Communicable Disease
Communicable Disease
Communicable Disease
1 2
TARW – caused by VIRUS NEAC – caused by BACTERIA
3 4
5 6
CKOJ’S TICH – caused by FUNGUS GUEDEN – Bites from dengue-carrier mosquito
7 8
RIALAMA – Bites from malaria- LOSISTUBERUC – Caused by BACTERIA
carrier mosquito
9 10
FLUENZAIN – Caused by
VIRUS in the respiratory MONIAPNEU –
Caused by VIRUS in the
• Are diseases that are transmissible from
one host to another.
Dear Naomi,
Put your I received your text message about the Factors that Influence Disease Transmission. Anyway,
thank you for this opportunity to share to you what I learned in my medical training.
thinking As far as I can remember, the following are factors that influence disease transmission. 1)
Environmental Factors. Sanitation and sanitation facilities can affect the transmission of diseases where
cap on! food and water can become contaminated because of poor sanitation. Pollution also plays a major role in
disease transmission as evidenced by floods during the rainy season. These floods were the culprits in the
spread of Leptospirosis. In addition, Climate also takes its role as an environmental factor. In our country
we only have the dry and wet seasons where various microorganisms that can cause morbidity can thrive
on each of these seasons.
2) Socio-economic Factors. Cultural practices influence disease transmission. For instance,
there are some places in the Cordilleras where people drink wine after a tiring day of planting and when
they drink they use one glass to show unity. I also experience one practice among the Ilocanos, in a barrio
where I had my medical practice, that all the members of the family are to wash their hands in one basin
of water before they eat.
Another way of transmitting disease is through Living arrangements in some cultures where
people tend to live near their livestock without knowing that these can be sources of diseases. Prostitution
due to economic factors where the poor tend to engage themselves into this activity is one avenue for the
transmission of communicable diseases as well.
There are other factors, but for now these are the things I can share you. I encourage you to
read books that can give you more information. I hope you can share these with your family and friends so
they can avoid getting diseases.
Calvin Paul
If you answered all correctly then you are skillful in analyzing the definitions and can
write the sequence of the chain of infection correctly. Therefore, you are considered
an Advanced Student.
If you got 7-9 correct answers then you have some skills in analyzing the definitions
and in writing the sequence of the chain of infection correctly. So this makes you a
Proficient Student.
If your score is 4-6, then you need more skills in analyzing the definitions and in
writing the sequence of the chain of infection correctly. You are Approaching
But if you scored 1-3, then you really need some more skills in analyzing the
definitions and in writing the sequence of the chain of infection correctly. You are still
The danger is if you got zero then you are just beginning to learn skills in and
Analyzing the subject.
1. How does sanitation and its facilities
affect the transmission of disease?
Pollution? Climate?
Early that morning, his brother John saw that sock hanged
at the back of the refrigerator and used it thinking that it
was clean.
The Chain
of Infection
When Peter
FEET stepped on the
the SOCK
Adopt proper isolation
for the sick.
No human contact.
Keep both hands clean
and perform hand
hygiene properly.