Accounting Equation (Edited)
Accounting Equation (Edited)
Accounting Equation (Edited)
Balance sheet
Lesson Outcome
Current Assets
Cash and assets acquired for resale and are expected to be
convertible into cash within one year of balance sheet date
Inventories, Debtors or Receivables, Cash and Bank balances
Non-current Assets
Tangible Assets
Assets that have physical existence
Land, Building, Vehicles
Non-current Assets
Intangible Assets
Assets that have no physical existence
Patents, Goodwill, Trademarks, Franchise rights
Non-current Assets
Quoted and unquoted investment, fixed deposit
A liability is the present obligation of an entity arising from
past events, the settlement of which is expected to result
in an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits.
Represent what the business owes to outsiders.
Financial obligations of the business to outsiders
Liabilities represent outsiders (non-owner) supplied funds
which are used by the business to acquire assets.
Non current Liabilities (Long-Term Liabilities)
Obligations which are expected to be settled after 1 year from
the balance sheet date
Term loans, Mortgages, Bonds, Debentures
Current Liabilities
Obligations which are expected to be settled within 1 year
from the balance sheet date
Creditors or Payables, Bank overdrafts, Short-term Loans
Owners’ equity
Equity is the residual interest in the entity’s assets after
deducting all its liabilities
Represents the contribution of assets, usually in the form
of cash, into the business, by the owners
Any profit made by the business and not taken out by the
owner, becomes part of the owner’s equity
Other terms are capital, net worth, shareholders’ fund
and shareholders’ equity
Classify the following items into assets, liabilities and
1. RM 130,000 RM 70,000
2. RM 890,000 RM 500,000
3. RM 50,000 RM 550,000
4. RM 111,000 RM 50,000
5. RM 330,000 RM 110,000
Business Transaction
An event or happening that affects the firm’s financial
2 or more parties – seller and buyer
Exchange of goods or services
Involves some kind of payment – immediate or future