Microbial Physiology
Microbial Physiology
Microbial Physiology
15 Hours
Rutam Mulay
Msc (Microbiology)
X axis – Time
Y axis – Log number of viable cells
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1. Lag Phase
No immediate increase in cell number, mass and lasts
for 1 hour to several days.
Required for synthesis of ATP and growth factors.
Required for synthesis of enzymes if the medium is
Required for recovery of injured microorganisms.
Key enzymes for replication of DNA and protein
synthesis are made.
Varies depending on the type of organism.
Lag phases are longer if inoculum is old or transferred
into a new medium; and shorter for young vigorously
growing organisms.
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2. Log phase (Exponential phase)
MO’s are growing at maximum possible rate.
The rate of growth is constant and the organisms are
dividing and doubling at regular intervals.
The population is uniform in terms of chemical and
physiological properties. These cultures are used in
biochemical, physiological and industrial microbiology.
Exponential growth is balanced growth.
Under unusual circumstances, unbalanced growth
results – Shift up and Shift down.
Log phase growth is not an indefinite growth as the
transport systems and enzymes get saturated.
The graph rises and then begins to plateau.
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3. Stationary phase (Levelling phase)
Growth ceases and graph becomes horizontal.
Attained by bacteria at a population level of around
10^9 cells per ml.
The microbial population ceases to divide but remains
metabolically active.
Reasons for entering stationary phase:
i. Nutrient limitation
ii. Accumulation of toxic waste products
Starvation may be positive for some bacteria. They
produce starvation proteins (Dps) that protect the
Eg: S.typhi becomes more virulent when starved.
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4. Death phase
Decline of viable cells post stationary phase.
Death of organisms is exponential like log phase.
“Irreversible harm and loss of viability”.
This view is under debate with two hypotheses:
i. Viable but not culturable cells (VBNC)
ii. Programmed cell death (Apoptosis)
Death is apparently good!
Long term experiments reveal that there is a gradual
decline in culturable cells.
This is because cells from same subpopulation are
able to tolerate the accumulated toxins (natural
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1. Turbidity
2. Metabolic activity
3. Dry weight
Turbidity Measurements
•The basis of this method lies in the fact that microbial
cells scatter light striking them.
•As bacteria grow in the medium, the medium becomes
turbid or cloudy.
•The amount of scattering is directly proportional to
the biomass of cells present as microbes are of same
•Spectrophotometer or colorimeter is used to measure
the light scattered (turbidity).
•When the concentration of bacteria reaches about 10
million cells per ml, the medium appears slightly
cloudy or turbid.
Basic Principle
•When the light strikes bacterial cells, they will absorb
certain wavelength of light and transmit some light.
•If the turbidity is high, more light will be absorbed
and less light will be transmitted towards the detector.
•This reading will be noted as % transmittance.
•Also the instrument has another log function called
Abs (absorbance) or O.D calculated as Abs = 2-log %T.
•This absorbance value (direct read out) is relative of
the bacterial numbers which can be confirmed by
viable counts.
•Major limitation – 10 to 100 million cells are required
for such measurements.
Metabolic Activity
•Assumption – the amount of some metabolic product
is directly related to bacterial growth.
•If the amount of a substance in each cell is constant,
the total quantity of that cell constituent is directly
related to the total microbial cell mass.
1. Total protein content (microbial cells)
2. Chlorophyll content (photosynthetic bacteria)
3. ATP measurement (living cells)
Dry Weight
•It is comparatively simple and can be used for fungal
cells (filamentous organisms).
•Simply, the fungal culture is grown in broth, the
hyphae are separated (filtration), dried in oven and
weighed on electronic balance.
•It is time consuming, however, and not very sensitive.
•Bacteria weigh so little that it is necessary to centrifuge
several hundred millilitres of culture to collect a
sufficient quantity of sediment.
•This method is not a very accurate method and lacks
Basic Understanding…
•Natural environments contain varying concentration of
nutrients (in a way it is a stressful environment for MO’s).
•Microbes are present virtually everywhere on Earth.
•Many habitats in which microbes thrive would kill most
other organisms.
•Bacteria such as Bacillus infernus are able to live over 2.4
kilometers below Earth’s surface, without oxygen and at
temperatures above 60°C.
•Microorganisms that grow in such harsh conditions are
called extremophiles.
•This topic helps in understanding ways to control microbial
growth and study ecological distribution of microorganisms.
•pH is a measure of the relative acidity of a solution
and is defined as the negative logarithm of the
hydrogen ion concentration.
•Each species has a definite pH growth range and pH
growth optimum.
•Acidophiles [pH 0 and 5.5], neutrophiles [pH 5.5 and
8.0]; and alkalophiles, [pH 8.0 and 11.5] & extreme
alkalophiles [>pH 10].
•Eg: Archaea are acidophiles, Bacteria are neutrophiles
and alkalophiles (Vibrio spp).
Effect of pH on Microbial cells
When the external pH is low, the concentration of H
is greater outside than inside, and H+ will move into
the cytoplasm.
Drastic variations in cytoplasmic pH can harm
microbes by disrupting the plasma membrane or
inhibiting the activity of enzymes and membrane
transport proteins.
Most prokaryotes die if the internal pH drops much
below 5.0 to 5.5.
Changes in the external pH also might alter the
ionization of nutrient molecules and thus reduce their
availability to the organism.
Microbial Strategies
MO’s employ several mechanisms to maintain their
cytoplasmic pH at 7.0 irrespective of their classification.
1. Potassium antiport system.
2. Acid tolerance response.
• Proton translocating ATPase (pH 5.5-6.0) will make
ATP’s or pump H out of the cell.
• Acid shock proteins (pH 4.5) help in renaturation of
the misfolded proteins.
3. Extremophiles like Bacillus alcalophilus exchange Na
for external protons through exchange pumps.
Plasma membrane is selectively permeable and acts
as a physical barrier for entry of substances.
Challenge: If the organism is placed in the hypotonic
solution, water enters cell causing swelling and burst.
Solution: Inclusion bodies and pressure sensitive
channels that allow solute to escape when Oe>Oi.
Challenge: If the organism is placed in the hypertonic
solution, water leaves the cell causing plasmolysis.
Solution: Compatible solutes. Prokaryotes increase CS
production in hypertonic environment.
Examples of CS: choline, betaine, proline, glutamic
acid, polyols (arabitol, mannitol, glycerol), amino acids.
Solution 2: binding of water molecules by solutes
(osmotic effect) or solid surfaces (matric effect).
•The water available to the bacteria is significant and is
expressed in terms of water activity.
•Water activity is inversely proportional to osmotic
•It is 1/100 of the relative humidity of the solution.
•It is given by the following formula:
Halophiles – Salt Loving
•Adapted to hypertonic conditions and require high
salt concentrations (2.8 to 6 M) to grow.
1. Compatible solutes
2. Modified enzymes, proteins (require high K)
3. Plasma membrane stabilization by high Na.
Example: Archaeon Halobacterium is isolated from the
Dead sea (salt lake between Israel and Jordan)
(34% salinity)
Classification of organisms on oxygen requirement:
Type Oxygen requirement Example
Obligate aerobes Obligate requirement Micrococcus,