Chua-Burce vs. Ca: G.R. No. 109595. April 27, 2000
Chua-Burce vs. Ca: G.R. No. 109595. April 27, 2000
Chua-Burce vs. Ca: G.R. No. 109595. April 27, 2000
A bank cash custodian was found guilty by the
trial court in the criminal case charging her of the
crime of estafa and was also adjudged liable for
the amount of P150,000 in a civil case. Petitioner
seasonably appealed her conviction in the
criminal case to the Court of Appeals and filed a
separate appeal in the civil case. The CA affirmed
the trial court’s decision in toto, hence, the
present petition. Petitioner questions the validity
of trial procedures in the criminal proceeding and
insists that there can be no presumption of
misappropriation when there were other persons
who had access to the cash in vault.
Carmelita Crisologo alleged that she was the registered
owner of two parcels of land (TCT) Nos. T-13935 and T-
13936 properties were covered by an assessment of real
property and payments of realty taxes were updated. She
discovered that petitioners unlawfully entered and
occupied her properties by stealth, force and without her
prior consent and knowledge and constructed houses on
the said lots. Upon the discovery, Atty Carmelita
Crisologo(daughter of Carmeling Crisologo) demanded that
petitioners vacate the premises and remove their structures
thereon. Petitioners promised to be the said properties but
failed to do so.Petitioners refused to vacate the said
properties despite repeated demands made by Crisologo.
Crisologo filed a complaint for recovery of possession
and/or ownership with damages against petitioners.