Life and Works of Jose Rizal
Life and Works of Jose Rizal
Life and Works of Jose Rizal
University of Santo Of Tomas- Rizal finis
hed his pre med course,
Spain- was a constitutional monarchy
- freedom of speech, freedom of press,
freedom of assembly
- granted human rights
Secret Mission- more important than
merely completing his studies
-Rizal's biographies didn't/never
mentioned this in their writings.
Rizal's Secret mission
Has the approval of Paciano
To observe the life, culture, and laws, etc. in Spai
Secret Departure for Spain- to avoid detection b
Rizal went to Paris Germany in order to specialize
in opthalmology
He served as the assistant to the famous occulist in
In Berlin, capital of Germany, he met and befriend
ed several top German scientists, Dr. Feodor Jagor,
Dr. Adolph Mayer, Dr. Hans Mayer, and Dr, Rudol
f Virchow.
In Gay Paris (1885-86) he went to Paris in order m
ore knowledge in opthalmology.
On his way to Paris, he stopped at Barcelona to vis
it his friend, Maximo Viola
In November 1885, Rizal was living in Pari
s where he was sojourned for months,
Rizal as a Musician
He had no natural aptitude for music
Rizal was a flutist and even composed some
songs, particularly “Ano mang Lahi”
In Historic Heidelberg, on February 13, 188
6 he arrived in Heidelberg a historic city of
“To the Flowers of Heidelberg” In the spring of 1
886, Rizal was fascinated by the blooming flowers
along the cool banks of Neekos River
He wrote on April 22, 1886 a fine poem, “A Las Fl
ores de Heidelberg”
With Pastor Ullmer at Whilhemsfeld, Rizal stayed
at the vicarage of a kind protestant Pastor Dr. Karl
First Letter to Bluementritt- on July 31, 1886, Riza
l wrote his first letter in Germany to Professor Fer
dinand Bluementritt
Fifth Centerary of Heidelberg University- R
izal was fortunate to be sojourning in Heidel
berg when the famous University in Heidelb
erg held its fifth Centerary on Aug 6 1886.
In Leipzig and Dresden- he attended some l
ectures at the university of Leizpig on Histo
ry and Psychology.
On October 29, he left Leipzig for Dresden
where he met Dr. Adolph B. Mayer
Rizal Welcomed in Berlin's Scientific Circles - Riz
al was enchanted by Berlin because of its scientific
atmosphere and the absence of re prejudice.
He met for the first timetime Dr. Feodor Jagor, cel
ebrated German scientist-traveller and author of Tr
avels in the Philippines.
Rizal became a member of the Anthropological So
ciety, the Ethnological Society, and the Geographi
cal Society of Berlin.
Rizal wrote a scholarly paper in German entitled T
ayal-lisehe Verkunst (Tagalog Medical Arts)
Rizal's life in Berlin- He lived in German for five r
1. To gain further knowledge of Opthalmology
2. To further his studies of Sciences and language
3. To observe the economic had political conditions
of the German Nation
4. To associate with Famous German Scientist and s
5. To publish his Novel, Noli Me Tangere
Rizal on German Women- One of his important
letters written while he was in Germany was th
at addressed to his sister Trinidad.
German Customs- Rizal admired German custo
ms which he observed well , among these are C
hristams customs and self introductions to stran
gers in a social gathering.
Rizal's darkest winter- the winter in Berlin.
Noli Me Tangere Publishe
d in Berlin
Idea of Writing a Novel on the Philippi
Reading Hariet Beacher Stow
e's Uncle Tom's Cabin
Portrays the brutalitities of Am
erican slave-owners and patheti
c conditions of the unfortunate
Negro slaves
Dr. Jose Rizal was then a stude
nt in University of Madrid
January 2, 1884
Rizal proposed the
writing of a novel about the Philippines at the Pa
terno's Residence
Unanimously approved by:
• Paternos (Pedro, Maximino, and Antonio)
• Graciano Lopez Jaena
• Evaristo Aguire
• Eduardo de Lete
• Julio Llorente
• Malecio Figueroa
• Valentin Ventura
The Writing of the Noli 1884
End 1884- Rizal began writing the novel in Madri
d and finished about one half of it.
• In 1885, he went to Paris and continued writing th
e novel, finishing one half of the second half.
• He was in Germany when he finished the last fou
rth of the novel
• April-June 1886, he wrote the least few chapters
of the Noli in Wilhemsfled
• Winter days of February 1886, in Berlin, Rizal m
ade the final revisions on the manuscript of the N
Viola, Savior of the Noli
Dr. Maximo Viola
• Jose Rizal's friend
Berliner Buchdruckrei-Action-Gesselschaft
-A printing shop which charged lowest rate 300 pesos f
or 2,000 copies of the novels.
February 21, 1887