Here in ITC we can see that the organization has created different committee consist of different people to take case of the respective areas of corporate
Governance and Ethics. This is very Important that for each and every aspect of Corporate ethics we should have a committee so that every individual will be
aware of where he should go with his/her concerns.
It’s clearly visible and written that each and every one in the organization must follow and comes under this Corporate governance Policies and should adhere
to them.
Organization Corporate Social 360 Degree Risk
About ITC Tone at the Top Corporate Ethics
Culture Responsibility feedback Management
Policies Description
Whistleblower policy A Whistleblower complaint may be made by any employee (hereinafter referred to as the ‘complainant’). Such complaint should be sent to his or her
immediate reporting authority, with copies to the relevant Divisional Chief Executive / Head of Corporate Department and the Head of Corporate
Human Resources. Complaint for any actual or suspected instance of leak of UPSI should also be copied to the Company Secretary and the Chief
Financial Officer. Upon receipt of a complaint (other than by or against senior management), the Head of Corporate Human Resources, who should
keep the Line Director informed, will make an assessment thereof and on being satisfied as to the seriousness and credibility of the complaint, direct
the complaint for investigation, in consultation with the General Counsel, to the Internal Audit Department of the Company.
Meetings Meetings and Attendance
The Company’s Governance Policy requires the Board to meet at least five times a year. The intervening period between two Board meetings was
well within the maximum gap of 120 days prescribed under the Listing Regulations 2015. The tentative annual calendar of meetings is broadly
determined at the beginning of each year
This shows how well and diligently board is following the meetings and monitoring the issues and listens the concerns of their
employees which are every important for corporate governance.
Organization Corporate Social 360 Degree Risk
About ITC Tone at the Top Corporate Ethics
Culture Responsibility feedback Management
The ITC Code of Conduct, as adopted by the Board of Directors, is applicable to all Directors, senior management and employees
of the Company. This Code is derived from three interlinked fundamental principles, viz. good corporate governance, good
corporate citizenship and exemplary personal conduct. The Code covers ITC's commitment to sustainable development, concern
for occupational health, safety and environment, a gender friendly workplace, transparency and auditability, legal compliance, and
the philosophy of leading by personal example. Any instance of non-adherence to the Code or any other observed unethical
behavior on the part of those covered under the Code is brought to the attention of the immediate reporting authority, who, in
turn, reports the same to the Head of Corporate Human Resources. The Code is available on the Company's corporate website.
We have seen that everywhere company has specified the details of the corporate ethics and communicated it well in there
Annual report and in there meetings also they communicate regarding the corporate ethics and code of consuct.
They have created the committees to monitor the and check the the proper ethics are being followed or not.
Organization Corporate Social 360 Degree Risk
About ITC Tone at the Top Corporate Ethics
Culture Responsibility feedback Management
The Risk Management Committee presently comprises the Managing Director, the other Executive Directors and senior members of management. The Managing
Director is the Chairman of the Committee. The Chief Risk Officer is the Secretary to the Committee. The names of the members of the Risk Management
Committee, including its Chairman, are provided below. Meetings and Attendance Details of Risk Management Committee Meetings during the financial year
During the financial year ended 31st March, 2018, two meetings of the Risk Management Committee were held, as follows: