• Folded plates are assemblies of flat plates rigidly connected together along their
edges in such a way so as to make the structural system capable of carrying loads
without the need for additional supporting beams along mutual edges.
• Based on the position in the architectural structure, this type of construction can
be divided into:
• As roof structures
• As floor structures
• As wall structures
• As steel sheet piles
As Roof Structures:
The basic construction of this
facility consists of triangular
plates - metal
panels forming folded
• This type of ceiling represents folded construction made of steel sheets. Trapezoidal sheet can independently receive
and transmit the load, and together with concrete represents coupled structure.
• Mezzanine ceiling structure constructed as a wooden folded structure represents a trapezoidal crease with elements
of veneer (plywood), and horizontal parts of the folded structure are made of solid wood.
• Mezzanine ceiling can be executed as a wooden folded construction and it represents a parallel "V" crease with
elements of veneer, placed between the horizontal elements of cut solid wood. This type of ceiling is called "Kielsteg"
and it has been patented in Austria
As wall structure: