Kehamilan Dengan Bekas Sectio Cecar: Disusun Oleh: Heru Maranata Nababan Pembimbing: Dr. Dr. Donel S, Spog (K)
Kehamilan Dengan Bekas Sectio Cecar: Disusun Oleh: Heru Maranata Nababan Pembimbing: Dr. Dr. Donel S, Spog (K)
Kehamilan Dengan Bekas Sectio Cecar: Disusun Oleh: Heru Maranata Nababan Pembimbing: Dr. Dr. Donel S, Spog (K)
History of cesarean section are not a mandatory for having C-section in the
next pregnancy and have another option by having a normal delivery
(Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC))
On contrary, VBAC has actually decreased since 1996 while primary and
repeat caesarean section rates increases
The authors found a gap associated with an increase in the number of C-
section that continued to occur even though the number of complications was
also increased
should come to the hospital before entering labour and without any
History of C-section are not a mandatory for having C-section in the next
pregnancy and they have another option by having a normal delivery
(Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC))
On contrary, VBAC has actually decreased since 1996 while primary and
repeated C-section rates increases
Lesser risk of wound bleeding and peritonitis
Lesser danger on uterine rupture in the next pregnancy due its strong scar
2. Classic C-section
Mid-segment-10-12cm incision, with distal end above the vesicouterine
3. Extraperitoneal C-section
Incisions in the wall and abdomen fascia + rectus musculus are bluntly
Bladder is retracted downward while the peritoneal fold is cut towards the
head to expose the lower segment of the uterus.
Antenatal care for mother with prior history of C-section is more focused on:
1. Determining gestational age, size of the fetus, and location of the fetus in the
uterus (especially in the third trimester of pregnancy)
2. Assess the condition of scarring and assess the any complications in the
previous from the prior C-section
4. Every mother with prior C-section must give birth in a hospital with adequate
health facilities
The referral system in the obstetric field is an integrated health service system with
two-way interaction between midwives, GP, and specialists
Pregnancies with prior C-section have some potential obstetric emergencies such as
bleeding, hypertension, preeclampsia and eclampsia or other complications such as
location or presentation abnormalities, low APGAR score, placenta previa need
early referral planning.
ACOG criteria for mothers with a history of cesarean section for vaginal
delivery as follows (ACOG, 2010):
Breech presentation
Fetal distress
Placental abruption
Placental previa
Failure of induction
Labor Dysfunction
5. Maternal age
Women over the age of 35 years have higher rates of C-section
6. Gestational age during previous C-section
At <37 weeks gestational age and not yet in labour eg. placenta previa where the lower
uterine segment has not yet formed completely
Induction of labor with misoprostol will increase the risk of uterine rupture in the maternal
cesarean section (Macones GA, 2015).
If VBAC is not possible, labor is carried out with the C-section with technique options as
the following:
• Difficulty in separating the bladder for reach the lower uterine segment
• Large fetus in transverse lie
• Placenta previa with placental insertion on the front wall of the lower uterine segment
• Cesarean section followed by sterilization
• There are large blood vessels tears and bleeding could occur in the lower uterine
• The baby's head has entered the top of the pelvis.
• Grande multipara followed by hysterectomy
1. Classical C-section Technique
Every pregnant woman with prior history of C-section should have an antenatal examination
to get information about the estimated date of delivery
The examinations should be done in a hospital that has adequate health facilities, and when
the time is right, the baby need to be delivered in hospital minimize the possibility of
fatal complications