Cement is a binding agent made by heating limestone and clay at high temperatures. The main types are ordinary Portland cement, rapid hardening cement, low heat cement, and sulphate resisting cement. Cement is used to make mortar and concrete and is a basic material in construction, providing strength and durability to buildings and structures. Field tests help evaluate the quality of cement.
Cement is a binding agent made by heating limestone and clay at high temperatures. The main types are ordinary Portland cement, rapid hardening cement, low heat cement, and sulphate resisting cement. Cement is used to make mortar and concrete and is a basic material in construction, providing strength and durability to buildings and structures. Field tests help evaluate the quality of cement.
Cement is a binding agent made by heating limestone and clay at high temperatures. The main types are ordinary Portland cement, rapid hardening cement, low heat cement, and sulphate resisting cement. Cement is used to make mortar and concrete and is a basic material in construction, providing strength and durability to buildings and structures. Field tests help evaluate the quality of cement.
Cement is a binding agent made by heating limestone and clay at high temperatures. The main types are ordinary Portland cement, rapid hardening cement, low heat cement, and sulphate resisting cement. Cement is used to make mortar and concrete and is a basic material in construction, providing strength and durability to buildings and structures. Field tests help evaluate the quality of cement.
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(a) Basic materials for construction
INTRODUCTION • Construction material contribute to about 30 to 50% cost of the total expenditure incurred in any construction. • The material are primarily of two types, namely natural material and artificial material. Some of the material like sand, stone are natural while some materials like cement,tiles,and bricks are manufactured (artificial materials). • Building material accounts for about 70% of the total cost of construction. • The correct use of materials leads to better structural strength, efficiency and economy in the long run. Basic materials and their uses • Basic materials used in construction are cement,sand,bricks,stone and steel. • Cement is used as a binding material in the construction of work. • Sand is used for making mortar and concrete. • Bricks and stone are used for the construction of masonry walls. • Steel is used as reinforcement in reinforced concrete constructions, and for fabricating steel doors,windows,fastenings and sections like flat,channel,and angle in steel structures. Cement • Cement is a substance which acts as a binding agent for materials. It is obtained by burning the mixture of calcareous material(lime stone) and argillaceous material(clay) at very high temperature. The product then formed are called clinkers. • A small quantity of gypsum is added to the clinker and is pulverised into very fine powder known as CEMENT. • After setting, this cement closely resembles a variety of sandstone found in Portland in England and is therefore called Portland cement. Basic constituents of cement (a) Lime-60 to 66%, gives binding property. (b) Silica-19 to 25%, imparts strength. (c) Alumina-3 to 8%, impart quick setting property. (d) Iron-1 to 5%, impart grey colour to cement. These compounds are mixed and burned to partial fusion at a temperature of 1500 to 1600 ⁰C. By doing so the product called ‘clinker’ (small hard balls) are obtained, which is cooled and ground to required fineness. Chemical Composition
The major components are:
Tri-Calcium Silicate(C3S) – quick reaction
Di-Calcium Silicate(C2S) – slow reaction Tri-Calcium Aluminate(C3A) - very quick reaction Tetra-Calcium Aluminate(C4AF) - not very important Properties of cement • It is an excellent binding material. • It gives strength to masonry. • It possesses a good plasticity. • It offers a good resistance to moisture. • It is easily workable. • It hardens quickly after addition of water. TYPES OF CEMENT 1. Portland Cements a)Ordinary Portland cement b)Rapid hardening Portland cement c)Low heat Portland cement d)Sulphate resisting cement e)Blast furnace slag cement f)White and coloured cement 2. Super Sulphate cement 3. Natural cement 4. High Alumina cement 5. Special cements a) Portland Pozzolana cement b) Masonry cement c) Oil-well cement ORDINARY PORTLAND CEMENT Has a medium rate of hardening Suitable for most type of work Commonly used for structural purposes • Has a medium rate of hardening • Suitable for most type of work • Can be attacked by acids & sulphates present in soil / groundwater • Sulphates also occur in clay bricks RAPID HARDENING PORTLAND CEMENT Hardens more rapidly than OPC Similar composition of OPC but different proposition More finely grounded to increase rate of hydration that will increase rate of early hardening Useful when concreting in cold weather It produces a strength approximately 50% higher than OPC at 3 days though long term strength are similar. SULPHATE RESISTING PORTLAND CEMENT Sulphate resistance of a cement will improve as the quantity of Tricalcium Aluminate decreases. Increasing content of Tetracalcium Alumino Ferrite by adding iron ore to the raw materials could decrease the content of Tricalcium Aliminate Concrete with SRPC can attacked physically by Sulphate if it is porous since on drying crystallization will take place inside the concrete, causing expansion & disruption. LOW HEAT PORTLAND CEMENT Contains small percentage of Tricalcium Silicate and Tricalcium Aluminate that have the greatest heat evolution. Rate of gain of strength is slower than OPC but it's ultimate strength is same as OPC Hardens and evolves heat slower than OPC Suitable for mass construction such as concrete dam and massive foundation where heat must be avoided in order to prevent cracking BLAST FURNACE SLAG CEMENT
Consist of Portland Cement clinker and gypsum ground
together with up to 65% ground granulated blast furnace slag, that contains lime,silica and alumina. It has a higher sulphate resistance than OPC, hence its use in Sulphate soils & for construction in or near the sea. Heat output and strength development are similar to those of Low Heat Portland Cement. Slag is a waste product in manufacture of pig iron. WHITE CEMENT Made using china clay, that contains very little iron. One of the most expensive Portland Cements Used for the production of white or coloured concrete by adding pigments. It’s primary use is for architectural concrete products, cement paints, tile grouts and decorative concrete OIL WELL CEMENT Used for sealing oil wells Usually slow setting and resistant to high pressures and temperatures. Also stable under highly corrosive conditions. SUPER SULPHATE CEMENT:
It is highly resistant to sea water and can withstand the
highest concentration of sulphates normally found in soil or ground water and is also resistant to peaty acids and oil.
It is similar to portland cement.
Being heated at very low temp. ,it contains practically no C₃S and is,therefore,it slowly hardens. It is very rarely used, since manufacture of natural cement cannot be controlled. HIGH ALUMINA CEMENT: It is manufactured by the fusion of bauxite and limestone. Bauxite consists of hydrated alumina,oxide of iron and titanium with a small quantity of silica. It is not attacked by carbon dioxide dissolved in pure water and is,therefore,suitable for manufacture of RCC pipes. SPECIAL CEMENT
It is a mixture of portland cement and pozzolana. Pozzolana is a natural or artificial material containing silica and alumina in reactive form. Because free lime is removed,pozzolana concretes have high resistance to chemical attack. It also has a lower rate of strength development. It is widely used for hydraulic structure such as dams,weir,etc Masonry Cement
•Consists of Portland cement with a fine inert admixture & air-
entraining agent as a substitute for lime. •So it gives cement a consistent workability for use in mortars for brickwork & block work.
Used for sealing oil wells.
Usually slow setting and resistant to high pressures and temperatures. Also stable under highly corrosive conditions. Uses of cement
Construction of buildings: ordinary Portland cement is
generally used for making cement mortar and concrete. Construction of highway slabs: Rapid hardening cement. Construction of dams, retaining walls, bridge abutment : Low heat cement. Marne structures and other underground works: Blast furnace slag cement. Sulphate resisting cement is used in the construction of surface exposed to sulphate action. White and coloured cement is used for ornamental works, face plastering to give a decorative finish. Field tests for cement • Colour of the cement should be uniform and grey • When a handful of cement is thrown into a bucket of water it would not float but sink. • If one’s hand is plunged into a bag or heap of cement, he/she should feel cool. • Cement should be free from any hard lumps. • Cement should feel smooth when touched or rubbed in between fingers . • A thin paste of Portland cement with water should be felt sticky between the fingers. • A thick paste of cement with water on a glass plate, kept under water for 24 hours should not crack, but set.