Chapter 5 - Distributed Programming (RMI & CORBA)
Chapter 5 - Distributed Programming (RMI & CORBA)
Chapter 5 - Distributed Programming (RMI & CORBA)
Chapter 5
Distributed Programming
Using RMI and CORBA
• RMI architecture
• Serialization
• Steps to develop RMI application
• CORBA architecture
• Naming services
Java RMI is a mechanism to allow the invocation of methods that reside
on different Java Virtual Machines (JVMs).
The JVMs may be on different machines or they could be on the same
In either case, the method runs in a different address space than the calling
Java RMI is an object-oriented remote procedure call mechanism.
RMI is a distributed object system that enables you to easily develop
distributed Java applications.
Developing distributed applications in RMI is simpler than developing
with sockets since there is no need to design a protocol, which is an
error-prone task
Java RMI allowed programmer to execute remote function class using
the same semantics as local function calls.
Local Machine (Client) Remote Machine (Server)
SampleServer remoteObject;
int s;
… 10,20
s =
public int sum(int a,int b)
return a + b;
30 }
1. A remote object is an object on another computer
2. The server object is the object receiving the request
3. Client: program written to access remote methods
4. Server: program written to implement the remote methods
Clients connect to the server and request that a method be
5. Object registry: is a program
runs on a known port (1099 by default)
RMI Client
Local Machine
RMI Client RMI Server
A client invokes a remote method, the call is first forwarded to stub.
The stub is responsible for sending the remote call over to the server-side
The stub opening a socket to the remote server, marshaling the object
parameters and forwarding the data stream to the skeleton.
A skeleton contains a method that receives the remote calls, unmarshals the
parameters, and invokes the actual remote object implementation.
RMI uses only TCP, UDP is not supported by RMI.
Marshalling and UnMarshalling: refers to the process of converting the
data or object being transfered into a byte stream and unmarshalling is the
reverse- converting the stream into an object or data; conversion is achieved
via object serialization.
Serialization is the process of writing the state of an object to a byte
This is useful when we want to save the state of our object to a
persistent storage such as a file.
At a later time, we may restore these objects by using the process of de-
The class whose object we want to write to a file, must implement the
Serializable interface.
Serializable interface is a marker interface means it does not have any
method, it only informs the tools that are involved in serialization that
the class is ready for serialization.
For eg.
class Test implements Serializable{
Ease of programming
Uses Proprietary Protocol
No cross-language support
1. Define the remote interface
2. Develop the remote object by implementing the remote interface.
3. Develop the client program.
4. Compile the Java source files.
5. Generate the client stubs and server skeletons.
6. Start the RMI registry.
7. Start the remote server objects.
8. Run the client
To create an RMI application, the first step is the defining of a remote
interface between the client and server objects.
The interface definition:
must be public
but other exceptions may be thrown as well
/* */
import java.rmi.*;
/* */
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
import java.rmi.registry.*;
The server must bind its name to the registry, the client will look up the server
Use java.rmi.Naming class to bind the server name to registry.
In this example, lets use the name “SAMPLE-SERVER”.
In the main method of your server object, the RMI security manager is created and
/* */
public static void main(String args[])
{ try
//set the security manager
System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
//create a local instance of the object
SampleServerImpl Server = new SampleServerImpl();
//put the local instance in the registry
Naming.rebind("SAMPLE-SERVER" , Server);
System.out.println("Server waiting.....");
catch (RemoteException re)
{ System.out.println("Remote exception: " + re.toString()); }
13 }
In order for the client object to invoke methods on the server, it must
first look up the name of server in the registry. Use the
java.rmi.Naming class to lookup the server name.
The server name is specified as URL in the form
(rmi://host:port/name )
Default RMI port is 1099.
The name specified in the URL must exactly match the name that the
server has bound to the registry.
In this example, the name is “SAMPLE-SERVER”
The remote method invocation is programmed using the remote
interface name (remoteObject) as prefix and the remote method
name (sum) as suffix.
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
public class SampleClient
{ public static void main(String[] args)
{ // set the security manager for the client
System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
{ //get the remote object from the registry
String url = “rmi://localhost/SAMPLE-SERVER";
SampleServer remoteObject = (SampleServer)Naming.lookup(url);
System.out.println("Got remote object");
System.out.println(" 1 + 2 = " + remoteObject.sum(10,20) );
catch (RemoteException exc) {
System.out.println("Error in lookup: " + exc.toString());
catch ( exc) {
System.out.println("Malformed URL: " + exc.toString());
catch (java.rmi.NotBoundException exc) {
System.out.println("NotBound: " + exc.toString());
15 }
Compile the java source files in command prompt
> javac
> javac
> javac
Generate stubs and skeleton code. The RMI system provides an RMI
compiler (rmic) that takes the implemented interface class and
produces stub code on itself.
> rmic SampleServerImpl
The rmiregistry uses port 1099 by default. You can also bind
rmiregistry to a different port by indicating the new port
number as : rmiregistry <new port>
Once the Registry is started, the server can be started and will be able
to store itself in the Registry.
In the command line, to start the remote server:
> java SampleServerImpl
grant {
The easiest way to try a distributed architecture is to copy all required
files manually to correct machines/directories:
Copy SampleClient.class (client),
SampleServerImpl_Stub.class (stub), SampleServer.class
(interface) to a directory on the client machine .
Copy SampleServer.class (interface), SampleServerImpl.class
(its implementation), and SampleServerImpl_Stub.class (stub) to a
directory on the server machine.
*** If your implementation has a database connection, you can
consider putting the database in a third machine=> 3 Tier
Stands for Common Object Request Broker Architecture(CORBA)
Is a communication infrastructure for distributed objects
Allows a heterogeneous, distributed collection of objects to
collaborate transparently
A specification for creating distributed objects
CORBA is NOT a programming language
Its architecture is based on the object model
Promotes design of applications as a set of cooperating objects
OMG Object Model: object is defined as what the client could see.
OMG- Is an industry Consortium with over 855 member companies
formed to develop a distributed object standard
Developing distributed applications
Locating remote objects on a network
Sending messages to those objects
Common interface for transactions, security, etc.
Client Server
request response
“Object Bus”
Gives the communication infrastructure that is capable of relaying
object requests across distributed platforms.
Client calls the Object implementation through interfaces
provided by ORB.
Separates Client and Server implementation
Separates both client and Server from underlying communication
infrastructure and protocol stack and so replaceable while migration
from one implementation to other
Internet Inter-Orb Protocol
Network or “wire” protocol
Works across TCP/IP (the Internet protocol)
The CORBA Interface Definition Language (IDL)
Declaring data members, methods, and parameters
The interface compiler
Separating client and server on different machines
IDL is used to describe the interfaces that client objects call and
that object implementations provide.
It is a specification that enables interoperability by separating
interface from implementation.
It is not a programming language – has no constructs
It maps to many programming languages like C, C++, Java, and
COBOL via OMG standards
The interface is the syntax part of the contract that the server object offers to the clients
that invoke it
Clients access objects only through their advertised interface, invoking only those
operations that the object exposes through its IDL interface, with only those parameters
(input and output) that are included in the invocation
The IDL interface definition is independent of programming language.
It is mapped to programming languages using the interface compiler.
module Calc
{ interface Calculator
float calculate(in float val1, in float val2, in
char operator);
This is an interface for a Calculator with one method – calculate.
A module can have many interfaces.
Data members are declared using the attribute keyword.
The declaration must include a name and a type.
Attributes are readable and writable by default. To make a
readonly attribute, use the readonly keyword.
IDL compiler generates public read and write methods for the
data member as required.
For example,
attribute long assignable ;
int assignable();
void assignable (int i);
CORBA const values declared in an IDL map to public static
final fields in the corresponding Java interface.
Constants not declared inside the interface are mapped to public
interface with the same name containing a field value.
const float sample = 2.3;
It is also possible to define your own types using the typedef
typedef string name;
Methods are declared by specifying name, return type, and
float calculate(in float val1, in float
val2, in char operator);
Methods can optionally throw exceptions. User-defined
exceptions must be declared in the IDL.
Methods are synchronous by default.
The client program will wait for the remote method to execute
and return.
Asynchronous methods are defined using the oneway keyword.
oneway methods have no return value, can have input
parameters only and cannot throw exceptions.
The client makes the call to the oneway method and continues
processing while the remote object executes it – the client is
not blocked.
module Calc{
interface Calculator{
//User-defined exception
exception MyException{};
//synchronous method
float calculate(in float val1, in float val2, in
char operator) raises (MyException);
//asynchronous method
oneway void setvalue(in long val);
There are two types of CORBA exceptions:
System Exceptions are thrown when something goes wrong with the
User Exceptions are generated if something goes wrong inside the
They are declared inside the IDL definition for the object, and are
Parameters can be of following types:
To compile the IDL to java using idlj,
idlj -fall <idl_file_name>
The –fall option creates both server and client files
-fclient generates client files only (default)
–fserver generates server files only
The following classes are created when Calc.idl is compiled using idlj
Calc.Calculator - The IDL interface represented as a Java interface
Calc.CalculatorHelper - Implements the type operations for the
Calc.CalculatorHolder - Used for out and inout parameters
Calc.CalculatorOperations – The interface that defines the exposed
remote methods
Calc.CalculatorStub - The client stub. Implements a local object
representing the remote CORBA object
This object forwards all requests to the remote object. The client does not use
this class directly
Calc.CalculatorImplBase - An abstract class that implements the
Calculator interface.
It is the server skeleton
Client Server
• _CalculatorStub • _CalculatorImplBase
• Calculator • Calculator
• CalculatorHelper
• CalculatorOperations
• CalculatorHolder
• CalculatorOperations
Implement the client
Compile the client
Implement the server
Compile the server
Start ORB
Start server
Start client
A naming service maintains a set of bindings that relate names to
All objects in a naming system are named in the same way (that
is, they subscribe to the same naming convention)
Clients use the naming service to locate objects by name
Making a request to a service or accessing an object by means
of inter-process communication requires that one must first
locate the service or object.
Service are abstractions of objects.
They are usually represented by processes with a service access
Object may be users, computers, communication links or other
42 resources such as files.
Services and Objects are normally identified by textual names.
Alternatively, if names are unknown, service or object entities can be
described by using attributes associated with them.
Although services and objects have distinct meanings, their naming
issues are similar
Name and Directory services, in a narrow sense are look-up
The terms name service and directory service are often used
Object-oriented middleware uses object references to address
server objects
We need to find a way to get hold of these object references
without assuming physical locations
A name is a sequence of character strings that can be bound to an
object reference
A name binding can be resolved to obtain the object reference
There may be many server objects in a distributed object system
Server objects may have several names
Naming Service
2. resolve
1. Create binding
Client Server
The naming service for CORBA applications; allows applications
to store and access references to CORBA objects.
The CORBA naming service is used by
Clients to locate CORBA objects
Servers to advertise specific CORBA objects
Server creates associations between names and object references
for the CORBA objects (object binding)
Client retrieve the object references by querying the naming
service and using the name as the key.