Double Loop Learning: Kristine F. Cantilero Mary Joyce C. Solita Mat-English
Double Loop Learning: Kristine F. Cantilero Mary Joyce C. Solita Mat-English
Double Loop Learning: Kristine F. Cantilero Mary Joyce C. Solita Mat-English
Kristine F. Cantilero
Mary Joyce C. Solita
CHRIS • Born in Newark, New
ARGYRIS Jersey on July 16,
1923, and grew up in
Irvington, New Jersey.
• A Greek business
theorist, Professor
Emeritus at Harvard
Business School, and
held the position of
“Though Leader” at
Monitor Group.
• Co-founders of
• Argyris (1976) proposes double loop
learning theory which pertains to
learning to change underlying
values and assumptions. The focus
of the theory is on solving
problems that are complex and ill-
structured and which change as
problem-solving advances.
• Double loop theory is based upon a
“theory of action” perspective
outlined by Agryris and Schon
(1974). This perspective examines
reality from the point of view of
human beings as actors. Changes in
values, behavior, leadership, and
helping others, are all part of,
and informed by, the actors’
theory of action.
Single Loop Learning vs. Double Loop