Apml M3
Apml M3
Apml M3
chief complaints of
Fever since 4 days
Unable to talk since 3hrs
Unable to swallow since 3hrs
Deviation of mouth to left since 3hrs
Family history:
No h/o similar complaints in the family
Menstrual history:
Age at menarche – 13 yrs
cycles are regular 5/30, menorrhagia in the last
2 cycles
Drug history:
patient is not using any medication prior to
present illness.
General condition on examination:
Patient is conscious, coherent
Pallor++, pale tongue, pale nails+
Venous hum +
No icterus/ cyanosis/ clubbing/ lymphadenopathy/
pedal edema
Dental caries+
Painful opening of mouth+
Temperature : 100 F
Pulse : 98bpm, regular, hyperkinetic, no radio-radial
delay, no radiofemoral delay, All periperal pulses are
BP: Supine : 110/70 mmHg
Standing : 110/70 mmHg
RR: 18cpm
SpO2: 100% on RA