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Anemia Hemolitik Autoimun

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Anemia Hemolitik Autoimun

Dr. Efrida, dr., SpPK(K)., MKes

Red cells react with antibody with or without complement
activation and are consequently destroyed.
IgG-coated red cells interact with the Fc receptors on
macrophages and are either completely or partially
phagocytosed. When the phagocytosis is partial, then the
unphagocytosed part of the cell may detach from the
macrophage and circulates as a spherocyte.
Activation of complement proceeds as far as deposition of the
membrane attack complex ( C5-C9) which results in
intravascular hemolysis.
The immune hemolytic anemias include transfusion reactions,
auto-immune hemolytic anemia (AIHA), hemolytic disease of the
newborn (HDN), and drug induced hemolytic anemia

Coombs’ test is used to detect red cells antibodies.

Coombs’ reagent is Anti Human Globulin (AHG) from the serum
of horses or rabbits which are injected with human globulin.
Detects antibodies or complement on the surface of red
cells which are sensitized in-vivo.
Red cells suspension 40-60% are directly mixed with Coombs’
reagent. The test is positive if agglutination of red cells occurs.
Positive test in AIHA, HDN, Drug induced HA, transfusion
reaction due to ABO incompatibility.
Detects red cells antibodies in the serum or plasma.
The test is conducted in 2 phases:
* Normal red cells suspension 2% is incubated with
patient’s serum for 2 hours at 370 C. Then the red cells
are washed 3 times with NaCL 0.9% solution.
* Washed red cells suspension 40-60% are mixed with
Coombs’ reagent.
The test is positive if agglutination occurs.
Positive test is found in
Pregnant women with incompatibility of fetus blood
Incompatibility of donor’s red cells in cross match.
HDN is a consequence of the passage of fetal red cells across the
placenta resulting in the immunization of the mother to blood
group antigens of the fetus. The iso-antibodies produced in the
mother are transferred back across the placenta (only IgG are
transferred) to the fetus causing red cells destruction of the
fetus. Transplacental hemorrhage most commonly occures at
the time of labor.
Almost all cases of HDN (93%) are caused by the anti-D of the
Rh system, 3% due to other antibodies within the Rh system
and only 1% due to incompatibility of the ABO blood group.
HDN due to ANTI-D
Small numbers of fetal red cells (Rh positive) can be found in the
maternal circulation (Rh negative) especially during the third
trimester, but the main transplacental passage occurs at the time
of labor. It is very unusual for the first-born child to be affected
with HDN (incidence < 1%).
Sensitation may be due to previous abortion or transfusion with
Rh positive red cells.
Neonatus may be born with mild anemia or severe conditions.
The baby could be with severe anemia, icterus, pallor, tachy-
cardia, edema, and hepato-splenomegaly. If the serum bilirubin
exceeds 30 mg/dl, the pigment will be deposited in the cells of
basal ganglia resulting in KERN ICTERUS.
In extreme conditions the baby will be born with hydrops fetalis
or stillbirth (IUFD) occurs.
Laboratory findings of Rh HDN:
Decreased Hb (normal Hb in newborns 21-27 g/dl)
Reticulocytosis > 6%
Normoblastosis in blood film 10.000-100.000/mm3
(normally 200-2000/mm3 , or < 6 in 100 leucocytes )
Negative spherocyte in blood film
Leucocytosis > 20.000 - 30.000 / mm3
(normally 15.000-20.000/mm3 )
Increased indirect bilirubin
Positive direct Coombs’ test of cord blood

Therapy of newborns: Exchange transfusion and photo-therapy.

Occurs in newborns with A or B blood group from mothers of O
blood group.
IgM antibodies occurs in mothers with other blood groups, these
antibodies are not transferred by the placenta.
Mild anemia occurs in the newborn
Spherocytosis in blood film
Increased indirect bilirubin
Negative kern icterus

Antibodies against antigens on the membrane of red cells.

Reaction of Ag-Ab occurs optimally at 37o C
The red cells are mostly coated with IgG or IgG + complement,
only a small part of the antibodies are IgM or IgA.
Warm AIHA occures in
Primary – idiopathic
Secondary in Auto-immune disease (e.g. SLE), and CLL
Drug induced HA
Reaction of Ag-Ab occurs optimally at < 310 C
The red cells are mostly IgM antibodies, involved complement
Cold AIHA occures in
Primary idiopathic
Secondary in Lymphoma, Infectious mononucleosis, and
Mycoplasma pneumonia
Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria (PCH)
Laboratory findings in AIHA:
* Positive Coombs’ test
* Evidence of intra- or extra- vascular hemolysis
* Morphology of blood film:
normochrom normocytair
schistocyte (fragmentocyte)
erythro-phagocytosis in monocyte
* In PCH: positive Donath Landsteiner antibody
1. Antigens as a drug-membrane complex on the red cells
IgG antibodies
Extravascular hemolysis with positive direct Coombs’ test
Occurs in - high dose penicillin therapy
- cephalotin therapy
2. Antigens as drug-protein complex, needs a complement.
IgM antibodies
Intravascular hemolysis with positive direct Coombs’ test
Occurs in : stibophen, phenacetin, or quinine therapy
3. Therapy with high dose methyldopa.
Mechanism of HA unknown.
Defect of membrane of red cells i.e. deficiency of Glycosyl
Phosphatidyl Inositol (GPI).
Red cells become sensitive to lowered pH, usually occurs during
sleep and hemolysis occurs intravascularly.
Signs of Hb-uria, hemosiderinuria and methemalbuminemia.
Specific test in PNH:
* Sugar water test
* Acid serum test = Ham test
Complications: - Aplastic anemia
- Intravascular thrombosis (can be fatal)
- Iron deficiency anemia
Pemeriksaan Laboratorium
(deteksi dan etiologi)
• CBC termasuk retikulosit
• Urinalisis lengkap
• Bilirubin total, direk, indirek
• Haptoglobin
• Tes Coomb Direk, Indirek
• Ig (+) dan perlekatan Ab pada permukaan
eritrositpenanda anemia hemolitik
• Aglutinasi spontan sel yg dilapisi IgM (Ab
• Sel yg dilapisi IgG tdk beraglutinasi
spontan dalam larutan saline ( Ab

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