This document discusses the cycling of phosphorus and sulfur in terrestrial ecosystems. It describes the various forms and reservoirs of P and S, including in plant biomass, soil, and the atmosphere. The key cycling processes discussed are microbial immobilization and mineralization. Microbial uptake of P and S is governed by carbon availability - studies show glucose additions increase the amount of P and S recovered in microbial biomass. The decrease in extractable P and S in soil does not always match the increase in microbial biomass, possibly due to methodological challenges.
This document discusses the cycling of phosphorus and sulfur in terrestrial ecosystems. It describes the various forms and reservoirs of P and S, including in plant biomass, soil, and the atmosphere. The key cycling processes discussed are microbial immobilization and mineralization. Microbial uptake of P and S is governed by carbon availability - studies show glucose additions increase the amount of P and S recovered in microbial biomass. The decrease in extractable P and S in soil does not always match the increase in microbial biomass, possibly due to methodological challenges.
This document discusses the cycling of phosphorus and sulfur in terrestrial ecosystems. It describes the various forms and reservoirs of P and S, including in plant biomass, soil, and the atmosphere. The key cycling processes discussed are microbial immobilization and mineralization. Microbial uptake of P and S is governed by carbon availability - studies show glucose additions increase the amount of P and S recovered in microbial biomass. The decrease in extractable P and S in soil does not always match the increase in microbial biomass, possibly due to methodological challenges.
This document discusses the cycling of phosphorus and sulfur in terrestrial ecosystems. It describes the various forms and reservoirs of P and S, including in plant biomass, soil, and the atmosphere. The key cycling processes discussed are microbial immobilization and mineralization. Microbial uptake of P and S is governed by carbon availability - studies show glucose additions increase the amount of P and S recovered in microbial biomass. The decrease in extractable P and S in soil does not always match the increase in microbial biomass, possibly due to methodological challenges.
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CYCLING Bahan, sumber informasi, dan referensi 1. Jeffrey A. Baldock. J.A. 2007. Composition and Cycling of Organic Carbon in Soil. Dalam P. Marschner and Z. Rengel (Eds.). Nutrient Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems. Springer. 409p. 2. McNeill, A. Dan Unkovich, M. 2007. The Nitrogen Cycle in Terrestrial Ecosystems Dalam P. Marschner and Z. Rengel (Eds.). Nutrient Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems. Springer. 409p. 3. Bünemann, E.. dan Condron, L.O. 2007. Phosphorus and Sulphur Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems Dalam P. Marschner and Z. Rengel (Eds.). Nutrient Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems. Springer. 409p. 1. Rengel, Z. 2007. Cycling of Micronutrients in Terrestrial Ecosystems Dalam P. Marschner and Z. Rengel (Eds.). Nutrient Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems. Springer. 409p. 2. Marschner, P. 2007. Plant-Microbe Interactions in the Rhizosphere and Nutrient Cycling Dalam P. Marschner and Z. Rengel (Eds.). Nutrient Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems. Springer. 409p. 3. Craftumber, B.C. 2001. Biology of Wetland Soils. Dalam J. L. Richardson dan M. J. Vepraskas (Eds.) Wetlandsoils: Genesis, Hydrology, Landscapes, and Classification. Lewis Publishers. Washington.DC. 414p. Forms and Amounts of Phosphorus and Sulphur
Phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S) are essential
elements for all living cells. Among the biomolecules that contain P are nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), phospholipids, sugar phosphates (e.g. glucose-6-phosphate) and molecules with an energyrich pyrophosphate bond (e.g. ATP), whereas S is contained in two amino acids (cysteine and methionine) and various coenzymes, vitamins and sulpholipids. Major global reservoirs of P and S are the oceans and the lithosphere, while less than 1% of both elements are found in the three main compartments of terrestrial ecosystems, i.e. the atmosphere, plant biomass and the soil (Stevenson and Cole 1999). In the atmosphere, P is negligible, as phosphine gas (PH3) oc curs only under highly reducing conditions. Relatively small amounts of S are found in the atmosphere: hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and organic S gases are produced by anaerobic bacteria, while sulphur dioxide (SO2) is a product of industrial combustion, microbial oxidation and volcanic activity, with anthropogenic S emissions representing about 55% of total S inputs into the atmosphere (Zhao et al. 1996). The concentrations of P and S in plant biomass are quite similar (usually 1–5 g kg–1 dry matter), and above-ground P and S amount to about 10– 100 kg ha–1 in most ecosystems. In plant tissues, S is mainly in C-bonded forms such as amino acids, while about one-half of the P in plants is present as nucleic acids, followed by phospholipids and monoesters.
Concentrations of P and S in natural soils range
between 100 and 1,000 mg kg–1, which is equivalent to about 200–2,000 kg ha–1 in the top 20 cm. Concentrations of P in fertilised agricultural as well as some volcanic soils can be considerably higher. In soils, P is found largely in its oxidised state as orthophosphate, whereas S exists in several oxidation states, e.g. –2 for sulphides (S2–), 0 for elemental sulphur (S˚), +4 for sulphites (SO32–) and +6 for sulphates (SO42–). The most labile pool of P and S in soil is the soil solution, followed by the microbial biomass, exchangeable inorganic pools, and labile organic P and S (Fig. 3.1). The mineral phase of P consists of primary and secondary minerals, mainly calcium, iron and aluminium phosphates, while inorganic S is present predominantly as aluminium sulphates, pyrite (FeS2) and gypsum (CaSO4).
The proportion of soil organic P ranges from 20 to 80% of
total P, while in most soils 80% or more of total S is in organic form. The mineral phase is thus much more important for P, although in highly weathered soils, more than 50% of total S may be adsorbed to mineral surfaces (Krouse et al. 1996). b. Cycling of Phosphorus and Sulphur in Terrestrial Ecosystems The cycling of P and S in terrestrial ecosystems is illustrated in Fig. 3.1. Withoutplants or soil organisms, fluxes in the soil would be small, since the chemical equilibrium between different forms of P and S would be disturbed only by abiotic effects, such as moisture and temperature fluctuations, as well as through atmospheric inputs and leaching losses. The microbial biomass has long been recognised as the driving force in soil organic P dynamics. Plant uptake and microbial immobilisation have also great potential to disturb the equilibria of inorganic nutrients. In the case of S, microorganisms promote not only immobilisation and mineralisation, but also oxidation and reduction processes. The soil fauna is less important as a nutrient pool but increases the turnover of the microbial biomass by grazing and predation Of the four input pathways into the soil (atmospheric deposition, weathering of parent material, fertilisation, plant and animal residues), atmospheric deposition is often the main source of S, with annual inputs of >80 kg S ha–1 close to industrial sources (Krouse et al. 1996). Atmospheric deposition of P is generally negligible. c. Microbial Immobilisation and Mineralisation Processes Patterns and processes of microbial immobilisation and mineralisation of P and S have been studied primarily in incubation and pot experiments, although some field studies have also been conducted. In this section, the main focus is on the similarity and differences in immobilisation-mineralisation processes for P and S, in on the similarity and differences in immobilisation-mineralisation processes for P and S, including a discussion of radioisotope methods. Microbial immobilisation of P and S (as opposed to the physico-chemical reactions of sorption and precipitation, which remove P and S from the soil solution) can be deduced from a decrease in phosphate and sulphate in the soil solution and/or measured as an increase of P and S in the microbial biomass. In the absence of net changes, the incorporation of radioisotopes into the microbial biomass has been used to determine rates of microbial immobilisation. Numerous studies have shown that microbial uptake of P and S is governed mainly by C availability. For example, the recovery of 35S in the microbial biomass of six soils 3 days after labelling increased from 0–14% without glucose to 17–44% after addition of 2 g glucose-C kg–1 soil (O’Donnell et al. 1994). Likewise, glucose additions of 3 g kg–1 increased the recovery of 33P in the microbial biomass from 8% to 66% (Oehl et al. 2001a). In both studies, the increase of stable and radioactive elements in the microbial biomass was mirrored by a decrease of element and tracer extractable with 0.01 M CaCl2 for S or H2O for P, but this decrease could not entirely account for the microbial nutrient uptake. In the case of P, phosphate in the soil solution, which is in equilibrium with other inorganic P pools, is likely to be the main source of rapid microbial P uptake, while for S, a priming effect of glucose additions on soil organic S was reported (O’Donnell et al. 1994). Methodological problems in estimating amounts of total and radioactive P and S in the microbial biomass due to incomplete extraction, applied correction factors and heterogeneous labelling of the microbial biomass may, however, also be involved whenever the increase in nutrient content of the biomass is not entirely reflected in the decrease in the extractable nutrient.