Earnings Per Share (EPS) : RCJ Chapter 15 (836-842)
Earnings Per Share (EPS) : RCJ Chapter 15 (836-842)
Earnings Per Share (EPS) : RCJ Chapter 15 (836-842)
Paul Zarowin 2
Basic EPS
Net income - Preferred dividends
Basic EPS
Weighted average number of common stock outstanding
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Basic EPS - Example
On January 1, 2001 Solomon Corporation had:
160,000 common shares outstanding.
10,000 preferred shares, $100 par value, 7%
On September 1, 2001 the company issued 40,000
additional common shares.
The net income for 2001: $1,257,331
What is the basic EPS?
Preferred dividends = 10,000 x 100 x0.07 = $70,000
(a) Shares (b) Portion Weighted shares
Time span outstanding of year (col. a x col. b)
Jan 1 - Aug 31 160,000 2/3 106,667
Sep1 - Dec 31 200,000 1/3 66,667
$1,257,331 - $70,000
Basic EPS $6.85 per share
173,334 shares 4
Basic EPS (cont’d)
EPS is from common shareholders’ viewpoint
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Effect of Treasury Stock Transactions
1. Purchase of treasury shares:
DR Treasury stock (contra O/E A/C)
CR Cash
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Effect of Treasury Stock Transactions (cont’d)
Key point:
Transactions in own common stock don’t affect NI
(proprietary viewpoint), only affect number of shares
outstanding; so firms can manipulate EPS
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Diluted EPS
SFAS No. 128 requires companies with complex capital
structures to compute another measure called diluted
earnings per share.
Income adjustments due to
Net income - Preferred dividends + dilutive financial instruments
Diluted EPS =
Weighted average number of + Newly issuable shares due to
common shares outstanding dilutive financial instruments
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Step 1: calculate the effect of options and
warrants on EPS
Treasury Method:
Q: Option exercise price < Market price
Yes No
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Example: Now assume that Solomon Corporation issued
options to buy 20,000 shares of common stock at $100
per share. The market price is $114. What is the diluted
Option exercise price 100$ < Market price 114$
Upon full exercise of option additional 20,000
The proceeds 20,000 X $100 = $2,000,000
are assumed to be used to repurchase previously
issued common shares at the $114 market price.
$114 per share
The dilution effect: 20,000 – 17,544 = 2,456 shares
$1,257,331- 70,000
Diluted EPS $6.75 per share
173,334 2,456
Step 2: calculate effect of convertible
securities on EPS
‘if-converted method’ (one convertible security)
Increase in EPS denominator: calculate additional shares under
full conversion.
Increase in EPS numerator: Calculate increase in net income if
Yes No
3.25 6.75
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If converted method with multiple
convertible securities
Rank all convertible securities by conversion ratio; take
convertible with lowest conversion ratio*
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