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Tatalaksana Katarak

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Small-incision surgery
• You may also hear your doctor call this
phacoemulsification. Your surgeon makes a tiny cut
on your cornea. She'll put a small device in your eye
that gives off ultrasound waves that break up your
cloudy lens. Then she takes out the pieces and puts
in your new, artificial lens
Large-incision surgery
This isn’t done as often, but doctors sometimes
suggest it for larger cataracts that cause more vision
trouble than usual. It's sometimes also called
extracapsular cataract extraction. Your surgeon takes
out your clouded lens in one piece, then swaps it out
for an artificial one. You'll probably need a little more
time to heal from this surgery than from the small-
incision type.
Femtosecond laser surgery.
• In this operation, your surgeon uses a laser to break
up the lens. As with the other types, once this is
done, she'll put in the new lens. Your doctor may
suggest this if you also have an astigmatism, a
curve of your cornea that makes your vision blurry.
Your surgeon can treat that problem during the
cataract surgery by using the laser to reshape your
Komplikasi selama Operasi
• Komplikasi selama operasi
• 1. Pendangkalan kamera okuli anterior
• 2. Posterior Capsule Rupture (PCR)
• 3. Nucleus Drop
Komplikasi setelah Operasi
• Edema Kornea
• Perdarahan
• Glaukoma sekunder
• Uveitis Kronik
• Ablasio Retina
• Posterior Capsule Opacification (PCO)

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