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Human Resource

Crispina Rafol Corpuz, Ph.D.

Presented by:
Joel Faderon Sarillo, MBA
Part 1
a.) Evolution of HR Management
b.) HR Departments’ Organization Chart
and Structures
c.) HR and Information Technology
Major Purposes on Manpower Management
• .
ACQUISITION Development Maintenance Utilization

Job Analysis Training and Wage and salary Human

Recruitment Development administration, resource
Selection Performance benefits and planning
Placement Appraisal services, labor and career
Coping with management developme
changing relations, nt
Technology collective
complaints and

Major Purposes on Manpower Management
• .
To get the
To get the To instill
right To retain
most from loyalty
person for the best
the among the
the right workforce
employee employees


Human Resource and Information Technology

• Information Technology and Electronic

Commerce Council (ITECC) is a joint
government and private group that
pushes for the development of E-
Commerce in the Country.
• Presently, the government is positioning
the country to serve as host to various
service-oriented businesses particularly in
the IT and related industries thus implies
that HR should not be left behind.
IT Application in HR
• 1.) Use of job boards and other similar
recruitment web-based application.
• 2.) Employee Kiosks
• 3.) E-learning
• 4.) Electronic Performance Support System
• 5.) Salary and Payroll Administration
• 6.) Telecommuting/Teleworking
• 7.) HR and the Internet
• 8.) Client/Server Networks
Benefits of Teleworking/Telecommuting

• Employer Benefits
• Increased productivity, stimulated by lower
absenteeism, higher employee’s concentration
on work, fewer distractions
• Less travel times and better use of employee’s
peak efficiency times
• Decrease turnover because employee morale is
higher and more work options such as job or
office sharing become possible once long
commutes are eliminated
• Hiring incentive to new employees
• An opportunity to tap new labor pools such as
parents with young children, person with
disabilities and others
Benefits of Teleworking/Telecommuting

• Employee Benefits
• They save money on fuel, car maintenance
and insurance
• A large reduction of stress
• More time for their families; participate more
in the communities
• Fewer distractions on the job, greater work
autonomy and more relaxed work
• Closer to their work places and thus can save
hours each day on their commute to work
HR and the Internet

• Cyberspace and internet are changing human

resource managers operate. They use internet to
recruit personnel, conduct research, access
electronic databases, send emails, conduct training
and networking with colleagues.

• Global Hiring On-line

• Training without a trainor
• Policy Making
• Taking control of the Grapevine
Human Resource Information System (HRIS)

• Is a database system that contains all relevant HR

information and provides facilities for maintaining
and accessing these data. (Gerson Safran.
HRIS;Personnel Journal Sept. 1994)

• HRIS application make it easy to keep accurate

personnel records and document action like hiring,
promotion, reviews or termination. It also track
attendance and interfacing with payroll package. It
is like having a full time HR expert to centralize all
employees information
Possible Uses of an HRIS
• Clerical applications = automating certain routine
clerical tasks will avoid the use of additional staff,
overtime and temporary help
• Applicant search expenditures = it can easily store a
summary of applicant qualifications and
subsequently perform searches for candidates for
certain positions.
• Risk Management = it is critical in many industries
that people in certain jobs have licenses, safety
training and even physical examinations. HRIS can
be used to monitor the requirements and report any
discrepancies by jobholders.
Possible Uses of an HRIS

• Training management = can be used to determine

both individual and organizational training needs.
• Financial management = can simulate the financial
impact of salary and benefit changes.
• Turnover analysis
• Succession planning = identification of a logical
progression path and steps required for
• Flexible benefits administration
Possible Uses of an HRIS

• Compliance with government regulation

• Attendance, reporting analysis
• Human resource planning
• Accident reporting and prevention
• Strategic Planning
HRIS Application (Example)

• Manage all the employee information and tasks

from one place.
• View daily “to do” list of employee-related task
needing action.
• Find comprehensive checklists guiding
management through legally sensitive processes like
hiring, termination, performance evaluation and
• Document actions taken in employee records
• Flexible and accurate attendance tracking.
• Enter data quickly with an easy to use “drag and
drop” calendar.
HRIS Application (Example)

• Automatically select, accrue and calculate

vacation, sick and personal time by the week,
month or year.
• Track leave of absence.
• Calculate normal payroll work hour.
• Centralize employee personnel data.
• Create reports and charts employee information.
• Include nearly 50 commonly used reports.
• Link directly to online tools, information and
resources with embedded web link.
• Provide comprehensive employee data.
• Benefit administration and many more.
Part 2

Acquisition of Human
The first logical step in HRM is to acquire
personnel to execute the work of the
( job analysis, recruitment, selection and placement)
Chapter 1

Job Analysis

• Job Analysis determines the human

resource requirements of the job as well
as its specific duties and responsibilities
while recruitment and selection
determines what sort of people need to
be hired, using techniques like testing
and interviewing job candidates to
ensure hiring the right person for the right
definition of terms
• Job analysis = the procedure used for
determining/collecting information relating to the
operations and responsibility of a specific job. The
end result of this analysis is job description and job
• Job description = organized, factual statements of
the duties and responsibilities of a specific job. It tells
what is to be done, how it is done and why. It is a list
of job duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships,
working conditions and supervisory responsibilities.
definition of terms
• Job specification = a written explanation of the
minimum acceptable human qualities necessary for
effective performance of a given job. It designates
the qualities required for acceptable performance,
that is, the requisite education, skills, personality and
so on.
• Job classification = grouping of jobs on some
specified basis such as kind of work or pay. It can
refer to a grouping by any selected characteristics
but preferably used most often in connection with
pay and job evaluation.
definition of terms

• Job evaluation = systematic and orderly

process of determining the worth of a job in
relation to other jobs. The objective of which is
to determine the correct rate of pay. It is not
the same as job analysis rather it should follow
the job analysis process, which provides the
basic data to be evaluated.
• Task = coordinated and aggregated series of
work elements used to produce an output.
Job analysis provides information in
several cases including the following:

• How much time is taken to complete basic

• How are tasks grouped together into a job?
• How can a job be designed so that employee
performance can be improved?
• What kinds of skills are needed to perform a
given job?
• What kind of person is best suited to perform a
certain type of job?
Specific Information Provided by
Job analysis
• Job title and location
• Organizational relationship – brief explanation of the
number of persons supervised and job title of the
position supervised.
• Relation to other jobs – describes and outlines the
coordination required by the job
• Job summary – condensed explanation of the
content of the job.
• Information concerning job requirements – it varies
from job to job. Usually provide information about
machines, tools, materials, mental complexity and
attention required, physical demands and working
Uses of Job Analysis Information
• Preparing the job description and writing the job
specifications – job analysis provides a complete
description that contains job summary, the job duties and
responsibilities, machine and equipment used and some
indications of the working condition.
• Recruitment and selection – job analysis information is
useful when searching for the right person to fill the job. It
helps to seek and find the type of people that will
contribute to and suit the needs of the organization.
• Determining the rate of compensation – job analysis
information is also essential for estimating the value of
and appropriate compensation for each job. This is
because compensation usually depends on the job’s
required skill and educational level, safety hazards,
degree of responsibility which are all assessed through
job analysis.
Uses of Job Analysis Information
• Performance appraisal – it involves comparison of
actual versus planned output. Job analysis
information is used to identify the standard and
performance objective and specific activities to be
performed against which employees are evaluated.
• Training – job analysis information is used for
designing training and development programs
because the analysis and resulting job description
show the skills and therefore training that are
• Career Planning and development – the movement
of individuals into and out of positions, jobs and
occupation is a common procedure in organization.
JA provides clear and detailed information to those
considering such career movement.
Uses of Job Analysis Information

• Safety – the safety of a job depends on proper

layout, standards, equipment and other physical
conditions. What a job entails and the type of
people needed contribute information to establish
safe procedures so that unsafe activities can either
be changed or discontinued.
• Labor relation – an attempt of an employee to add
or subtract from the duties listed as a result of job
analysis is already a violation of this standard. The
labor union as well as management is interested in
this matter. Controversies often results and a written
record of the standard job jurisdiction is valuable in
resolving such disputes.
Methods Used in Job Analysis
• Interview – information can be obtained by
interviewing the job incumbent or by group
interviews with group of employees having the
same job or by interviewing job incumbent
supervisor who is thoroughly knowledgeable
about the job being analyzed.
• Observation – direct observation is especially
useful when job consists mainly of observable
physical activity.
• Questionnaires
• Employee recording /diary/ log
Recommended Steps in Conducting
Job Analysis
• .1
Step Step 2 Step 3
Examine the total Select job to be
organization and
Determine the
purpose of JA analyzed
the fit of each job

Step 4
Collect data
by using
Step 7
Use information from
JA techniques
steps 1-6 for job
design, planning,
selection and
training, recruitment,
appraisal, Step 6 Step 5
compensation, etc. Prepare JS Prepare JD
Sample of Job Analysis Questionnaire
. Company

Name:___________________________ Department:______________________
Job Title:_________________________ Date Hired:_______________________

Department Head:________________________________

1.) Summary of Duties (main duties performed) ___________________

2.) Qualification / Job Requirements (Educational attainment, work experience,

special skills, licenses, etc. required to perform assigned tasks) ____________

3.) Equipment / machines / tools (computer, typewriter, calculator, grinder, mixer,

weighing scale, motor vehicles) you normally operate or used as part of your job.

4.) Regular duties: Describe all duties performed from the most important to the
least, including percentage of time devoted to each to accomplish assigned task.

5.) Personal contacts / relationship with other people. Define duties requiring contact
(with other departments, outside companies, public, customers) and state how
often these contacts are made.

6.) Supervision. Being responsible for the work of others, indicate the number of
subordinates and main duties performed by each.

7.) Decision making involved in performing the job.

8.) Responsibility for records. Reports and files required to be prepared and

9.) Supervision required. Number of times needed to consult with the supervisor or
with the other personnel prior to making decisions or in determining the proper
course of action.

10.) Working condition. The physical condition under which the work is
performed – inside and outside the company, in an air-conditioned room,
hazardous workplace, and the like.

11.) Other pertinent information not included in the previous items that can
help in analyzing the job.

_____________________ __________________
Employees Signature Date
Sample of Job Description
. Job Code: __________
Jobholder’s Name:___________________________
Position Title: Supervisor
Pay Grade: IV

Summary of Duties:

Supervises and coordinates the day to day operations at the farm. Schedules
and assigns work to farm attendants, livestock breeding caretakers and other farm
helpers. Incumbents perform as working supervisors by participating in the work
performed by subordinates.

Duties and Responsibilities

1. Supervises the activities of subordinates
2. Monitors and / or performs the care, feeding and watering of animals
3. Observes animals to detect signs of illness or injury and treats minor injuries and
illnesses, contacts veterinarian to treat serious illness or injury
4. Monitors the processing and /or processes animals which includes weighing the
animals, assigning ear tag number and attaching tag to ear, vaccinating, castrating
and dehorning
5. Attends to animals during and after birth of offspring
6. To do other duties as may be assigned by the farm manager

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

1. Knowledge of supervisory practices and principles
2. Knowledge of large scale farming operation and procedures
3. Skills in maintaining records
4. Ability to effectively communicate

Minimum Requirements
1. Two years of college with course work in Agriculture, animal science or related field
and one year of experience in related area, or
2. Three years of experience working on a major farm or livestock operation

Prepared: 10-23-06
Revised: 1-25-15

(Printed with permission: Company)

Chapter 2

Recruitment of

• Step 1 – approved request to fill up a position

• Step 2 – HR to develop an applicant pool
using either internal or external recruiting
• An organization needs to hire the most qualified
people it can at the most competitive price
• Organization must locate qualified applicants who
are looking for work
• Outstanding job candidates cannot be selected if
they are not included in the applicant pool
• Attracting qualified people refers to recruitment
and it represents one of the major responsibilities of
the HR manager
Recruiting on the Internet
• At present, college graduates and professionals are
just likely to send in an electronic resume rather than
submitting their resume through the use of snail mail
or submitting it personally.
• IT technology can locate the candidate, access
into his personal 201 files and thus know, how much
he earns and what are is strengths and weaknesses.
• In short time, the applicant can start working in one
client company, if the headhunter can make a deal
and present to him an offer he cannot refuse.
Jobsites on the Web
• www.jobstreet.com
• www.carreers.org
• www.trabaho.com
• www.jobtrak.com
• www.jobs.net
• www.Phx.Jobs.com
• Healthcare.hiringonline.com
• Banks.hiringonline.com
• Hospitals.hiringonline.com
• Jobs.4collegegrads.com
Employers Advantages of using
Internet recruiting
• It is cost effective – compared to newspaper
advertisements plus lifespan of newspaper
advertisement is shorter compared to job posting on
the web
• It is more timely – since responses to electronic job
listing may come the day the advertisement is
posted whereas responses to newspaper want
advertisement can take a week to reach an
• It uses computer to scan , digitize and process
applicants resume
• It present a largely untapped source of would be
job seekers waiting to be contacted
Recruitment Process /
Recruitment Plan
• 1. Formulating a recruiting strategy – internal versus
external recruiting vacancies in upper level
management positions can be filled either by hiring
people from outside the organization or by
promoting from within
• 2. Searching for Job Applicant – applicant search
may involve traditional recruiting methods such as
newspaper advertisement, help-wanted poster,
campus recruiting, public and private employment
agencies, professional association
Recruitment Process /
Recruitment Plan
• 3. Screening Applicants – applicants should be
screened to eliminate individuals who are
obviously unqualified
• 4. Maintaining an applicant Pool – applicant
pool consists of individuals who have expressed
an interest in pursuing a job opening and who
might be feasible candidate for the position.
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Internal Hiring (Promotion)
Advantages Disadvantages
Provide s greater motivation Promotes inbreeding
for good performance (narrowing of thinking and
stale ideas)
Provides greater promotion Creates political in-fighting
opportunities for present and pressures to compete
Improves morale and Requires a strong
organizational loyalty management development
Enables employees to Creates a homogenous
perform the new job with workforce
little loss of time
Familiar with the organization
and how it operates
Advantages and Disadvantages of
External Hiring
Advantages Disadvantages
Provides new ideas and Loss of time due to
new insights adjustment
Allows employee to Destroy incentive of
make changes without present employees to
having to please strive for promotion
constituent groups
Does not change the No information is
present organizational available if he can
hierarchy blend with the rest of
the group
Stages of the Recruitment
• 1.) Defining requirements,
preparation of job description and
job specification
• 2.) Attracting potential employees
• 3.) Selecting appropriate people for
the job
Sources of Applicants
• 1.) Internal Sources – companies make
use of job posting and job bidding to
inform employees of job vacancies. Job
posting are now usually computerized
and accessible to all employees.
• Referrals – another source of applicant
is the referral system in which present
employees are asked to encourage
friends or relatives to apply. This is the
most often used recruiting tool in many
small organization.
Sources of Applicants
• 2.) External Sources – used when the organization is
unable to fill its hiring needs from internal sources. One
inherent advantage of this is that the pool of talents is
much larger and more diverse than that available from
internal sources plus the new employee bringing in new
ideas, different cultural values and fresh approaches.
• A.) Job advertisement
• B.) Employment agencies
• C.) Walk –in
• D.) Campus recruitment
• E.) Internships
• F.) Employment databases
• G.) Special events recruiting
• H.) Online recruitment
Alternatives to Recruiting
• 1.) Subcontracting – subcontract work to another
organization wherein the organization loses some of
its control over work that is subcontracted.
• 2.) Overtime – used to avoid the incremental cost of
recruiting and hiring additional employees for a
short period of time.
• 3.) Temporary help – use temporary help service to
fill the needs of company on a temporary basis.
• 4.) Employee leasing – similar to temporary help
agency but employees are not temporary.
Employees are actually employed by the leasing
company and it performs all the HR function.
Case for Discussion
• Espiritu’s Enterprises manufacturing a variety of food
Analisa Javier had been the production manager for
the past two years since she was promoted to the position.
Unfortunately she is failing in her job. She has been with the
company since it started 18 years ago and because of her
exceptional performance record, she has been promoted
many times.
Espiritu’s Enterprises starter as a family business and
has followed a policy of promotion from within to motivate
employees and give them new opportunities to learn and
The company is continuing to expand into foreign
markets and it is essential that the production department
adopt the latest technology and production processes.
Top management is convinced that the job
demands someone who has been educated in
manufacturing technology and who has at least two years
of experience.
They are divided, however, on how to handle this
One executive thinks the job should be given to one
of the production supervisors who is a very bright and
capable supervisor and could probably acquire the
knowledge and skills needed to be good production
manager and still preserve the company’s tradition of
promotion from within.
Another executive thinks the company should
advertise the job to solicit a large number of applicants
with excellent qualifications.
1.) How valuable is a tradition of promotion from within and
how disruptive might it be to deviate from the tradition?
What are the advantages and risk of promoting from within
in this situation?
2.) If the company decides to go outside, what are the
best external recruiting sources for finding a new
production manager?
Chapter 3

Selection of
Selection of Employees
• Selection means whittling down the applicant pool
by using screening tools like tests, assessment
centers, background and reference check.
• It is a process of choosing from among available
applicants the individuals who are most likely to
successfully perform a job. The prospective
supervisor can then interview a handful of viable
candidates and decide who will be hired.
• Job analysis, human resource planning and
recruitment are necessary pre-requisites to the
selection process.
Why the selection process is
• 1.) Performance always depends in part on
employees. Those who do not have the right skills will
not perform effectively and performance in turn will
suffer. The time to screen out undesirable performers
is before they become part of the organization not
• 2.) It is costly to recruit and hire employees
• 3.) Company objectives are better achieved by
workers who have been properly selected based on
their qualification.
Why the selection process is
• 4.) An incompetent worker is a liability to the
company causing direct losses to the company in
terms of substandard performance and low
productivity and sometimes a potential source of
problems to management, his co-worker and
• 5.) Applicants have varying degree of intelligence,
aptitudes and abilities.
• 6.) Labor laws protect employees making it difficult
to terminate or dismiss an incompetent employees.
Selection Strategy
• Ideally, external selection strategy
flows directly from an analysis of the
organization’s goals, which
translate into work roles or
contributions, which suggest what
applicant characteristic to look for,
which in turn guides the choice of
selection methods and the
evaluation of their effectiveness.
Steps in the Selection Process
. 1.
Preliminary Step 2. Step 3.
Screening, Employment Employment
Application Blank Interview Testing
and interview

Step 4.
Step 8. Background
Placement on the Job Investigation/ Reference

Step 7. Step 6.
Step 5.
Physical Selection
Final Interview
Examination Decision
Methods of Interview
• 1.) Unstructured or non-directive type – interviewer
asks questions as they come to mind, no set format
to follow, and it can take various direction.
• 2.) Structured or directive type – questions and
acceptable responses are specified in advance
and the responses are rated for appropriateness of
content. All applicants are generally asked the
same set of questions.
• 3.) Computer-assisted interviewing – technology is
changing the way companies recruit and select
personnel. What the computer does is help the
interviewer ask the right questions to gain additional
information or check concerns flagged by the
Different types of Test
• 1.) Test of Cognitive abilities – tests in this group
include test of general reasoning ability
(intelligence) and test of specific mental
abilities like memory and inductive reasoning.
• 2.) Test of Motor and Physical abilities – motor
abilities usually measured are finger dexterity,
manual dexterity, speed of arm movement and
reaction to time. Physical abilities includes static
strength (lifting) dynamic strength (pull-ups)and
Different types of test
• 3.) Measuring personality and interest- personality
test can measure basic aspects of an applicant’s
personality such as introversion, stability and
• 4.) Achievement test or proficiency test – this is
basically to measure what a person has learned. It
measures job knowledge in areas like management,
economics, marketing or accounting. Thus, it
measures how well the applicant can do a sample
of the work to be performed.
Case for Discussion
Selection of Employees
Grace has spent more than two weeks looking
over resume, conducting interviews, reference
checking and giving test. By now, she had whittled
down a list of 25 possibilities to an “A” list of three
qualified applicants for the position of Production
“Sir”, grace began, “ here are the three most
qualified applicants we have. I have personally
interviewed each of them. They have passed the
exam with flying colors and each of them meets or
exceeds the standard required for the position of
production manager. Here are the folders for your
perusal to see if there are things which you still need
to clarify about the applicants’”
“okay, Jaime Cruz “ the president exclaimed,
looking at the man’s folders. Is this guy an Ilocano?
Yes Sir, he is a native of San Mateo, Isabela. He
started his own trading business right after finishing
college at Isabela State University and then worked
for one of our competitors for five years. Julius, the
president, mumbled something under his breath and
flipped to the next applicant.
“Chester Santos is next” grace went on. “ He
holds a BSBA degree from Ateneo. He has worked as
business partner of his father since he was a kid and
wants to move on” “ Who is next, grace?” There was
silence as Julius flipped over the folder of the next
applicant. Noel is a disabled victim of the Abu Sayyaf.
He lost his arm when he was held hostage of the ASG.
He has a masters and doctorate degrees in Industrial
Relations. He has served as the Production Manager
of a manufacturing company for 10 years before the
• 1.) Among the applicants represented, who would
be your first choice for the job and why?

• 2.) Who would be your last choice and why?

• 3.) Explain the factors that the president must take

into consideration before making the final
employment decision.

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