so that they can be produced in the backward decay of relatively high-energy π
mesons or in the forward decay of relatively low-energy π mesons. Since the intensity of π mesons is higher at the lower
energy, most of the µ mesons which stop in the absorber have been produced in the forward decay of their parent π mesons. It
is apparent, therefore, that cosmic-ray µ mesons may be partially polarized, and that their polarization may be indicated by
an asymmetry in the direction distribution of their decay electrons.
The degree of polarization must depend on the relative numbers and properties of the unstable particles which give rise to µ
mesons and on their energy spectra, so that a measurement of the polarization can provide a check on our understanding of
the role of unstable particles in the propagation of cosmic rays in the atmosphere.
This partial polarization may be understood qualitatively in the following way. In the pion rest frame muons are emitted
isotopically and these muons are 100% longitudinally polarized. Positive and negative muons are polarized, respectively,
antiparallel and parallel to their momenta.
The partial longitudinal polarization of muons from pions decaying in flight is given by:
where the prime indicates the laboratory frame and the subscript one a unit vector. Here, ξ is the muon polarization vector in
the muon rest frame, v and e are, respectively, the muon velocity and total energy (in units of its rest energy) in the pion rest
frame, and η is the total pion energy (in units of its rest energy) in the laboratory frame.
• Introductory Muon Science - Kanetada Nagamine
• Investigation of the zenith angle dependence of cosmic-ray muons at sea level – MEHMET BEKTASOGLU and HALIL ARSLAN, PRAMANA Journal of Physics,
Vol. 80, No. 5, May 2013, pp. 837–846
• Energy and angular distributions of atmospheric muons at the Earth - Prashant Shukla, arXiv:1606.06907v2 [hep-ph] 23 Jun 2016
• Thesis: Measurement of the Momentum Spectrum of Cosmic Ray Muons at a depth of 320 mwe - Nadir Omar Hashim , June 2007
9 PHYSICS LETTERS 27 April 1970
• The muon flux of cosmic rays at sea level - A K DE, P GHOSH, S MITRA, P C BHATTACHARYA and A K DAS, J. Phys. A: Gen. Phys.. Vol. 5. August 1972
• Momentum Spectrum of Muons - W. Pax, S. Ozxzr, B. P. Roz AND K. GRziszN, PHYSICAL REVIEW VOLUME 121, NUMBER 3 FEBRUARY 1, 1961
• Measurements of muons at sea level - Shuhei Tsuji, Toshikazu Katayama, Kazuhide Okei, Tomonori Wada, Isao Yamamoto and Yoshihiko Yamashita, J.
Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 24 (1998)
• Prof. Nayana Majumdar, Supervisor of Summer Project
• Prof. Supratik Mukhopadhyay, Co-Supervisor