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Carbon and Alloy Steels

• All of these steels are alloys of Fe and C

– Plain carbon steels (less than 2% carbon and
negligible amounts of other residual elements)
• Low Carbon (less than 0.3% carbon)
• Med Carbon (0.3% to 0.6%)
• High Carbon (0.6% to 1.4%)
– Low Alloy Steel
– High Alloy Steel
– Stainless Steels (Corrosion-Resistant Steels)
– contain at least 10.5% Chromium
AISI - SAE Classification System
American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI)
• classifies alloys by chemistry
• 4 digit number
– 1st number is the major alloying element
– 2nd number designates the subgroup
alloying element OR the relative percent of
primary alloying element.
– last two numbers approximate amount of
carbon (expresses in 0.01%)
AISI - SAE Classification System

• letter prefix to designate the process used to produce

the steel
– E = electric furnace
– X = indicates permissible variations
• If a letter is inserted between the 2nd and 3rd number
– B = boron has been added
– L = lead has been added
• Letter suffix
– H = when hardenability is a major requirement
• Other designation organizations
– ASTM and MIL
AISI/SAE most common, also have Unified
Numbering System (UNS) and ASTM
Plain Carbon Steel

Plain Carbon Steel

• Lowest cost
• Should be considered first in
most application
• 3 Classifications
• Low Carbon (less than 0.3% carbon)
• Med Carbon (0.3% to 0.6%)
• High Carbon (0.6% to 0.95%)
Plain Carbon Steel

• Again, alloy of iron and carbon with carbon the

major strengthening element via solid solution
• If carbon level high enough (greater than 0.6%)
can be quench hardened (aka: dispersion
hardening, through hardened, heat treated,
austenized and quenched, etc..).
• Can come in HRS and CRS options
• The most common CRS are 1006 through 1050
and 1112, 1117 and other free machining steels
Plain Carbon Steel
1. Low Carbon (less than 0.3% carbon)
• Low strength, good formability
• If wear is a potential problem, can be carburized
(diffusion hardening)
• Most stampings made from these steels
• AISI 1008, 1010, 1015, 1018, 1020, 1022, 1025

2. Med Carbon (0.3% to 0.6%)

• Have moderate to high strength with fairly good ductility
• Can be used in most machine elements
• AISI 1030, 1040, 1050, 1060*

3. High Carbon (0.6% to 0.95%)

• Have high strength, lower elongation
• Can be quench hardened
• Used in applications where surface subject to abrasion –
tools, knives, chisels, ag implements.
• AISI 1080, 1095
Carbon steels: low, med and hight

Increasing carbon content
– tensile strength
increases, elongation
Plain Carbon Steel

• 1018
– Low carbon Yield strength 55ksi
• 1045
– Medium carbon Yield strength 70ksi
• A36
– Low carbon Yield strength 36ksi
• 12L14
– Low carbon Yield strength 70ksi
• 1144
– Medium carbon Yield strength 95ksi
Hot Rolled Steell vs. Cold Rolled Stell

• HRS • HRS Characterized by:

– AKA hot finishing – ingots – Extremely ductile (i.e. %
or continuous cast shapes elongation 20 to 30%)
rolled in the “HOT” – Moderate strength (Su
condition to a smaller approx 60 – 75 ksi for
shape. 1020)
– Since hot, grains – Rough surface finish –
recrystallize without black scale left on surface.
material getting harder!
– Dislocations are annihilated
(recall dislocations impede
slip motion).
• CRS • CRS Characterized by:
– AKA cold finishing – coil of – Less ductlie – almost brittle
HRS rolled through a (i.e. % elongation 5 to
series of rolling mills AT 10%)
ROOM TEMPERATURE. – High strength (Su approx
– Since rolled at room 120 ksi for 1020)
temperature, get crystal
defects called dislocations
which impede motion via
– AKA work hardening
– Limit to how much you can
work harden before too
– How reverse? Can
recrystallize by annealing.
Alloy Steel
• Other elements (besides carbon) can be
added to iron to improve mechanical
property, manufacturing, or environmental
• Example: sulfur, phosphorous, or lead can
be added to improve machine ability.
– Generally want to use for screw machine
parts or parts with high production rates!
– Examples: 11xx, 12xx and 12Lxx
Alloy Steel
• Again, elements added to steel can dissolve in
iron (solid solution strengthening):
– Increase strength, hardenability, toughness, creep,
high temp resistance.
• Alloy steels grouped into low, med and high-
alloy steels.
– High-alloy steels would be the stainless steel groups.
– Most alloy steels you’ll use fall under the category of
low alloy.
Alloy Steel
• > 1.65%Mn, > 0.60% Si, or >0.60% Cu
• Most common alloy elements:
– Chromium, nickel, molybdenum, vanadium,
tungsten, cobalt, boron, and copper.
• Low alloy: Added in small percents (<5%)
– increase strength and hardenability
• High alloy: Added in large percents (>20%)
– i.e. > 10.5% Cr = stainless steel where Cr improves
corrosion resistance and stability at high or low
Alloying Elements used in

Manganese (Mn)
• combines with sulfur to prevent brittleness
• >1%
– increases hardenability
• 11% to 14%
– increases hardness
– good ductility
– high strain hardening capacity
– excellent wear resistance
• Ideal for impact resisting tools
Alloying Elements used in Steel

Sulfur (S)
• Imparts brittleness
• Improves machineability
• Okay if combined with Mn
• Some free-machining steels contain
0.08% to 0.15% S
• Examples of S alloys:
– 11xx – sulfurized (free-cutting)
Alloying Elements used in Steel

Nickel (Ni)
• Provides strength, stability and toughness,
Examples of Ni alloys:
– 30xx – Nickel (0.70%), chromium (0.70%)
– 31xx – Nickel (1.25%), chromium (0.60%)
– 32xx – Nickel (1.75%), chromium (1.00%)
– 33XX – Nickel (3.50%), chromium (1.50%)
Alloying Elements used in Steel
Chromium (Cr)
• Usually < 2%
• increase hardenability and strength
• Offers corrosion resistance by forming stable oxide surface
• typically used in combination with Ni and Mo
– 30XX – Nickel (0.70%), chromium (0.70%)
– 5xxx – chromium alloys
– 6xxx – chromium-vanadium alloys
– 41xxx – chromium-molybdenum alloys
Molybdenum (Mo)
• Usually < 0.3%
• increase hardenability and strength
• Mo-carbides help increase creep resistance at elevated temps
– typical application is hot working tools
Alloying Elements used in Steel
Vanadium (V)
• Usually 0.03% to 0.25%
• increase strength
– without loss of ductility
Tungsten (W)
• helps to form stable carbides
• increases hot hardness
– used in tool steels
Alloying Elements used in Steel

Copper (Cu)
• 0.10% to 0.50%
• increase corrosion resistance
• Reduced surface quality and hot-working ability
• used in low carbon sheet steel and structural
Silicon (Si)
• About 2%
• increase strength without loss of ductility
• enhances magnetic properties
Alloying Elements used in Steel

Boron (B)
• for low carbon steels, can drastically
increase hardenability
• improves machinablity and cold
forming capacity
Aluminum (Al)
• deoxidizer
• 0.95% to 1.30%
• produce Al-nitrides during nitriding
Selecting Steels

• High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel

• Microalloyed Steel
• Free-Machining Steel
• Bake-Hardenable Steel Sheet
• Precoated Steel Sheet
• Electrical and Magnetic Applications
• Maraging Steel
• High-Temperature Steel
• Stainless Steel
• Tool Steel
Corrosion Resistant Steel

• Stainless Steels (Corrosion-Resistant Steels)

– contain at least 10.5% Chromium
– trade name
• AISI assigns a 3 digit number
– 200 and 300 … Austenitic Stainless Steel
– 400 … Ferritic or Martensitic Stainless Steel
– 500 … Martensitic Stainless Steel
Tool Steel

• Refers to a variety of carbon and alloy steels

that are particularly well-suited to be made
into tools.
• Characteristics include high hardness,
resistance to abrasion (excellent wear), an
ability to hold a cutting edge, resistance to
deformation at elevated temperatures (red-
• Tool steel are generally used in a heat-
treated state.
• High carbon content – very brittle

AISI-SAE tool steel grades[1]

Defining property AISI-SAE grade
Water-hardening W
O Oil-hardening
Cold-working medium alloy

High carbon; high

Shock resisting S
T Tungsten base
High speed
M Molybdenum base

H1-H19: chromium
H20-H39: tungsten
Hot-working H
molybdenum base

Plastic mold P
L Low alloy
Special purpose
F Carbon tungsten
Review CES!
Recall, tensile strength approximately 500 X
A Quick Review of Heat Treating Processes:
Know These Basic HT Processes:
• Full Annealing – Heat above the austenite
temperature (or UC) until the composition
is uniform. Cool very slowly (usually at
room temperate outside the oven. Result:
a soft, low-strength steel, free of significant
internal stresses. Generally done before
Cold Forming process
Know These Basic HT Processes:
• Full Annealing – Heat above the austenite
temperature (or UC) until the composition is
uniform. Cool very slowly (usually at room
temperate outside the oven. Result: a soft, low-
strength steel, free of significant internal
stresses. Generally done before Cold Forming
• Stress relief annealing – Heat slightly below
austenitic temperature (or below LC) generally
done following welding, machining or cold
forming to reduce residual stress.
Know These Basic HT Processes:
• Normalizing: Similar to annealing but at
higher temperature. Again, slow cooling.
Result: uniform internal structure with
somewhat higher strength than the
annealing process. Machinability and
toughness improved over the as-rolled
Know These Basic HT Processes:
• Through Hardening and Quenching and
Tempering (and then slow cooling): – Heat
above the austenite temperature (or UC)
until the composition is uniform. Cool
rapidly (Quench). Result: strong but brittle
martensite structure. So temper and slow
cool to improve toughness at the expense
of strength.
Tensile Strength and
Elongation vs
Know These Basic HT Processes:
Spheroidizing: (must have carbon content of
0.6% or higher) Spheroidite forms when
carbon steel is heated to approximately
700 °C for over 30 hours. Spheroidite can
form at lower temperatures but the time
needed drastically increases, as this is a
diffusion-controlled process. The result is a
structure of rods or spheres of cementite
within primary structure (ferrite or pearlite,
depending on which side of the eutectoid you
are on). The purpose is to soften higher
carbon steels and allow more formability. This
is the softest and most ductile form of steel.
The image to the right shows where
spheroidizing usually occurs.
Tensile Strength and
Elongation for
Various Alloy Steels
Properties of Some
Structural Steels –
All use ASTM call-

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