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Env Acc Env

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SKF Microlog

Enveloping addresses the problem of isolating small but

significant impulse perturbation that are summed, during
measurement, with larger, low frequency, stationary
vibration signals, such as imbalance and misalignment.
These small impulse signals come from bearing race
Figure 1 shows a time domain plot of a typical raw
transducer signal which includes small impulsive defect
Figure 2 illustrates the separation of the small repetitive
impulses from the complete large signal (which is
dominated by low frequency machine synchronous
Although normal FFT spectrum analysis separates these
signals into their fundamental and harmonics, the
amplitude are often too small to be seen above the
instrumentation level.
A small, narrow, repetitive impact signal,
when converted to frequency domain,
results in a plot of small harmonics
amplitudes with a frequency separation
equal to the repetitive rate. Figure 3
compares the different amplitude/
frequency relationships between a
sinusiodal pure tone signal and a repetitive
impulse. The impulse signal amplitude is
proportional to the pulse width (t) and
pulse cycle interval (T). The smaller this
ratio is – that is, the narrower the pulse
width – the smaller are the spectrum
amplitudes. This ratio is, of course, related
to the width of the bearing defect.
repetitive impulse from a complex vibration
signal by using a band pass filter that rejects
low frequency components that are
synchronous with vibration. Figure 4 shows
the optional filter selection from the SKF
Condition Monitoring Microlog. Although
there are signal enhancements that result
from structural resonances, the envelope
method is not solely dependent on local
resonance to isolate rolling element defect
signals. Filter criteria selection is based on
suitable rejection of the low frequency
sinusoids while optimizing the passband of
defect harmonics.
Figure 5 provides a table of filter selections
based on rotational speeds in an analysis
SKF Machine Analyst Software
Purpose of Database & Analysis Software

– Organize & Archive Very Large Amounts of Vibration

Analysis Data (many gigabytes)
– Provide Structure to Data Collection via Portable
Data Collectors &/or On-Line Systems
– Permit Analysis of Data as a Means to Determine
Analysis Machine Condition
– Provide Capability to Generate Reports for Isolating
Problem Machines / Abnormal Conditions
Correction – Provide Capability to Generate Reports for
Communication with Others
Integrated Management
Information Flow
The Truly Integrated Solution

Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP)

Computerized Maintenance
Management System (CMMS)

Decision Support Software (DSS)


Programmable Supervisory Control Distributed Condition Manufacturing

Logic Controller and Data Acquisition Control System Monitoring System Execution Software

Parameter Layer
CM Technology
RCFA Production Output Future Technology

Vibration Alignment Flow EDS

PDA Oil & Grease Analysis Balancing Pressure Inventory Mgmt
Personal Digital Thermography PRM Temperature Smart Sensors
Assistant Noise ODS/Modal Op Hours Portable Data Collection
Ultrasound Metallurgy etc.
Inspections Brg. Failure Analysis
What is SKF Machine Analyst?
–A Revolutionary Software Product
from SKF Condition Monitoring
– The Largest Product Development
Effort Ever at SKF Condition Monitoring

• A Completely New Application (all new code)

• Built with Quality In Mind, Testing Throughout

• 25+ Man Years of Development Effort

• Beta Test Commenced in June 2000
What makes Machine Analysis different?
• The Best, New Software Technology
– 32-bit Windows NT 4.0/2000 Application
– Component Object Model (COM) Architecture
– Oracle 8i Relational Client/Server Database
• Externally and Internally Open
– ODBC & SQL Compatible Database
– Plug-in Technology
• The Ultimate in Customizability
– Database Structure
– Toolbars
– Security System
• Refined Functionality
– Wizard Technology
– “Hover” Cursor
SKF Machine Analyst is:
– Designed to Accommodate the Full Range of
SKF CM Products & More

– Employs SKF’s Expertise in Condition


– Utilizes the Latest Software Technologies &

• 32-bit Windows NT/2000 Application
• Component Object Model Design (COM)
• Oracle 8i Relational Database (client/server)
SKF Machine Analyst is:
– Externally Open
• Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) Compliant
• Structured Query Language (SQL) Compliant
• Machine Analyst Database Toolbox

– Internally Open
• Modular, COM Based Design
• Allows Third Party Developed “Plug-ins”
• Plug-ins Integrate Seamlessly into Main
Key Technology Features & Benefits

Key Features Benefits

• 32-bit Windows • Save time via
Application, true multi- background tasks, fewer
tasking environment system problems

• COM Architecture • Easy to add new features

and application solutions
• Oracle 8i Client/Server
Database • Widely accepted by MIS
groups, in-house
Key System Openness Features & Benefits

Key Features Benefits

• ODBC & SQL Compatible • Allows greater sharing of
Database valuable CM data

• Plug-in Technology • Allows faster delivery of

new features
Key Customizing Features & Benefits

Key Features Benefits

• Fully configurable • Allows tailoring of user
Security Levels access, protects
valuable data
• Database Structures can • Database hierarchy
be defined by user matches Plant structure,
more comfortable for
• Configurable Tool Bars
• Improves User efficiency
• Size & Set Screen Layout
• Improves User efficiency
Key Customizing Features & Benefits

Key Features Benefits

• Alarm Sets • Faster database creation
& maintenance
• Defect Frequency Sets • Faster database creation
& maintenance
• Database Filters • Allows powerful
database queries

• Machinery Templates • Faster database creation

Key System Features & Benefits
Key Features Benefits
• Scheduler (Wizard) • Allows Automatic
Scheduling of Important
System Functions

• On Plot Annotation • Communicate key


• Image Storage • Connects “Real” world to

CM data
• HTML Report Output
– Browser • Promotes wider use of
– Word
Processor/Spreadsheet CM information.
Key System Features & Benefits
Key Features Benefits
• “Hover” Cursor • Quick view of data

• Statistical Overall Alarms

• More reliable alarm
values, fewer false
(Wizard) alarms
• Allow more specific
• Filter Keys database queries
• Allows quick scanning of
• Auto Linking diagnostic data

• Quick view of possible

• Alarm Views trouble
SKF Machine Analyst
System Architecture

• 32-bit Windows NT/2000


• Component Object
Model Design

• Oracle 8i Relational
Database (Client/Server)

• Windows Explorer
Application Style
System Customization
– Security Levels
– Database nomenclature
– Toolbars
– Screen Layout
– Alarm & Frequency Sets
– Database Filters
– Machinery Templates
Customization System Security

• Add users

• Assign access

• Customize access
Customization Database Nomenclature

• Customize Database

• Use Your Plant’s

Nomenclature not

• Utilize Optional Data

Customization Customizable Toolbars

• Select toolbars

• Customize
toolbar content

• Options include
all menu choices
Screen Layout

• Remember:
– Window Size
– Position

• Customize Plots
– Plot Preferences
Customization Alarm Sets

• Public or Private

• Overall Alarms

• Spectral Bands

• Spectrum Envelope
Customization Frequency Sets
• Define sets of defect

• Public or Private

• Include:
– Bearings
– Single Frequency
– Harmonic Trains
– All common machine
defect frequencies
Customization Database Filters
• Set of filtering criteria

• User configurable

• Save and reapply

• Apply to:
– Hierarchy
– Routes
– Workspaces
Customization Filtered Workspaces

• Can be Saved and


• Automatic or manual

• Modifiable filter

• A Filter can be applied

to a filtered workspace
Customization Machinery Templates

• Easily create
machine trains
from previously
defined templates

• Build large groups

of similar machines
in minutes!
System Improvements
• Event Scheduler • Internet Enabled Reports
• Enhanced Alarming • Filter Keys
• Auto Linking • User Interface
• Multi-pane Plots Enhancements

• Image Storage • Plot Enhancements

Improvements Event Scheduler

–Specify certain tasks to run at

startup, upload, or specific time.

–Tasks to perform are:

• Display Message
• Generate Report
• Manage Database
Improvements Enhanced Alarming

• Alarm View
• Alarm Details View
• Statistical Overall
• Public
• Graphically edit:
– Bands
– Envelopes
– Phase
Improvements Alarm View
• View Alarms within:
– Hierarchy
– Routes
– Workspaces

• Column Sorting
• Auto Linking Source
• Edit Point Setups
Improvements Alarm Details View

• Shows Specific

• Auto-linkable

• Column Sorting
Improvements Statistical Overall
• Wizard approach
• Applied to one
POINT or across
multiple POINTs
Improvements Public Alarms

• Shared across points

• Overall Alarms

• Spectral Band Alarms

• Spectral Envelope

• Can be made Private

Improvements Band Alarm
Spectral Band Alarms
• Click & drag editing

• Feedback indicators
display current values.
Improvements Edit Spectrum Envelope

– Click and drag editing

– Edit envelope more precisely via
numerical fields
Improvements Edit Phase Alarm

• Click and drag phase &

amplitude and phase
alarm positions
• Edit fields for more
precise alarming.
Improvements Auto-linking
•Easily traverse thru
data plots

•Multiple windows
using one source

•Select multiple data

Multi-Pane Plots -
Multi-Pane Plots -
Multi-Pane Plots -
Improvements Image Data

• Add Images
• Multiple images
• Include in reports
Internet Enabled

• HTML Format

• Use Browser

• Easily Emailed

• Post on Intranet
Improvements Filter Keys

• Enhances Filtering
• Fully User Definable
• No limit on Filter Keys
User Interface

• Microsoft Explorer
Look and Feel
– Easier to Learn

• Cut, Copy and Paste

• Easily Move or Delete

Context Sensitive

• Right Click Menus

• Works Everywhere
Improved Data Plot
– Full Access
• Header Info
• Cursor Info
• Other Info
– Sizable
Improvements Data Plot Menus

Easy access to:

– Unit Conversion
– Settings/Reset
– Information area
– Copy Data
On Plot
• Easily Highlight
Areas of Concern

• Improves

• Improves Decision

• Fully Configurable
Improvements “Hover” Cursor

• Fast!
• Point and Shoot

• Instant Access to
information for all
plot objects
SKF Machine Analyst
• Leading Edge Software
– Full 32-bit Support
– COM Architecture
– Oracle 8i Database

• Externally & Internally Open

– ODBC & SQL Compliant
– Plug-in Technology

• Highly Configurable

• Refined Functionality
Product Demonstration

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