This document discusses various types of sacred music. It describes liturgical music as music originating from and performed as part of religious rites, particularly the Roman Catholic mass. Devotional music accompanies religious observances and rituals. The document also mentions several specific sacred musical traditions from the Philippines, including pastores, senakulo, pasyon, salubong, flores de mayo, and santacruzan.
This document discusses various types of sacred music. It describes liturgical music as music originating from and performed as part of religious rites, particularly the Roman Catholic mass. Devotional music accompanies religious observances and rituals. The document also mentions several specific sacred musical traditions from the Philippines, including pastores, senakulo, pasyon, salubong, flores de mayo, and santacruzan.
This document discusses various types of sacred music. It describes liturgical music as music originating from and performed as part of religious rites, particularly the Roman Catholic mass. Devotional music accompanies religious observances and rituals. The document also mentions several specific sacred musical traditions from the Philippines, including pastores, senakulo, pasyon, salubong, flores de mayo, and santacruzan.
This document discusses various types of sacred music. It describes liturgical music as music originating from and performed as part of religious rites, particularly the Roman Catholic mass. Devotional music accompanies religious observances and rituals. The document also mentions several specific sacred musical traditions from the Philippines, including pastores, senakulo, pasyon, salubong, flores de mayo, and santacruzan.
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The passage discusses different types of sacred music including liturgical music, devotional music, and mass. It also mentions some Filipino sacred songs and their meanings.
Liturgical music, devotional music, and mass are mentioned as types of sacred music. Liturgical music originated as part of religious rites and mass is a sacrament mostly celebrated by the Roman Catholic Church.
Pastores is a Christmas season folk dance and song that reenacts the story of the shepherds visiting the baby Jesus in the manger.
SACRED MUSIC is performed or
composed for religious gatherings and fellowships. LITURGICAL MUSIC originated as a part of religious rites; it is part of the Roman Catholic mass. DEVOTIONAL MUSIC accompanies religious observances & rituals. MASS is a sacrament of Eucharist mostly celebrated by the Roman Catholic Church. - Came from the Latin word missa LATIN ENGLISH FILIPINO
KYRIE Lord, have mercy Panginoon, Maawa
Ka GLORIA Glory to God Papupri sa Diyos
SANCTUS Holy Santo
CREDO Creed Sumsasampalataya
PASTORES is a Christmas season folk dance and song. It reenacts how the shepherds visited the child Jesus in manger. SENAKULO is played during the Lenten season. It portrays events from the Old and New testaments about the life, sufferings and death of Jesus. PASYON is a Philippine epic that narrates the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is commonly sung during Holy Week. SALUBONG is celebrated during the pre-dawn of Easter Sunday. It is a scene that shows the Risen Christ meeting with His mother Mary. FLORES DE MAYO is a Spanish term for “Flowers of May”. It is a festival held in the Philippines to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary every month of May. SANTACRUZAN is a religious celebration through-out the Philippines, highlighted during the celebration of Flores de Mayo. RUBRICS Score
Criteria Standard
5 – actively participates in all aspects of the group activity; completes assigned
task on time 3 – adequately participates in most aspects of the activity, some delays in Participation completing assigned tasks 1 – little or no participation in the group activity; does not complete assigned task/s properly and/or on time 5 – performs integration of the characteristics from the different periods such as monophonic, homophonic and polyphonic textures, sacred or secular, chants, vocal and/or instrumental
3 – adequately performs integration of the characteristics from the different
periods such as monophonic, homophonic and polyphonic textures, sacred or Creativity secular, chants, vocal and/or instrumental and not clearly shown
1 – performs integration of the characteristics from the different periods such as
monophonic, homophonic and polyphonic textures, sacred or secular, chants, vocal and/or instrumental hardly understandable
5 – provides complete half-time duration of the song (1 minute and 30 seconds)
3 – provides incomplete half-time duration of the song (30 minutes time to 1 Duration minute) 1 – provides minimum time and incomplete half-time of the song (30 minutes below) Total Score