On Timbre: Phy103 Physics of Music
On Timbre: Phy103 Physics of Music
On Timbre: Phy103 Physics of Music
Phy103 Physics
of Music
Subjective Objective
Tonal character, usually Periodic sound or sound
pitched composed of only a few
Noisy, with or without some Random pulses or broad
tonal character, including band spectrum
rustle noise
Vibrato Frequency modulation
Tremolo Amplitude modulation
More Attributes
Coloration Spectral envelope
Attack Prefix
Final sound Suffix
Hz The
Filtered Broad Band
• ASA demo 5
• A Low pass filter cuts off all high
Blending of harmonics into one
tone or timbre
ASA Demo 1 Cancelled Harmonics
20 harmonics of 200Hz are played
When the relative amplitudes of all 20
harmonics remain steady they blend and
we hear them all as one tone
When one harmonic is cancelled or given
a vibrato then it stands out and we hear it
How many harmonics are needed for a
tone to have its recognizable character?
• ASA Demo 28a Adding in
partials of a carillon bell