1. Theoretical approaches
Theoretical approaches for estimation of lateral earth
pressure include (a) Coulumb’s earth pressure theory, (b)
Rankine earth’s theory, (c) limit analysis, and (d) elasticity
2. Empirical approaches
Empirical approaches are for the design of indeterminate
foundation structures such as bracing excavation and
anchored bulkhead.
XI. Lateral Earth Pressure
Retaining Walls
1. Gravity retaining wall is a massive concrete wall relying on its mass to resist the
lateral forces from the retained soil mass.
2. Semi – gravity wall is in essence of gravity wall that has been given a wider base
(a toe or heel or both) to increase its stability. Some reinforcement is usually
necessary for this type of wall.
3. Flexible retaining wall or a sheet pile wall is a long slender wall relying on passive
resistance and anchors or props for its stability.
4. Mechanical stabilized earth is a gravity type retaining wall in which the soil is
reinforced by thin reinforcing elements (steel, fabric, fibers, etc.).
5. T – Shaped wall is perhaps the most common cantilever wall. For this type of wall,
the weight of the earth in the back of the stem (the backfill) contributes to its
6. L – Shaped wall is frequently used when properly line restrictions forbid the use of T
– Shaped wall. On the other hand, when it is not feasible (due to construction
limitation) to excavate for a heel, a reversed L – Shape may serve the need.
7. Counterfort retaining wall consists of three main components: base, stem and
intermittent vertical ribs called counterforts, which tie the base and the stem
together. These ribs, which act as tension ties, transform the stem and heel into
continuous slabs supported on three sides – at two adjacent counterforts and at
the base stem.
8. Buttressed wall is constructed by placing the ribs on the front face of the stem
where they act in compression.
9. Bridge abutment is a retaining wall, generally short and typically accompanied by
wing walls.
XI. Lateral Earth Pressure
XI. Lateral Earth Pressure
Ko = = 1 − sin∅
Where ∅ is the drained friction angle
XI. Lateral Earth Pressure
Earth Pressure at Rest
1. For dense sand backfill:
K o = 1 − sin ∅ + − 1 5.5
d = actual compacted dry unit weight of the sand behind
the wall
dmin = dry unit weight of the sand in the loosest state
Preconsolidated pressure
Present effective overburden pressure
XI. Lateral Earth Pressure
Stabilizing moments
FSo =
Overturning moments
For granular backfill, FSo ≥ 1. 5
For cohesive backfill, FSo ≥ 2. 0
The horizontal components of the lateral forces tend to force the wall to
slide along its base. The resisting force is provided by the horizontal forces
composed of friction and adhesion, and by passive resistance of soil in
front of the wall. The passive resistance is not to be counted on if there is
a chance that the soil in front of the wall may be eroded or excavated
during the life of the wall.
1. A vertical retaining wall having a height of 6 m supporting a horizontal ground level at the
top and the soil beneath the ground surface has a unit weight of 15. 74 kN/m3 and an angle
of internal friction of 30o. Compute the Rankine active force per unit length of wall.
2. A retaining wall having a smooth vertical back is to retained a drained cohesionless soil with
a horizontal surface to a depth of 9 m. The soil has an angle of internal friction of 30o and a
unit weight of 19. 8 kN/m3. Determine the total active thrust acting on the wall when there is
a uniform surcharge on the soil surface of 50 kN/m2.
3. Determine the active pressure at the bottom of the wall 4 m high which retains soil having an
angle of internal friction of 30o and cohesion of 4 kN/m2. Unit weight of soil is 18 kN/m3.
Assume no tension cracks occur in the soil.
4. A vertical retaining wall has a height of 5 m and supports a horizontal backfill on level with
the top of the wall. The water table is located 2. 5 m below the top of the wall. The unit
weight of soil above the water table is 16. 5 kN/m3 with an angle of internal friction of 30o. The
saturated unit weight of soil below the water table is 19. 3 kN/m3 and an angle of internal
friction of 30o. Compute the lateral earth pressure at rest acting perpendicular to the wall.
5. A retaining wall is required to retain a soil mass having a depth of 10 m. Determine the
Rankine active force per unit length of the wall. Angle of internal friction of dry sand is 30o.
Ground water table is located 4 m below the ground level surface. Dry unit weight of soil is
15. 60 kN/m3, the angle of internal friction for the layer sand below the water table is 35o with
a saturated unit weight of 17. 4 kN/m3.
6. A vertical retaining wall with a horizontal backfill has a height of 6 m and backfill having a
unit weight of 17. 5 kN/m3, an angle of internal friction of 35o, angle of wall friction is 10o.
Determine the passive force per unit length of wall using Coulomb’s theory.
7. A 6m cantilever wall retains soil that has the following properties: angle of internal friction 30o
and soil weighs 19. 2 kN/m3. The ground surface behind the wall is inclined at a slope of 3
horizontal to 1 vertical and the wall has moved sufficiently to develop the active condition.
Determine the normal force acting on the wall using Rankine’s theory.
XII. Soil Bearing Capacity
A. Introduction
10. Net bearing capacity is gross bearing capacity minus the original overburden
pressure or surcharge pressure at the foundation level; obviously, this will be the
same as the gross capacity when the depth of foundation is zero, i. e., the
structure is founded at ground level.
11. Allowable bearing capacity or Safe bearing capacity (qa) is the ultimate bearing
capacity divided by the factor of safety. The factor of safety in foundation may
range from 2 to 5, depending upon the importance of the structure, and the soil
profile at the site. This factor of safety should be applied to the net ultimate
bearing capacity and the surcharge pressure due to depth of the foundation
should then be added to get the safe bearing capacity or is the working
pressure that would ensure a margin of safety against collapse of the structure
from shear failure. The allowable bearing capacity is usually a fraction of the
ultimate net bearing capacity.
It is thus the maximum intensity of loading which can be transmitted to the
soil without the risk of shear failure, irrespective of the settlement that may occur.
12. Factor of safety or safety factor (FS) is the ratio of the ultimate net bearing
capacity to the allowable bearing capacity or to the applied maximum vertical
stress. In the geotechnical engineering, a factor of safety between 1. 5 and 5 is
used to calculate the allowable bearing capacity.
13. Ultimate limit state defines a limiting shear stress that should not be exceeded by
any conceivable or anticipated loading during the design life of a foundation or
any geotechnical system
14. Serviceability limit state defines a limiting deformation or settlement of a
foundation, which, if exceeded, will impair the function of the structure that it
XII. Soil Bearing Capacity
C. Bearing Capacity
The conventional design of a foundation is based on the concept of
bearing capacity or allowable bearing pressure.
Criteria for the Determination of Bearing Capacity
These two criteria are known as the shear strength criterion, and
settlement criterion, respectively. These are independent criteria and hence
require independent investigation. The design value of the safe bearing capacity,
obviously, would be the smaller of the two values, obtained from these two criteria.
This has already been defined as the allowable bearing pressure.
XII. Soil Bearing Capacity
The following methods are available for the determination of bearing capacity of a
1. Bearing capacity tables in various building codes
Bearing capacity tables have been evolved by certain agencies and incorporated in
building codes. They are mostly based on past experience and some investigations.
2. Analytical methods
A number of analytical approaches, based on the work of Rankine, Fellenius, Housel,
Prandtl, Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Skempton, Hansen and Bella may be used. Some of these
would be dealt with in later sections.
4. Penetration tests
Penetration tests are conducted with devices known as “Penetrometers”, which measure
the resistance of soil to penetration. This is correlated to bearing capacity.
6. Laboratory tests
Laboratory tests which are simple may be useful in arriving at bearing capacity,
especially of pure clays.
Safe Bearing Capacity (IS: 1904 – 1986 Revised)
XII. Soil Bearing Capacity
Safe Bearing
Types of Rock or Soil Capacity Remarks
kN/m2 (t/m2)
I. Rocks
I. Cohesionless Soils
1. Gravel, sand and gravel, compact and 440 (45) See note 2
offering high resistance to penetration
when excavated by tools
100 (10)
Safe Bearing Capacity (IS: 1904 – 1986 Revised)
XII. Soil Bearing Capacity
I. Cohesive Soils
1. Soft shale, hard or stiff clay, dry 440 (45) Susceptible to long – term consolidation
1. Medium clay, readily indented 245 (25)
with a thumb nail
Note 1: Values listed in the table are from shear consideration only.
Note 2: Values are very much rough for the following reasons:
Effect of characteristics of foundations (that is, effect of depth,
width, shape, roughness, etc…) has not been considered.
Effect of range of soil properties (that is, angle of internal friction,
cohesion, water table, density, etc.) has not been considered.
Effect of eccentricity and inclination of loads has not been
Note 3: For non – cohesive soils, the values listed in the table shall
be reduced by 50%, if the water table is above or near the base of
Types of Footings
A footing is that part of a structure which serves to transmit the weight of the
structure to the natural deposits.
WDL + WF + Ws
qallow =
5. Net Allowable Bearing Capacity
7. Ultimate Bearing capacity of Actual Footing using results of field load test
For clays
qu(footing) = qu(plate)
For clays
S plate B footing
S footing =
B plate
For sandy soil
S plate 2B footing
S footing = 2
B footing + B plate
Note: Load carried by a footing of area A and perimeter P that rests on a cohesive soil
for a given settlement.
Q = Aq + Ps
where : Q = load carried by footing
A = area of footing
q = compression stress below the footing
Ps = unit shear stress at the perimeter
XII. Soil Bearing Capacity
Ressner Equation
Nq = etan∅ tan2 45o +
Prandt Equation
Nc = Nq − 1 cot∅
Caquot and Kerisel equation
N = 2 Nq + 1 tan∅
Sample Problems:
2. A square footing shown has a dimension of 1m x1m has its bottom 2.5
m below the ground surface .Angle of friction of the soil foundation is 30°.
Unit weight of soil is 18.1 kN/m3 with a cohesion of 15.7 kN/m2. saturated
unit weight of soil is 19.3 kN/m3. Factor of safety is 3.0.
a) Compute the value of the bearing capacity factor Nq.
b) Compute the net allowable load that the footing could carry if the
ground water table is located 0.20 m below the foundation footing.
c) Compute the net allowable load that the footing could carry if the
ground water table is located 1.2 m below the ground surface.
XII. Soil Bearing Capacity
Sample Problems:
Sample Problems:
qu = c λcs λcd λci N + q λqs λqd λqi Nq + (1/2) ( λys λyd λyi y B Ny )
Where: λcs, λqs and λys = shape factors D. Depth factors for Df /B > 1
λcd, λqd and λyd = depth factors
λci, λqi and λyi = inclination factors λqd = 1 + 2 tan ∅ ( 1 – sin ∅ )2 tan-1 ( Df / B )
B. Shape factors for square and circular footing F. Depth factor for ∅ = 1; when ( Df /B ) > 1
1. Subsoil stratification
2. Shear strength parameters of the subsoil
3. Location of the ground water table
4. Environmental factors
5. Building size and weight
6. Depth of excavation
7. Type of structure
Hence, the allowable bearing capacity at a given site must be
determined on the basis of the findings of soil exploration at the site,
past experience of foundation construction and fundamentals of
geotechnical engineering theories for bearing capacity.
Excessive settlement usually causes the building to crack, which may
ultimately lead to structural failure. Uniform settlement of a structure
does not produce cracking; on the other hand, differential settlement
may produce cracks and damage to building.
XII. Soil Bearing Capacity
1. A square footing 2m x 2m has its bottom 1.2 m below the ground surface.
Ground water table is at a depth of 1.8 m below the ground surface.
Unit weight of soil is 18.08 kN/m3 with no cohesion. Angle of internal
friction = 32o . Nc = 35.49 ; Nq =23.18 ; N = 30.22.
The saturated unit weight of soil below the ground water table is 21.07
a) Compute the Ultimate bearing capacity of the soil considering the
shape factors and depth factors.
b) Compute the gross allowable bearing capacity of the soil using a
factor of safety of 4.
c) Compute the safe gross load that the footing can carry.
2. For a certain soil the cohesion c is 50 kN/m2, the unit weight is 19.2
kN/m3. Angle of friction is 10o. Use N’c = 7.5 ; N’q = 1.8 ; N’ = 0.48
a) Assuming local shear failure, calculate the net ultimate bearing
capacity in kPa for a strip footing of width = 1.25m at a depth of 3m.
b) Considering general shear failure only, calculate the safe load in kN of
a rectangular footing 6m long by 1.25m wide at a depth of 3m using a
factor of safety of 2.5. Use Nc = 9 ; Nq = 2.5 ; N = 1.2
Use 𝑞𝑠 = + 𝛾𝐷𝑓 (𝑠𝑎𝑓𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒)
XII. Soil Bearing Capacity
3. For a certain soil the cohesion c is 50 kN/m2, the unit weight is 19.2
kN/m3. Angle of friction is 10o. Use N’c = 7.5 ; N’q = 1.8 ; N’ = 0.48
a) Assuming local shear failure, calculate the net ultimate bearing
capacity in kPa for a rectangular footing 6m long by 1.25m wide at a
depth of 4.5m.
b) Considering general shear failure only, calculate the safe load in kN of
a square footing 2.5m x 2.5m wide at a depth of 4.5m using a factor of
safety of 2.5. Use Nc = 9 ; Nq = 2.5 ; N = 1.2
Use 𝑞𝑠 = + 𝛾𝐷𝑓 (𝑠𝑎𝑓𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒)