Breeding Strategies For Poultry
Breeding Strategies For Poultry
Breeding Strategies For Poultry
Grower: The management of birds during 9-20 weeks or to the point of laying is referred
to as grower period.
Layer: The management of birds during 21-72 weeks of age for the purpose of laying eggs
(egg production).
Asiatic Class
They are large bodied with heavy bones feathered shanks and poor layers.
These are probably the best laying chickens around, besides the
Rhode Island Breeds.
They are prolific egg layers of white eggs. A small, spritely, noisy bird
with great style, that like to move about. Leghorns are good foragers
and can often glean much of their diet from ranging over fields and
barnyards. Leghorns are capable of considerable flight and often roost
in trees if given the opportunity. Leghorns lay more than 300 eggs a
Very flighty
Good foragers
Rarely Broody
The Rhode Island Red Chickens are prolific egg layers of medium
brown eggs. Relatively hardy, they are probably the best egg
layers of the dual purpose breeds. Reds handle marginal diets
and poor housing conditions better than other breeds and still
continue to produce eggs. 200-250 eggs a year.
Environmental requirements
• In the room where we keep broilers it is necessary to provide the
exchange of air - in the winter, when the outdoor temperature is
-20°C it should be 0.6 m3/h/kg, and at +30°C in the summer
outside, up to 6.0 m3 /h/kg. Ensuring the exchange of air in the
house it is necessary to avoid aerations and the maximum
permissible air flow in the occupied zone of broilers - winter -
0.1-0.3 m/s, while in summer - up to 1.0 m/ s.
Laying hens - maintenance in flooring systems
Birds in this system stay in buildings with no fowl-runs. Floor areas
are covered with litter. Chicken coop is inhabited by 16-18 weeks old
hens. They stay there until the end of lay period. Density of birds per
1 m2 cannot exceed 9 hens.
The lighting in a building can be natural or artificial. Birds should
have the opportunity to find food and water and prevent
cannibalism. Environmental conditions in the room for layers are as
- Temperature in the range of 13 to 16°C;
- Relative humidity of 65% (ranging from 55 to 75%);
- Exchange of air between 0.5 (winter) to 6.0 m3/h/kg (summer);
- Flow velocity of 0.3 m/s (winter) to 1.0 m/s (summer), - permissible
gas concentration: NH3 - 0.0026% (0.02 mg / l), CO2 - 0.20 % (4 mg /
l), H2S - 0.0005% (0.008 mg / l);
- Artificial lighting, adjustable from 0 - 30 lux.
How to Keep Egg Production High
Just because you have a breed who can lay lots of eggs, doesn’t
mean they will lay lots of eggs. Many things can affect how
many eggs a chicken lays. Their diet, age and access to daylight
are all important.
Older chickens just don’t lay as many eggs as younger chickens.
A chicken’s first year of laying eggs is always their best.
Chickens Egg Laying Reduce Over Time. Once a chicken hits the
age of three the amount of eggs they lay really slows down.
If the chicken laid 250 eggs in their first year, then by the third
year it will only lay 160 eggs.
Chickens need around 20 grams of protein every day for them to
keep laying eggs. If their diet isn’t providing them with this protein
then they won’t be able to lay many eggs.
To ensure that the chickens are getting plenty of protein make
sure you are feeding them layers pellets.
Layers pellets have been manufactured to contain all the key
minerals, nutrients and minerals that hens require.
The most common method of improving the local gene pool is crossing
indigenous and exotic birds, and then leaving the hybrid offspring to
natural selection.