Managerial Economics MANB403: Prof. Tanuja Dubey
Managerial Economics MANB403: Prof. Tanuja Dubey
Managerial Economics MANB403: Prof. Tanuja Dubey
• Do business or do job?
Human wants are unlimited
“An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations“ -
Adam Smith – Father of Economics (1779)
Consumption Rent
Production Exchange
Human wants Wages
Input Producer
Satisfaction Interest
Output cosumer
Demand Profit
1. What to produce?
2. How to produce?
• Cost Allocation :
– Opportunity cost, fixed cost and variable cost
Economics is a social science. Its basic function is to study how people that is
individual, households, firms, and nations maximize their gains from their limited
resources and opportunities. In economic terminology, this is called as optimizing behavior.
Optimizing behavior is, selecting the best out of available options with the objective of
maximizing gains from the given resources. Economics is thus a social science, which
studies human behavior in relation to optimizing allocation of available resources.
Economics is sometimes called the science of choice.
Example : Economics studies the behavior of households allocate their limited resources.
Economics as a Science:
The term science has its origin in term “Scientia” of latin language. It means “to
know.” By knowing a subject we mean understanding it and being able to describe its
causes and effects. “Science is a systematic body of knowledge concerning the
relationship between causes and effects of a particular phenomenon”
Factors to Decide:
3) Explanation: After collecting and measuring the facts, the same are sought to be
explained and put for testing. In other words, the same are put to systematic study. By
establishing the relationship between cause and effects of a fact, economic laws are
Example: on the basis of study of mutual relationship between change in price and
consequent change in demand, Law of demand is formulated.
Effects of Leakage and Inflows – The role of leakage enables us to study their
effects on the national economy. For example, imports are a leakage out of
circular flow of income for the reason that they are payments made to the
foreign country. To stop this leakage, government adopts measures like to
promote exports or to decrease imports.
Link Between Producer and Consumer – The circular flow establishes a link
between producers and consumers. It is through income that producers buy
the services of the factors of production with which the latter in turn
purchase goods and services from the producers.
Basis of Multiplier – If leakages exceeds injections in the circular flow, the total
income becomes less than the total output. This leads to a cumulative decline
in employment, income and productivity over time.
Conversely, if injections in to the circular flow exceed leakages the
income is increased in economy. This leads to cumulative rise in employment,
income, output over time.
2) Wealth Maximizations –
Non-Economic Objectives:
1) Survival
2) Building up Public Confidence for the product
3) Welfare
4) Sound business practice
Accounting Profit and Economic Profit :
Economic Profit = Total Revenue – Total Economic Cost
= Total Revenue – Explicit Costs – Implicit Costs
Which of the following are macroeconomic issues, and which are microeconomic
1. Inflation.
2. Gross Domestic Product
3. Low wages in banking industry.
4. Per capita income
5. Price of medical care
6. The rate of exchange between the pound and the euro
7. Why the price of cabbages fluctuates more than that of cars
8. The decline of traditional manufacturing industries