Concept of Food Contamination and Food-Borne Illness
Concept of Food Contamination and Food-Borne Illness
Concept of Food Contamination and Food-Borne Illness
foodborne illnesses
These foreign cells must be harmful to the host organism in
order for the colonized an infection.
A variety of pathogens can be responsible for infectious
disease, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoans, and
prions. within these large categories of infection of infectious
organisms, these are numerous modes of transmission and
colorful assortment of symptoms, although surprisingly few
organisms cause disease, when one considers the diversity of
viral, bacterial, fungal, and protozoan life.
• Food vacuoles
• Micronucleus
• Contractile vacuole
• Cilia
• Lysosomes
• Trichocytes
• Oral groove
• Gullet
• Anal pore
• Can be result of infection or intoxication. Some bacteria, and all viruses and
parasites cause illness through infection , which occurs when live pathogens
ingested by a person multiply with in a person’ s digestive tract and because
the symptoms associated with foodborne illness .
• Intoxication occurs from eating a food that contains a toxin, either
manufactured or naturally occurring.
• Saxiotoxin which causes paralytic shellfish poisoning from red tide.
Is a form of food borne illness caused by ingesting
exotoxins made by organisms such as bacteria.
Toxins can be present even when the bacteria or other
causative organisms are not, and possible to develop food
intoxication by eating animals consumed toxin producing
organisms, as seen with some types of shellfish poisoning.
• Bacteria, fungi, and other organisms know to contaminate food sometimes
produce toxic compounds as they develop.
Many people who have food allergies are not even aware of the
problem. Not all allergic reactions are serve or extremely noticeable.
There are some warning signs that you may be suffering from simple
Tringling and itching in the mouth area is another symptom of
food allergies . This condition is known as oral allergy symdrome
(OAS). It occurs in around 20% of hay fever suffers when they eat raw
vegetable and fruit.
Rashes are common symptom of food allergies. Dermatitis
herpetiformis (DH), which appears as a blistering and red
blotches, can occur due to an allergic food reaction. The
blistering usually appears on the knees, buttocks and elbows,
this allergy to gluten, a protein found in wheat and oats that sets
off the production of antibodies, causing tissue damage to the
Lactose intolerance is a common food allergy. The
inability to digest the milk sugar found in many dairy products
can lead to digestive complaints and can also induce celiac
disease. Problems may appear as diarrhea, abdominal bloating
and indigestion.
Hazardous chemical in the workplace are substances,
mixture and materials that can be classified according to their
health physicochemical risks and dangers.
Health hazards include skin irritants, carcinogens or
respiratory sensitizers that have an adverse effect on a workers
health as a result of direct contact wit or exposure to the
chemical, usually through inhalation, skin contact ingestion.
Physicochemical hazards generally result from a
substance’s physical and chemecal properties, as the case with
flammable, corrosive, oxidizing or explosive substances.
Some common sources of chemical
contamination can include:
• Kitchen cleaning agents: properties storing of kitchen cleaning
chemicals is essentials.
• Unwashed fruits and beverage: the pesticides and fungicides after used
on fruits and beverage to help them grow free from diseases are
harmful if consumed. Which is why its to properly was all fruits and
vegetables before eating them.
• Food containers made from non safe plastic: single used from items-
such as plastic containers- are designed to be reused again and again.
• Pest control products: items like fly spray and rat poison are extremely
hazardous if consume. Always store these product away from food
Physical contamination happens when actual contaminate foods.
• A food handler is a person who work in a facility where food is
product and packaged, and comes into contact with food while
on the job. This can include everyone from prep cooks at
restaurants to quality inspector on a productions line. Some
regions require special certification for food handler to make
sure they know how to handle food safely and appropriately ,
and people ca receive training from community colleges and
technical schools. Health department may also put on safety
• Safe steps in food handling cooking, storage are essential to prevent food
born illness.
• Clean – wash hands and surfaces often.
• Separate_ Don’t cross- contaminate.
• cook – cook to the temperature.
• Chill- refrigerate promptly.
• Is a permit allows a person to legally prepare and handle
other’s food at any commercial food establishment where
such services are provided.
• Most areas require every employee of a commercial food
establishment to obtain a food handlers permit.
•To prevent, reduce or eliminate
contamination of food during storage and
preparation, every aspect of catering
should be controlled.
•The phrase’ practicable measures’ recognizes that
a food business cannot inspect every food item it
receives, nor categorically assess whether
inspected food is contaminated.
• All food storage accommodation should be clean , dry, adequately
illuminated and well ventilated. Foods should be segregated during storage,
unless ad equality packaged, to prevent cross contamination. Perishable, high
risk or ready to-eat foods should be stored refrigerated or frozen.
• Moist/damp conditions can encourage mound growth’
• Exposed dry foods can absorb moisture and deteriorate.
• Packaging material might deteriorate when exposed to moisture
resulting in food being exposed to contamination or spoilage.
• Moist condition might encourage seeds to germinate and tubers to
sprout, making the food unsuitable.
•Warm condition favor the growth of pathogenic
and spoilage microorganisms.
•Heat – sensitive foods can be spoilt by melting or
• Protected from contamination
• For potentially hazardous food, ether maintained at temperature that
minimize the growth of pathogenic microorganism or displayed for a time
that does not allowed dangerous level of pathogens to grow.
• Displayed food that is package generally be protected
from contamination by is packaging. However, businesses
should make sure that packaging suitable for use with food
and remain intact so the food stays properly protected.
Any food that might be contaminated because the
packaging are suitable or damage should be remove from
display and disposed.
• If displayed food not is not packed, the business must take steps to protect it
from contaminates. These steps should be appropriate to the nature of the
food and the risk posed.
• Ex
• Ready to eat food that is unpackaged presents a greater risk than food that
is not ready to eat.
• Materials can include metals paper, card board,
glass, plastic, Styrofoam, and wood, for a variety of
types of food products and condition. The most
suitable packaging can depend on the application,
as deference product have advantages drawbacks.
Some provide a high degree of insulation and
protection to limit bruising and compression, but
may allow people to see the food. Others provide
visibility but minimal protection.
• this clause applies to all food being
transported from one place to another,
whether within premises or from one premises
to another. For example it includes food being
transported towards in a hospital, nd food
being transported in vehicles.
•Unpacked food, because it it is generally more
vulnerable to exposure to hazards.
•Ready to eat food, because it will not be
further treated to remove any contamination
before it is eaten.
•Potentially hazardous food because if it
becomes contaminated with pathogenic
microorganisms,(example; from the costumer,
animals or pets), these could grow to
dangerous levels during transport.
• The intended outcomes are that food that is recalled, returded or
suspected of being unsafe and or unsuitable is held, separated and
identified from other food until it is.
• Destroyed
• Used for purpose other human consumption
• Returned to its supplier
• Futher processed in a way that insures its safety and suitability,
• ascertained to be safe and suitable and food that has been served to a
person is not resold unless the food has remained completely wrapped.
•It there is reason to suspect a health re
•ask at any of the stages of food processing and
packaging , a food recall is recall is ordered.
The most common reason for a food recall are
microbiological contamination, the presence of
foreign substances and errors in labeling.
Is the collection of practices of the person habitually
performed to maintain food health. Hygiene plays an important
role in looking and feeling physically and emotionally well . Good
hygiene practices cannot only protect individual health, but the
health of all people a person may come into contact. For instance,
viruses and bacteria are commonly spread among people due to
poor hygiene. Children are commonly taught about person
hygiene at a young age so routine practices may developed early in
•After defecating
•After cleaning a child who has
•Before eating or handling food
Regular bathing and laundering are
important for cleanliness and good personal
appearance. They also prevent hygiene-
related diseases such as scabies, ringworm
trachoma, conjunctivitis and louse-borne
To promote laundering of clothes and
bedding laundry slabs or sinks can be
constructed near water points. They should
be large enough to wash bedding and other
bulky items are situated so that water drains
away from the laundry area away from the
water source.