Day 5 - Qiyas
Day 5 - Qiyas
Day 5 - Qiyas
Istislah, Istishab
and Istidlal
Jashim A. AbdulRahman,
What is Qiyas?
The origin or the foundation (Asl). This is the original case
on which a ruling is given in the text and which analogy
seeks to extend to a new case;
The branch to which the ruling is to be extended. This is
the new case (Far’) on which a ruling is wanting;
The Rule (Hukm). This is the Shari’ah value of the original
case which is to be extended to the new case; and
The effective cause (‘Illah). This is an attribute of the Asl
and it is found to be in common between the original and
the new case (AbdulRazak, p.50; Nyazee, p.215; Alauya,
p.77, Kamali, p.252).
What are the essential conditions to exercise valid
The rule of analogy must not be opposed to the text of the Qur’an or the
hadith (see, AbdulRazak, Introduction to Islamic Law and Juriprudence, pp.
What is the basis of Qiyas in Qur’an and Sunnah?
The following bases are the agruments of the proponents of Qiyas:
The glorious Qur’an explicitly prohibits Liquor (Khamr) drinking when it stated:
س ممبن ْب صوُابلصبزصلأم رربج س صاَ أ﴿صياَ أصيَيصهاَ النرذيصن آصمأنوا إرنَأْنصماَ ابلصخبمأر صوُابلصمبيرس أر صوُابلصنَأْ ص
طاَأنَ صأنَ أيوقرصع بصبينصأكأم
طاَرنَ صفاَبجتصنرأبوهأ لصصعلنأكبم تأبفلرأحوصنَ * إرنَأْنصماَ يأرريأد النشبي ص
صعصمرل النشبي ص
صصلرة ار صوُصعرن ال ن صندأكبم صعن رذبكرر ن ضاَصء رفيِ ابلصخبمرر صوُابلصمبيرسرر صوُيص أ ابلصعصداصوُةص صوُابلبصبغ ص
91-90:فصهصبل أصنَأْأتم يَمنتصأهوصنَ﴾ِ سورة الماَئدة
“ Oh you who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication) of stones, and (divination by)
arrows, are abomination of Satan’s handiwork: eschew such (abomination), that you may
prosper. Satan’s plan is but to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and
gambling, and hinder you from remembrance of Allah, and from prayer; will you not abstain?
Surah al-Ma’idah 5:90-91
The aforequoted Qur’anic verses prohibit liquor (khamr) and state the reasons
for its prohibition, i.e. exciting enmity and hatred among the people. This liquor is
an intoxicant and Tanduay is another intoxicant, which is not, mentioned in the
verse, but prohibited by reason of Qiyas. Now that this prohibition is extended by
analogy to Tanduay, the four elements of analogy in this example would be:
Asl: Khamr drinking
Far’: Tanduay drinking
‘Illah: the intoxicant effect, i.e. exciting enmity and hatred among the people.
Original Hukm: Prohibition of Khamr
Branch Hukm: Prohibition of Tanduay
With regard to the modern application of Qiyas, one example is that of DNA
testing as compared with the skill of examining the features of fathers and
children to detect similarities and family resemblance, and confirm parenthood.
The Islamic Medical Science Organization, it its eleventh session, in Kuwait,
October 1998, was of the view that : DNA testing, from a scientific point of
view, is almost fool proof means of establishing biological paternity and
determining the identity of an individual, especially in the field of forensics. This
view was supported by the Islamic Fiqh Council belonging to the Muslim World
League, on condition that all its conditions are completely fulfilled, as it says it
its recommendations that “If DNA testing completely fulfils all its conditions,
and human error is avoided, then its results are virtually definitive in proving or
disproving paternity of children” (see, Shaykh Munajjid).
The Messenger said:
“If you are three (in a group) two of you should not whisper
to each other to the exclusion of your companion because it
will mourn the latter.”
The reason for the prohibition is that the whispering of the
two to each other without involving the third will sadden the
third, break his heart, make him conclude that he is not
party to the secret, or make him suspect that the two are
conversing against him. This attitude will lessen the
brotherhood and cut the cord of friendship.
There is another situation which is not categorically reflected in the
aforequoted Matn (Text) of the Prophetic tradition, but it shares the reason for
the prohibition above mentioned like the conversation of the two in language
which the third cannot understand when the two are able to communicate
with language that can be understood by the third. It is found in this kind of
situation the reason for the prohibition of the two from whispering to each
other to the exclusion of their companion. Therefore, it is also prohibited by
way of Qiyas.
Asl: Whispering of two excluding the third in a group
Far’: Conversation of two which the third cannot understand
‘Illah: Sadden the third, break his heart, or make him suspect that the two
are conversing against him
Hukm: Prohibition of Whispering of Two
Branch Hukm: Prohibition of using language in conversation which other
cannot understand.
What are types of Qiyas?
Another example. Ulama prohibits the drinking of San Mig Light (less
alcoholic drink) because according to them it can intoxicates but the
effective cause is weaker than Khamr, which really intoxicates.
What is Istihsan?
Istihsan is rendered in English as Juristic preference. The
literal meaning of Istihsan is “preferring” or “considering a
thing to be good or equitable”. It is also applied to mean
something towards which one is inclined or which one
prefers; even it is not approved by others.
Technically, it has been defined in several ways. Al-Bazdawi
defines it as “moving away from the implications of analogy
to an analogy that is stronger than it, or it is the restriction
of analogy to an evidence that is stronger than it (Nyazee,
p.231 citing Al-Bazdawi, Usul al-Bazdawi in ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-
Bukhari, Kashf al-Asrar, vol.4, 7-8).
Itmeans it is the preference of Qiyas
khafi over Qiyas jali. This may involve
the preference of a Hadith which is
specific over a general one, or it may
involve the preference of a more
suitable law over the one deduced by
Qiyas (Philips, Evolution of Fiqh, pdf
It is a method of exercising personal opinion
in order to avoid rigidity and unfairness that
might result from the literal (meaning)
enforcement of the existing law. It means
the Mujtahid will exercise his private
judgment, not on the basis of analogy, but
on that of public good or in the interest of
justice (Ajijola, p. 81). This method of
interpretation may be employed for various
reasons including hardship.
Istihsan has been mentioned indirectly in the Qur’an in the following
﴿النرذيصن يصبس تصرمأعوصنَ ابلقصبوصل فصيصتنبرأعوصنَ أصبحصس نصهأ أأوُ للصئر ص
ك النرذيصن
18:ب﴾ِ سورة الزمر ر َبا
ص ب
ل ص لب ا أ
لو أ
ُأو م
ب أ ه ك
ص ئص ل
اأ صوُأأوُ ر
ل هصصداهأأم ن
“Those who listen to the word and follow the best of it: Those are the
ones Allah has guided, and those are people of understanding”.
Surah Az-Zumar 39:18
Furthermore, other verses connotes that Allah wants
ease and not hardship:
The maslaha must be genuine (haqiqiya), as
opposed to a plausible maslaha ( maslaha
wahmiyya), which is not a proper ground for
The second condition is that the maslaha must be
general (kulliyya) in the sense that it secures
benefit, or prevents harm to the people as a whole
and not to a particular person or group of persons
The maslaha is not violative of principle or
value which is laid down by the nass or
The maslaha must be rational (ma’qula) and
acceptable to the people of sound intellect;
It must prevent or remove difficulty from the
people. The last two conditions are in
accordance with the Maliki school (ibid,
Allah describes His purpose in the revelation of religion in that it is
not within His intention to make religion as a means of imposing
hardship as expressed in this Qur’anic ayah:
ج ر
ص ح
ص ب
ن م
ر م
ب أ
ك ب
ي ص ل ع
ص ل
ص ع
ص ب
ج ص ير ل أ ا أ
د ب
ي رأ
ص ري َما ﴿
6:سورة الماَئدة
“The Prophet did not choose but the easier of the two
alternatives so long as it did not amount to a sin.”
(Muslim, Sahih Muslim, Hadith no.1546)
Furthermore, Prophet Muhammad ﷺis reported to have
“The Muslims are bound by their stipulations unless it be
a condition which makes a haram as halal or a halal as
haram.” (Abu Daud, Sunan, Hadith no.3587)
Examples of Masalih Al Mursala (Istislah):