Chapter 3 Human Person and Values Development
Chapter 3 Human Person and Values Development
Chapter 3 Human Person and Values Development
Human person is the subject of education:
he is a human person learning and being
taught. The human person is also the
object of education: the human person is
the center of the curriculum and the
entire program
A. Important realities of the
Human Person
1. The Self Image
2. When?
Values should be taught to all ages with
differing agendas and changing emphasis
as one gets mature. Teach values now and
D. The Why, When, Where, Who, What,
and How in Teaching Values
3. Where?
Values are best taught in the home, in
either the positive or the negative sense.
It can be far more influential than what is
taught in school.
D. The Why, When, Where, Who, What,
and How in Teaching Values
4. Who?
Parents are the crucial examples and
instructors of values. They are general
contractor. The teachers, the institution,
and organization are considered as
subcontractors serving as supplement,
support, and back up of parents.
D. The Why, When, Where, Who, What,
and How in Teaching Values
5. What?
Decide which values to teach. Choose a
teaching system that will help you decide
what teach.
D. The Why, When, Where, Who, What,
and How in Teaching Values
6. How?
There are method especially designed in
teaching values to pre-schoolers,
elementary ages, adolescents, and
community people.
E. Important of Teaching Values
1. Values are extremely powerful. They guide people and
identify what behavior is acceptable and what
behavior is not.
2. Values have to do with being and giving. It is who we are
and what we give rather than what we have that
make up our truest inner selves.
3. The Values of Being (who we are) are honesty, courage,
peaceability, self- reliance, discipline, and fidelity. These
are given as they are gained and practiced on the
“outer” as they are develop in the “inner” The values
of giving (what we give) are respect, love, loyalty,
unselfishness, kindness, and mercy. These are gained
and develop as they are practiced.
F. The Value of Being and Giving
A true and universal acceptable “value” is
one that produced behavior that is
beneficial both to the practitioner and
those on whom it is practiced. A value is a
quality distinguished by a.) its ability to
multiply and increase in our possession
even as it is given away; and b.) the fact
(even the law) that, the more it is given to
others, the more it will be returned by
others and received by others.
1. On Values of Being. The Following
are value of being:
◦ Honesty must be practiced with other individuals,
with institution, with society, and with self. The Inner
strength and confidence are bred by exacting
truthfulness, trustworthiness, and integrity
◦ This means daring to attempt difficult things that are
good. It is the strength not to follow the crowd, to say
no and mean it, and influence others by it.
◦ This means calmness, peacefulness, and serenity. It is
the tendency to accommodate rather than argue. It is
the ability to understand how others feel rather than
simply reacting to them. It means the control of
Self-Reliance and Potential
◦ These refer to individual, awareness, and development
of gifts and uniqueness. One must take responsibility
for one’s own actions.
Self-Discipline and Moderate
◦ these refer to physical, mental and financial
self-discipline. These involved moderation in
speaking, in eating, and in exercising.
Fidelity and Chastity
◦ These refer to the value and security and
fidelity within marriage. These involved the
commitment that go with marriage.
2. On Values of Giving. The following are
values of Giving
Loyalty and Dependability
◦ These refer to loyal to family, to employers, to
country, to church, to school, and to other
organizations and institutions. These means
reliability and consistency in doing what you
say you will do.
◦ This means respect for life, for property, for
parents, for elders, for nature, and for the
beliefs and rights of others. It refers to
courtesy, politeness and manners
◦ It means individual and personal caring that goes
beneath and beyond loyalty and respect. It means love
for friends, neighbors, even adversaries, and a
prioritized, lifelong commitment of love for family.
Unselfishness and Sensitivity
◦ These pertain to becoming more extra-centered and
less self-centered. These means learning to feel with
and for others. These refer to empathy, tolerance,
brotherhood, and sensitivity to needs of people and
Kindness and Friendship
◦ These refer to awareness that being kind and
considerate is more admirable than being
tough or strong. These means helpfulness and
Justice and Mercy
◦ These refer to obedience to law and fairness
in work and play. These involve an
understanding of the natural consequences
and the law of the harvest.
G.Value formation
The Christian Value Formation is a life long
process of growing which gets in strength
from Jesus’ sermon on the mount.
S Beauty
L Knowledge
F Creative and critical thinking
Self –worth/Self-esteem
Personal Discipline
Faith in God
I Family Mutual love/ Respect
Responsible parenthood
C Society Concern for other/Common good
O Freedom/Equality
M Social Justice/ Respect for human rights
Peace/Active non-violence
Popular participation
N Thrift/Conservation of resources
I Work ethic
Y Scientific and technological knowledge
Common identity
National Unity
Esteem of national heroes
Civic consciousness/Pride
International understanding and cooperation
Our character is composite of our habits.
Habits are powerful factors in our lives.
They are consistent, often unconscious
patterns. They constantly, daily express
our character and influence our
effectiveness or ineffectiveness
1.Being Proactive
Proactivity means taking initiative. As a
human being, we are responsible for our
own life. Our behavior is a function of
our decisions, not our condition. Highly
proactive people responsibility.
“Response-ability” means the ability to
choose your response. In making such a
choice, we become reactive.
2. Begin with the End Mind
“Begin to the end mind” is to be gin with
the image, picture, or paradigm of the end
of your life as your frame of reference or
the criterion by which everything else is
3. Putting First Things First
Effective management is putting first thing
first. While leadership decides what “first
things” are, it is management that put
them first, day-by-day, moment-by-
moment. Management is discipline
carrying it out.
4. Think Win/Win
The habit of effective interpersonal
leadership is think Win/Win. Win/Win is
not a technique; it is a total philosophy of
human interaction.
5.Seek First to Understand Than to be
“Seek first to understand” involves every
deep shift in paradigm. We typically seek
first to be understood. Most people do
not listen with the intent to understand;
they listen with the intent to reply.
6. Synergize
Synergize means that the whole is greater
than the sum of its parts. It means that
the relationship which the parts have to
each other is a part in and of itself.
7. Sharpen you “Saw” of Self-principles of
Balanced Self-Renewal
habit is taking time to sharpen the saw. It
is the habit that makes all the other
possible. It is preserving and enhancing
the greatest asset you have – you
reserving the four dimension of your
nature – physical, spiritual, mental, and
On the Maturity Continuum:
a.) Dependence is the paradigm of you – You
take care of me; you come through for me, you
didn’t come through. I blame you for the results.
b.) Independence is the paradigm of I – I can do
it; I am responsible; I am self-reliant; I can
c.) Interdependence is the paradigm of we – We
can do it; we can cooperate; we can combine
our talents.